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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Sally A

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  1. What does it mean that David desires to "dewll in the house of the Lord? Dwelling in the house of the Lord means David is close to God at all times. Also the temple means any important dwelling, so it can mean the tent that David erected for the Ark of the Covenant. What does it mean to seek God's face? Seeking God's face means to have a personal meeting with God. How does David provide hope at the end of this Psalm? Be strong and take heart. Having strength and perserverance.
  2. Our choir does an anthem on Psalm 8 and it is one of my favorite anthems. Gives me goose bumps every time we sing it. When I gaze into the night sky, and see the works of your fingers. The moon and stars suspended in space. What is man that you are mindful of him, and the Son of man that you visitest him? Oh Lord our God you have created man a little lower then the angels. And have crowned him with honor and glory. Taking the form of a servant and becoming like men.
  3. The Psalmist is awe struck at how God has constructed each one of us as his children. I think of this now, as my niece is only a month pregnant and how tiny that embryo is inside of her right now, and what will happen 8 months from now when the baby is born. Wow what an awesome thought that is!!! Knowing that we are made right down to our inner most being, is more then I can phantom, and I believe that it is more then the psalmist could phantom also. The Psalmist asks God to search him and know what is in the psalmist heart. Test his thoughts, and lead the psalmist and us in the everlasting way.
  4. The glory of God and his creation is the common thread of the Psalm. The psalmist loves Gods word and has seen great glory in God's nature. Yes looking at the mountains God has created in the United States. I ask my self each time I see the mountains, how can anybody not believe that there is a God!! God seems awed by his creation. David prays for his outer life as well as his inner life.
  5. Psalm 8 teaches us that God is majestic, excellant, magnificent. That the boundless God of creation so cares for us, that his Son humbles himself to becom lower then angels. We are to rule responsibly over the earth. The earth is the work of God's hands.
  6. Hi all, My name is Sally I live on the West Coast of Florida in the United States. I have taught a Bible study at my church, I sing in my church choir. I love the Psalms so I am looking forward to this study. Hope all have a blessed weekend. Looking forward to answering the questions. God bless, Sally
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