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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Todd Ringness

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Newbie (1/3)



  1. Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! What a treat to sign up for this Bible study and see all this family that I haven't met yet! God bless you all as you seek more of Him through His Word. My wife and I arrived here in Mexico about four years ago as independent missionaries, after selling nearly everything back in Canada. We just followed the Lord here. We thought we knew what was going to happen here, but things did not work out as hoped. We have since taken up tent-making opportunities (I'm a freelance writer/editor/website developer, and my wife is a nanny) and we continue to serve the Lord through our work with a local orphanage, which has turned out to be an enormous gift to us... in many more ways than one. God is faithful AND full of surprises when we finally submit to Him! I look forward to our study of His Word together with you, my brothers and sisters In Him, Todd Ringness Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico
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