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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Don V.

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  1. The Father's kingdom exists wherever His will prevails. We are asking for His will to become more prevalent within the overall society until it prevails everywhere. Of course that will not reach complete fruition until Christ returns, but there are right now islands of the kingdom scattered within the secular sea wherever believers gather. We are asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth because we were meant from the beginning to live within His kingdom and we are perpetually out of sorts when we live outside of it. We need to live as His subjects within His kingdom by constantly asking ourselves, "What would Jesus do if He were in my place right now?" The kingdom will then exist within our sphere of influence..
  2. We hold God's name to be holy by interacting with others as Jesus did -- with respect, compassion, patience, and love. Treating others rudely, disrespectfully, or indifferently denigrates both them and besmirches the name of their Creator. This includes the way we treat animals as well. We hallow His name in prayer just as Jesus did in the disciples' prayer -- by beginning each prayer with salutations of respect and appropriate awe and by praying as Jesus taught us to pray.
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