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  1. To be holy is to be without sin, a saint. I f we have no sin, we are without blame. I can only stand holy and blameless before God in a spiritual sense through faith in the One who became sin for me, who died for me and now lives for me, interceding for me ALWAYS and FOREVER.
  2. The scary part is we are ALL predestined! That realization takes away any pride in our role or place in it. God was the sole source of predestination. Paul is praising God for it (predestination)in the Ephesians hearing for they, too, were destined and the proper response is thankfulness and praising in the midst of the predestined. All thought of not belonging, not being chosen was stripped away for God had predestined ALL before the creation of the world.
  3. In a spiritual sense, by the Holy Spirit's action, ALL of me is in Christ and ALL of Him is in me. We are One in the Spirit of God, joined together at the Heart, the Spirit, nothing can ever seperate this union. What is true of Christ is now also true of me in the Spirit. His blessings are now my blessings and His glory is now my glory ( and on and on), not because of anything I did or thought, not by any choice but solely and wholly by the Grace of God.
  4. Eudora, I am pleased to meet you. What a beautiful Spirit-inspired prayer to which I say Amen.
  5. Hello everyone! My name is Sandy. I'm Mom to 4 and grammy to 5. I work as a staff nurse at a community hospital--in the rehab care center. I am looking forward to this study and praying for God's richest blessings upon us all as we journey together through Ephesians. May we all be enlightened and transformed. God bless!
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