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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Donvan

  1. I agree with 'Warrior' that the 'end of term' occurs when Jesus returns. I like the idea of being sealed by the Holy Spirit and delivered at the "end of the term". My name signed in the book of life. Sealed by the Holy Spirit. Delivered at the day of redemption. A package deal. For me the Holy Spirit's sealing made me aware of His presence so that I knew I belonged to God. This sense of belonging remains after 33 years. Later I came to understand and appreciate being marked as God's property. It's nice to belong to someone and get to know them before you meet them, if that makes sense, and to know this is one relationship that only gets better with time. 'Downpayment' gives me a sense of value. It's interesting that the Holy Spirit is referred to as Spiritual Currency of sorts. Divine Coinage put down as a guarantee on future delivery. Him in me, very cool. The value of my spiritual stock went from less than nothing to unimaginable at the moment of repentance. Can't imagine what the lump sum payoff will be like. I think Paul was probably a good businessman as well as fine apostle.
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