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Everything posted by Bliz

  1. Having been a victim of adultery and divorce, I (like many out there) am suffering the consequences of anothers choice which is being backed and even funded by a prejudiced world system. I know that God can forgive anyone who truly repents, but the consequences are going to be far more devastating for those who alleviate their conscience by leaning on laws that fly in the face of God, than it will be for those who turn to the Lord for peace and protection amidst the suffering they are experiencing at the hands of the adulterer, and at the hands of the lawmakers and law enforcers who protect them. May Divine justice come to lawmakers who turn the tables on this haneous and grievous offence to punish the victims while protecting the perpetrators! Marriage is the only earthy covenant that our Lord has given amongst men, which is to mirror His covenant with us, and I believe that if gone unrepented of, the consequences are far greater for the adulterer than the sum total of those whose lives are being systematically destroyed by their actions. Perhaps another good question for another forum would be: Can a true believer divorce? As the Scriptures tell us about the non-believing spouse scenario, nothing is mentioned about believers divorcing... I truly believe that someone who initiates divorce apart from a sound Scriptural mandate is not a true believer to begin with. These people need salvation! Just food for thought... Although the Scriptures hold out redeeming hope for the adulterer, I am glad that Gods grace extends to the outermost, because it just as easily could be any one of us reading this who is on the other end of this topic. Despite the good news for those who have commited this sin, one fact still holds true: The wage of sin is still death. My weary soul cries out for justice in all of this, as the consequences simply don't & won't dissapear. I can only imagine how our Father feels about His experience with this. Jesus had to die because of our own bad choices. I can't wait for Christ's glorious return. What a wonderful day that will be! There will be no finger pointing in Heaven. Please accept my apology for wandering off topic just a bit. This one hit very close to home.
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