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About kman

  • Birthday 02/06/1954

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    Williamsport, PA
  • Interests
    I like to fish, read, walk, ride my bicycle, and play with my dog. Oh yeah, I like to watch golf and attempt to play it.

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  1. Seeking forgiveness to me is not only a cleansing of my soul and being in right standing with God but it is necessary for God to bless me as well. Unforgiveness clogs the flow of God's favor. It can block my blessings because in Malachi God tells Israel they need to repent and then He will open up the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing that we cannot contain. I believe that if I go throught he motions or do it for the wrong reasonss the channel of blessing will remain clogged.
  2. I can only speak for myself. I use to prefer to have that certain aire that i am a man, tough, rugged, independent, superior in knowledge, and superior in ability. Now I reach out for help and guidance because I have learned the hard way in most cases. God has seemingly never attempted to stop me from doing much of anything perhaps to teach me since I was too hard headed to learn by that still small voice. I must ask God the Father for everything because the one lesson I did learn was He wants and expects me to depend on Him and to seek Him for all things; from the burger or steaks I buy to the car or truck I drive. It is a matter of giving Him honor and glory, to walk humbly with Him, and to His will. Nehemiah was a cupbearer of the King, Solomon ask for understanding and wisdom, and Jesus sought the will of His Father, so who am I to be an independent and doing my own thing. I think we also seek to be independent because we are by nature rebellious.
  3. i have been asking Him to speed the day that the rature of the churchoccurs by winning more people to Christ because in my reckoning when the last person comes to Christ His Bride is out of here. I ask the Father to help me do His will like it is being done in Heaven so I am on th epage with Him. When I pray about some hurting person I know that in praying I need to help that one some how. I look at when praying this that I need to be a part of the solution..
  4. When I speak as Christ would speak or act as Christ would act these are some of the things I think would hallow the Father's name. I don't always act or speak in a Christ like manner and that desecrates and besmirches His name. I think in part, I can hallow the Father's name by coming humbly to the throne and not just boldly. I also think to hallow His name I should be thankful not just for what I have received from Him but give thanks and praise for who He is, e.g. the Creator God of the universe, the Father of Lights, etc. kman
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