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Everything posted by manuelhankala
Dear pastor Dr.Ralph.F. Wilson..........and all sisters & brothers who are writing in this forum......Would you please pray for me, because,I am now in procses of recovering of my sickness...in last month I have done second operation in the hospital.. the first one was in May,2011,I was diagnosised a Cancer in my Colon, but I believe that My LORD & SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, He is My HEALER also.I stand firm upon his promises in The HOLY BIBLE(And by his stripes we are healed...Isaiah 53:5)(by whose stripes(wounds) you were healed.....1 peter 2: 24)God bless you all.your brother in christ.
Q4. The Purpose of the Law
manuelhankala replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Faith Is the Key, not Law (Galatians 3:1-25)
Q4(Galatians 3:19-25) What was the purpose of the Law? to restrain the sinful nature, to point us to faith in the Messiah as our only hope to get saved. Was it intended to justify aperson? NO! In what ways did it restrain sin? restrain the Jews from their ungodly neighbors that were worshiping false gods. that the Lord choose them as Holy people for Him. In what ways did it expose sin ? in the ways that when we fail to obseve the Law perfectly, when we fail in onething, we are failed in all . for the bible had said ( for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. Romans 3:23) -
Q3. The Curse of the Law
manuelhankala replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Faith Is the Key, not Law (Galatians 3:1-25)
Q3(Galatians 3:10-14) What is paul 's argument for Salvation by Faith based on the concept of the"(curse of the Law)? The Lord Jesus christ had redeeming us from the curse of the Law, and he becoming a curse for us.all who depend on observing the alw are under a curse, no one was Justified before God by the Law. On what basis do the Gentiles recieve the "the promise of the spirit"? On the basis of FAITH in the Lord Jesus Christ and his finished work upon the Cross, and only through faith to recieve the promise of the Spirit That they recieved when they believed on the Lord, Then The spirit was poured on the day of pentecost (Acts 2) . -
Q2. Children of Abraham
manuelhankala replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Faith Is the Key, not Law (Galatians 3:1-25)
Q2(Galatians) What is paul argument for Salvation? Those who believe in God only (like abraham did ). They will be credited to them as righteousness.Because Abraham was Justified by faith according to( Genesis 15:6 ..Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.) Salvation came only by Faith, and Not with the observing the law. All that they believe in the Lord Jesus christ as their savior, they will be Justified. and get saved. In what sense are we '' children of Abraham''? Now, All who(JEWS& GENTILES) comes and believe in the Lord Jesus as their LORD & SAVIOR.they will be Abraham spirirtual's children, because they( like Abraham) believed the Lord, and accounted to them as righteousness. because God promised Abraham when he said ( All nations will be blessed through you Genesis 12:3). -
4-(Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the spirit? When they believed first time they had recieved the Holy spirit, and He was working with miracle & wonders in their life , Then the Judaizers came to them trying to get them back to observe the law. Paul told them that they had get saved through faith & works of the Holy spirit ,not through the Law.they start walking throught the spirit of LORD. and they Want to walk according to the flesh as the Judaizers want to deceive them. What does this tell us about the spiritual that environment of the Galatians Churches? First they were walking in the spirit with manifestations of miracles in their life,then were decived by the Judaizers when they told them to observe the Law , and this is not the teaching that they had recieved from Apostle Paul, It is from the Flesh not from the Holy Spirit.and he was telling them that time of Law has had finished, with the work of the Lord Jesus upon the Cross . Now we enter in the ERA of GRACE not Law. How can we regain this Dynamic environment in our own congregation? When we always let the Holy spirit led & teach us, and release His gifts in our congregations .and Do not quench the spirit of the LORD of what he can do or not . Not put him in a box .Our God He is Great & powerful, more than we can comprehensible . there is no change in him. LORD is the same yesterday, today and forever, as he was in the first century church doing miracle & wonders, he still Now doing the same things, because he is our SAVIOR,HEALER,DELIVERER, He still doing miracles & wonders this days. All the revivals that started after the Reformers time was initiated& leaded by the Holy Spirit with signs ,Miracles, and wonders. where were people get saved, there was also people get healed and set free from the bondages of satan. THIS OUR LORD .Hallelujah.. praise the LORD. We give him all The GLORY , HONOR,and Praise.. FOREVER ......Amen.
Q%(Galatians 2:20) In what sense have we been "Crucified with christ" ? We Crucified our old sinful life with christ and enter to a new life when we were born again from the spirit of the Lord. What does that mean? it is mean,Now the Lord lives in us, and not our sinful life, and He is in control of our life. In what sense do "I not Longer Live"? The older sinful no longer lives.But the Lord through his spirit able me to Walk in spirit ,and not in the flesh. Whose life now Motivates us ? The Life of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. How does this verse relate to Paul's closing comments about the "New Creation " (Galatians 6:15)? Every one who comes to believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST as his LORD & SAVIOR he became New Creation, no matter what was his background believes, JEWS or Gentiles, You can not boast in any works of the flesh.but walking in the spirit of the LORD....he was talking to the Jews and said to them that circumcision nor uncircumcion avails anything for them , Now the Life in christ it is important thing for them, it is a New Creation. Depending only upon the Grace of the LORD, not through the Works of the LAW. What does Galatians 2:20 Teach about Christ's attitude Toward us? The Lord Loved us so much( from him to us that He payed the penalty of our sins, that is death) and died for us, and when we accept this offering, it is a free Gift, then We put our old sinful life in him by faith( Crucified our sinful life) and Walk in spirit. and we are now New creation (Therefore, if anyone is in christ, he is a NEW CREATION. old things have passed away, behold, ALL THINGS HAVE BECOME NEW...2 Corinthians 5:17)......
Q:4 (Galatians 2 :15-21 ) What happens to the importance of christ's death if circumcision is deemed necessary to Salvation? It is means that christ's death was not sufficiant for our Salvation. Why was this issue of the sufficiency of the messiah's death so important in Paul's day? It was so important for both Jews& Gentiles to put their Faith & Trust in the sufficiency of Christ's death, and stop Looking Back to observing the Law. Why was this issue important to Luther and the reformers? The Lord in his Mercy& Grace choose Martin Luther & other Reformers to reveal to Them that ( The Just shall live by Faith...Romans 1:17)and (A man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the Law...Romans3:28 )and ( being justified FREELY by HIS GRACE through the REDEMPTION that is in CHRIST JESUS....Romans 3:24) and all this veres in (The Epistle of Paul to the Romans ). After a hundreds of years the church was decieved ,and turn back from the true Gospel, unfortunatly..untill now in this days, there is still many churches, they believing and teaching to their people that works is needed also to get save. Why is it important in our own day? The message of Salvation It is the Same yesterday,Today and forever.there is no change..We must pray for our Brothers & sisters in the flesh , I mean our friends and Relatives who attendant this churches and Explain to them that Salvation comes only through GRACE of GOD ( IT is mean Free Gift from God We do not desreved) and by Faith ONLY in THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and his Death upon the CROSS for US.We can not enter the Heaven through our Works.I am saying that because the LORD in his GRACE & MERCY he had open my eyes to this TRUTH and then GET SAVED. because before I was belong to one of these Churches. Praise the LORD How does it affect the relative legalism of our Congregations? As I said above.( Christianty it is not religion, like other religions in the World today)( It is The only Way To Heaven.......(.JESUS said I am the WAY, the Truth,and the LIFE. No one comes to the FATHER except through ME. John 14: 6).It is a relationship with the LORD JESUS CHRIST, without any works or deeds...All you Need is JESUS. focus on Him,worship him, obey Him, Let him used you, to go to the others that they must need JESUS to be their savior & LORD and be Born again. then they can Enter the Heaven without any WORKS>
Q:-3.....Why is it so hard to take the gospel to different peoples without wrapping it in our cultural pratices? I think evey christain believer or minister of the Gospel , who put The LORD in his heart to reach to other people or to be (Soul Winner) from another cultures or Religions, he must first ask the Lord Holy spirit to Lead & Teach him, How he must reach these people.through Love them & give the spiritual truth of the Gospel and not try to impose his culture upon them, and fix their eyes upon The LORD, and His love for them, because The Lord JESUS CHRIST Came to saves all the cultures, Religions,tribes, ect,,And our Gospel is pure & holy above all cultures & Traditions. Let the Lord Changes any things in their cultures that is not in Line with the Gospel in His time, We Can not change the people,Lord only can change the people. . Can you think of examples of this in church history? I will say something here from my experience. The Lord gave me a great privilege To reach To Muslim people . One of them was his name Mohammad when I Talked to him About the Lord. he accepted the LORD JESUS CHRIST as his Lord & personal savior.( Frankly, after many months later) and after he was Baptisized(Water Baptism) He Told me that he want to change his old name (Mohammad) because it is an muslim name, to another new name or christian name . But I told him. this is not very impotant for the Lord. because the Lord is also came to saves the whole world, and this mean muslim people also. But he insisted, and changed his old name to Daniel. What is the Danger? For the Case of this brother that I have mentioned above. when He want to go and visit his family in his country, and it is a muslim country, he will face troubles& persecution, if they find that he changed his name. its mean that he changed his religion.and this will cost him his life. How can we avoid such cultural faux pas in our church's missionary enterprises? We can avoid this. by studying the cultures of every place that we go to Evangelize, and be sensitive to the Leading of The LORD Holy Spirit. And What & How He want us to teach &Walk with this kind of people that the lord put us with them. not apply our culture on them so quickly..But Wait for the Lord to show us How must we Walk with them .
Q2. Public Confrontation
manuelhankala replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Justified by Faith in Christ (Galatians 2:11-21)
Q:-2(Galatians 2:14 ) Why do you think paul confronted Peter publicly rather than privately? There must be publicly. for all to hear Jews& Gentiles to know that salvation comes only through Grace of God and by Faith in Him, and not in the Law's rituals, or eating special foods or circumcision Do you expect Paul had talked with peter about this previously? I expect that, becuase there was no change in peter's character,for that Paul had done it publicly. How did public discussion of this benefit the Jewish christians? They Learn how the LORD accepted the Gentile christians like them without depending on the Law ,and they are not( theJews) ( first class )and Gentile christians ( second class), and the observing of the LAW, will not benefit them for any things, and that they must leave the works of the law.But only thing that will be benefit for them,is to put their Faith& trust in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and his work that he done for them upon the CROSS to save them .Salvation is a Free Gift from the Lord to whoever believes in him .Salvation only comes by Faith and not by Works(Law).(For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life...John 3:16)(( For by Grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the GIFT of GOD, not of Works, lest anyone should boast...Ephesians 2:8,9). How did it benefit the Gentile christians? that they are EQUAL with Jews as believers in Lord JESUS CHRIST and there is no needing to be circumcised..or observe the Law. What kind of pressure do you think this put on paul? It was great pressure, Nevertheless.he had confident that the Lord was with him and he was leading by the Holy Spirit. For that, he was not afraid from men, even if all was against him. -
Q1. Peter's Hypocrisy
manuelhankala replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Justified by Faith in Christ (Galatians 2:11-21)
Q:1(Galations 2:11-14) Why do you think peter first embraced the Gentile Believers in Antioch and later withdraw from them to eat only with Jews? He was feared of his own reputation, He was walking to please Men and not God . He was in his weakness.(weak in his faith) What does this tell us about his character? He was afraid and Walking according to his flesh and not in the spirit, he was weak in his faith.he was hypocrite in this Case. What does this tell us about Barnaba? Also he was like peter weak in his faith and fear from men. What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors? Because they having the authority from apostle James and the Jerusalem's church . They demand that the Law must be observe to anyone who want to get save...it mean their source of authority was from Jersulem's chruch , not from God himself. Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? Yes. What should you do when you recover your senses? The Holy Spirit convited me of my Sin, then I repent and ask The Lord to forgive me.and the Lord indded forgave me(1John 1:9) -
Q 4(Galation 2:1-10) Why do you think paul seems to distance himself from the leaders of the jerusalem church?........Because Paul's opponents in Galatia are claiming that his authority come from the leaders in Jerusalem and he does not acknowledge the leaders authority over him...Why does he at the same time write of their approval of his ministry?.....To show his opponents in Galatia that the leaders of Jerusalem church had supported&approved his ministry to Gentiles...How does this further his argument to the Galatians in this letter?.....This approval of Jerusalem church leaders upon his ministry to the Gentiles, as Peter to the Jews..and this mean to Galatians that his teachings is true and they must trust him & his ministry.not like the teachings of Judaizers, they was preaching another Gospel....
Q 3(Galatians 2:1-3)paul is arguging that the Jerusalem leaders support his position on circumcision, rather than that of the Judaizers....what is the significance of paul's mention that Titus was not required to be circumcised?....The Jerusalem Leaders support Paul argument that circumcision or observing the Law is not necessary to get save, because salvation comes only( through Grace by Faith in the Lord Jesus christ for Jews and Gentiles)..and this is a true Gospel Teaching.
Q:2..(Galatians 1:13-16)...what factors in paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles?.....He was taught by Gamaliel in jerusalem and have zeal &good knowledge of the scriptures ,and he persecuted the church........How did God use his being different from others?...God chose him for special ministry, to preach to the Gentiles even in the beginning he was going preaching to the Jews.. when they did not accept his teaching about that Massiah is Jesus christ He went to the Gentiles, beside that he has ability, passion, knowledge,and ready to do anything what the Lord had him to do even to die for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ(Acts 21:13)..To ponder: How has your unique background fitted you for Ministry?..what uniqueness has God give you? what will it take to see that uniqueness as God- given strength rather than as an embarrassment?....My background it was like this. I was Roman catholic believer,But when the Lord Jesus christ by His Grace has saved me ,and I was born again, at that time I felt that I am Now true believer and that I have eternal life, then I went to my family members& relatives to tell them about the New life that I have found in Jesus Christ and asked everyone of them to accept the Lord Jesus christ as their personal Lord& savior to their lives, then they will have Eternal life in heave.Many of them they did not believe me,little of them believed, and I still untill Now praying for them to get save, not quit to share with them the Good news and tell them that Christianty is not religion or , one of the other religions in the world Today, But it is Relationship with the Lord Jesus christ.because He is The only way that leads us to Heaven, not other way or religion.(Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.... John 14:6).I Thank My God that He has saved me, and gave me a privilege& ability to share with others The true Gospel(saved by Grace through faith). I am ready to do whatever He want me to do for His Glory.
Q:1(Galatians 1:11-12) what is the source of Paul's gospel?The source of paul's gospel came by revelation recieved through personal encounter with Lord Jesus Christ himself(Acts 9:1-9)....How do we know that is a true Revelation? because it is came from the Lord Jesus christ and not from men. and we check it with other parts of the new testament.....How does it conform to our other foundational source of christian teachings?...there must be no contradiction to other teachings in the scripture.......what is the danger of taking the teaching of conteporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the scripture?.....We Must always check any New teachings with the scripture, if it will not align with New tastemnt teaching it will be false teaching and lead to deception...
Q2. Another Gospel
manuelhankala replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. No Other Gospel (Galatians 1:1-10)
Paul called judaizers message as a "(different gospel) a perversion of the true gospel.( Question 1):-How is this dangerous to Galatians believers? (Answer 1):-Because they start to leaving the true gospel that was preached to them by Paul and to believe what the judaizers were teaching that they also must observe the works of the law( and this is another gospel,or not gospel at all). and this is the contrary of the true Gospel ( that says , we have justified only by faith in the Lord Jesus christ and not by the works of the law, for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified)...(Question 2):-How do twisted gospels affect christian in our day?(Answer 2)There is no change of the word of God(The True Gospel) Teachings in our day also, anybody come to preach or teach the another Gospel that says our justification or righteousness must come through faith& works ,he is not true christian and will make conflict&confusion within the christians . Apostle Paul said to the Galatians and to all believers in verses 8&9(If anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed(anathema)...But The teaching of True Gospel is Clear Crystal....that we are justified only by faith in the Lord jesus christ and not by the works. and That we are saved by Grace through Faith....and this is mean that we are saved by Grace ( Grace it is a free gift from God without any works)....... through Faith.( Faith It is our faith in the Lord Jesus christ that he payed our penalty of death when he shed his precious blood upon the cross for us, and this is the only way that we must be justified and get saved) -
Q1. The Rescuer
manuelhankala replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. No Other Gospel (Galatians 1:1-10)
According to verse(4)(1) The Lord Jesus christ gave himself for the purpose to save us from our sinful life becuse the gospel says ( for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God ( Romans 3:23).( and also ( for the wage of the sin is death (Romans 6:23) the Lord died for us and gave us forgiveness of our sins and eternal life with him in The heaven.(2)The Lord rescue people today...when any one come to him and ask him to forgive his sins..and the lord will fogive him.. Then accept the Lord Jesus christ as his personal Lord & savior to his life .then the Lord wil dwell in his heart through the Holy spirit and the believer will be child of God and will have eternal life in heaven...(3) He keep them from falling back into their old life through the work of the Holy spirit who is dwelling now in the heart of every child of God, and the believer must let the Lord lead & guid him every day through the daily followship with the lord in worship& prayer and reading the bible and have followship with other believers.. and it is only by the grace of the lord we can stand firm in our faith in God and this will not make us falling back in to our old life(sinful life) .... God bless you all.