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Q2.a. If I knew I was going to receive $10 million in a few years I would probably begin telling some folks. I believe I would seek out hurting missions and try to help them find their problem and offer them hope for the future. One thing for sure I would probably become excited. Q2.b. If we truly believe with our heart then we can know we have nothing to worry about. All our cares and concerns will soon be swallowed up in victory. We should live the remaining days of our lives realizing that nothing but nothing really matters but to help Jesus seek and save the lost. Q2.c. Again, to truly have this matter settled in our hearts there will no opportunity for animosity. We begin to turn from a who's right and who's wrong attitude and begin to live our lives by what is truth and what is error. That is when we can become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit and know when we have erred. We ask for forgiveness, make amends and get on with our lives telling others about our Wonderful Jesus. Our fellowship with other saints should be just as sweet with one as with the other.Many folks have different ideas about how they should worship but that should not be our concern. We still have One commonality and His name is above all names. Jesus Christ our Lord. An amazing mystical thing about Christianity is metting another Christian for the first time and being immediately in love.
Q9. Christian Hope
bro.ed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
Lesson 3.Q1b. With what we have to look forward to in and of it self is enough to lay all and by the way all means all and that is all that all means our worldly treasures. Our total focus should be toward heaven and realise that no matter what happens it does not change the true fact that when we die it is gain. Learn to live one a day at a time to the glory of God and whatsoever we do,we do it to the glory of God. Lesson 3.Q1c. Our focus should undoubtly be on the lost or better yet on the not yet saved. We as Christians need to realise that we could not possibly have this hope of glory if someone did not tell us about it. My challange to all the Christians in this world is to determine today; not tomorrow but today to tell someone about your faith in Christ. Tell them your story. They want to hear and need to hear. If our life style is not conducent to that of Christlikeness, ask God for forgiveness and the grace to change. Lesson 3.Q1d. After having a prison ministry for some years and have had opportunity to speak one on one with prisoners I have found that more are lost than saved in jail but the one thing they all have in common is that their present misery is not in what they feel but what they fear. The fear of what next. The fear of confrontation. The fear of a long prison sentence. The fear of loneliness. The fear for their families (ie) wife and children. The fear that all hope is gone. Before I was graciously forgiven , my phylosophy was, I'm only going around once so I might as well give all the gusto I got. That was an old beer commercial. I tried to make myself believe that as animal matter when I died that was it. There was nothing afterward but somehow that line of thought kept fading out of site and I kept wondering; "what if", "What if I'm wrong" ? I ask many folks how can a person go to heaven and many,many answers are to keep the Ten Commandments the best we can and hope that it is good enough. They are believing in a false hope. We need to help them get their hope secured in Christ. Dear Christian, I share my faith daily and if you would desire to learn how to share your faiyh in a non-confrontational way I would be more than glad to help. Email me at eprensch@earthlink.net. Until He comes,Bro. Ed -
Q9. Christian Hope
bro.ed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
Lesson 3. Q1. I do not know what you have to look forward to but I certainly "hope" it is the same thing I have to look foward to. When we hope for something there must be an object of our hope. For example, I hope I can get to see my grandchildren sometime this year. My grandchildren are the object of my hope.Seeing them would be the fulfillment of that hope. Before I was enlightened to salvation in Christ I have no idea what I ever hoped for. Everything in my life was dissapointing and fleeting and if anything did come to pass that is exactly what it did. Pass! But now "I have a hope that will surely endure". My hope is secure in that it is anchored in my Saviour Jesus Christ. He told me in His Word, "All the Father gives into My hand ,nothing can take it out". After that mini sermon, I have heaven to look forward to beginning now for Jesus said I have come to give them life and to give it to them more abundantly,Oh what a joy to be a Christian and after this part of my life is over I have the hope of continued living far beyond all my thoughts and expectations in heaven with Jesus and all others with like faith.. -
Q8. Seal and Downpayment
bro.ed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
The seal and the down payment or dowery. I like to somewhat compare this to the making of a will. When a will is made a promise is given. There is a set time for the will to be opened. This promise is sealed however unlike God's promise we are able to have ours unsealed and changed according to the way we feel about those on the receiving end. When God makes us a promise and seals it , it is set in concrete and will never be changed because we have a never changing God. The down payment is the touch of heaven we experience here.; Jesus said, " I have come to give them life and to give it more abundtly". To experience the abundant life is to live in the joy of the Holy Spirit helping us daily to be more and more in love with Jesus. He prompts us in the area of truth and error and when we abide in the truth we are filled with the joy of the promise. When our days on earth are ended we reap the greater joy or collect on the lump sum.To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. That is when we will no longer see through a glass darkly but then face to face. The seal will be removed and the lump sum revealed. Enter into the joy of the Lord. -
Q7. God's Purpose
bro.ed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
A. To bring praise and glory to Him. Since the word glory means to make bigger everytime we praise the Lord we make God bigger in our lives and show Him in a bigger sense to those around us. B. Jesus said; "If you love me do that which I have commanded you to do". We need to first be witnesses about Christ and what He has done for us. I believe that is God's priority for us. We need to go in His holy boldness and not be ashamed. We think we are almost free of the sins of comission in that we do not do many of the things we used to do but we certainly are not free of the sins of ommisson (ie) not doing the things we are supposed to do. If every child of God would bring one soul to the saving knowledge of Jesus this year and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in that life this world would be turned upside down. What do we need to do to fulfill this purpose? GET TO WORK! C. Lev. 2:13 tells us that everyone of our offerings are to be offered with salt. Kingdom citizens have power in this world if everything they say and do is seasoned with salt. If we could just remember that adding salt not only brings out the flavor of Christianity but salt is also a preservative for Christianity in a lost and dying world. -
Q5. Redeemed from Slavery
bro.ed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
A. I have been redeemed from slavery to satisfying the wants of my flesh. each day I understand more the phrase;" Everyday with Jesus is sweeter that the day before". I am learning and enjoying the abundant life. Not fame and fortune but total peace,that glorious peace which passes all understanding. I know that I know that I know when I pass from here I will be with Jesus. What a blessed assurance is mine! B. If I had not been redeemed I am sure I would be dead or very ill. Alcohol is deadly and that is where I most probable would be. C.Without being redeemed by the blood and only the blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ there would be no freedom from our sin nature and no one in that condition has a future. -
Q4. Adoption
bro.ed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Q3. Holy and Blameless
bro.ed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
1. I believe being holy is living a sanctified life being separated from what I once was, departing from the apparance of all evil, being in constant communication with the Holy jesus that saved me. 2. This is so awesome to answer. No matter what I have done in the past even my last ungodly thought is under the blood. When I ask for forgiveness God not only forgives me but He forgets what I have done even if I repeat the offense He did not remember the last time. Each time is like the first time to God. He sees me dressed in a white robe of righteousness provided through the blood of my Savior Jesus Christ. I am God's childm and I depend on the Advocate He supplied for me. Jesus makes me blameless. Bro. Ed;Phil2:5 -
Q6. One Head
bro.ed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
1. In the scheme of the creation of the world and humanity God desired that all human beings would be as vessels filled with the expression of God Himself upon the earth. Man given a free will by God failed the mission. All the earth and everything in it has become corrupt as a result. God in the Person of Christ came to earth ,lived and died that all things above, below and in the earth shall bow to the very name of jesus. 2. Christ is the Creator. 3.Since the word dispensation has to do with the arrangement of household affairs, after the summing up of all things (ie) created things all will come together under the loving control of Christ in heaven, all colors,creeds,nations including the angels. We will all be one in the household of God. Even those beings and angels separated from the children of God will be under His control. Gods' house will be in order. 4.My meager understanding is that after Christ supercedes in putting all things under Himself and the last thing will be to abolish death, He hands all things back to the Father that He may be all and in all. Christ thus completeing His work. -
Q5. Redeemed from Slavery
bro.ed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
1.I believe I have been redeemed from the slavery of sin in that the things I used to do for satisfaction I no longer need to do. 2. As far as my life up to now without Christ I probably would be dead or be a very sickly person because of the abuse I was doing to my body.3. This is a very difficult question to answer for a redeemed soul for we are pressing forward and not looking back. I have been completely exonerated from my past and have nothing but glory in view.I meet a lot of not yet saved souls and their reasonings are so far and vast it is hard to tell where I would fit in. One thing for sure, they have no future to look forward to and if I was still there I would not either. Bro. Ed -
Q2. Predestination
bro.ed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Question #2. What is scary about predestination? That would be determined by personal view. Personally I have no fears about predestination. What is comforting? To know that God in willing that none should perish but that all should come to repentance. Why does Paul bring up predestination? In early Christianity the Jews believed it was for them or for certain people groups and and they wanted to be Christians separated from the Gentiles. Paul was setting them straight in a most loving fashion. To the praise of His glory. We could go on forever here and never come to an agreement. In my understanding God is God. He is all knowing. He not only knew before the foundation of the world but He knew in eternity past His intentions and what God always intended to do He did. Nothing surprises Him and He will accomplish all He intended to do contrary to our views. I believe there was only one condemned to hell, that man Lucifer and God was not surprised at his rebellion for God is all knowing. All who follow satan do so by their own free will and God knew from eternity past who they would be. He also knew those who would trust Christ for salvation and those are predestined to to become Christ like to the praise of His glory. That meant no matter when you were born or your nationality, on the color of your skin, or how great a sinner you were before conversion, we all became as one in the One Person; Christ Jesus our Lord. Here is a great confidence.Jer.29:11; "I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. Get a hold of that dear Brothers and sisters and cling to it. Bro.Ed -
Q1. In Christ
bro.ed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
I was sharing about the abundant life in Christ and was asked "How can someone be happy all the time"? [/b] I said, " When I wake up in the morning and begin to get dressed I like to imagine I am getting dressed up in Christ". I went on to say that if my wife wakes up in a bad mood and I am dressed up in Christ I will respond to her as Jesus would respond to her however the unfortunate part is the if I don't dress up with prayer and my wife is in a bad mood and says something I don't like I may find myself spiritually nude and back in the bedroom getting redressed. I envision myself as a little branch sipping necture from this hugh vine and I am so grateful for the necture because I know I don't deserve to be there. It was The glorious love of Christ which engrafted me in and I continue sip the necture because I want to be more like the feeding tube today that I was yesterday.