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About wilks52

  • Birthday 09/25/1952

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  1. The ways of the world, friendship of the world,corruption in the world. All these thing are of the world and not of the Father. Those who choose to follow them will be lost. 2. We are blind and in the darkness when it comes to being in the light of the world. The true light is Jesus Christ, he is the only way of of the darkness. Trusting in him is our only way out. 3. The world is passing away.
  2. Love not the world or the things in it. This is a subject that I have been deep into for a while. World as we know it is not the physical world or the human world, but is is the world of sin and evil. The **** of the flesh, of the eyes and the pride of life. We are not to forces on such things as they will pass away. Loving the world makes it impossible to love the father : why because if you love him you must keep his commandments. You can not if you have love for the world and the things in it. First John 2:15 not only says that we should not love the system in general , but also the things that are in it. There are many things in the systems that are wrong.We know that it is wrong to have sex before marriage, to have sex with someone who is not our husband or wife. These thing are of the world not of God.
  3. These are the stages in a Christian life. We start out as children and grow into father. Each stage builds upon the other. 2. He tells them that there sins have been forgliven, they know him, have overcome the evil one, they are strong and the word of God lives in them.
  4. We have a new command, we should love one another. Hate blinds us, it makes us unable to see what is going on. Unforgiveness cuts us off from forgiveness of our own sins. 2. As we grow spirituality in love we are to let go of our bitterness and live in love.
  5. Our defense attorney Christ is on the case. We can be sure that our case is in good hands, we should strive to be more like Christ and turn away from sin.
  6. There are rules and then there is rules. To be a true and authentic Christian one must follow rules, but just keeping rules and making them up as we go is wrong. True love is from the heart, while legalism is only a form of faith in God's Grace. Stay true to Christ.
  7. To confess means to admit to something. Confessing to our sins is vital to our souls, if we stop acknowledge our sins our hearts dries up for God. He promises to forgive our sins, to purity us from all upright. Forgiveness means to release from the legal or moral obligation of consequence. Cleaning means to purity, to make clean.
  8. We tend to believe that we are true Christian, but true believes walk not in darkness, but in light. One must first have true fellowship with God for them to just believe in him.
  9. When we walk in darkness, we are not walking in fellowship with God and we are deceiving ourselves. When we walk in the light we have fellowship with God. To go back to God we must confess our sins.
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  11. Hello, My name is Patricia and I am looking forward to this new study.
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