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Everything posted by RileyDnwJ

  1. Q4. (1 Corinthians 2:9-16) a.) How does the Holy Spirit make "the mind of Christ" available to us? The things of God, Father and Son, are revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. b.) How does this make you dependent upon the Holy Spirit? It is through the Holy Spirit we are able to understand the thoughts of God, Father and Son. Without the Holy Spirit the things from the Holy Spirit become foolishness. c.) How does this relate to listening for God's voice? Listening for God's voice with the Holy Spirit we are able to understand thoughts given to us that we might, likely, otherwise reject as foolishness
  2. Q3. (John 14-16) a1) What promises concerning the Paraclete -- Comforter -- Counselor -- Helper -- Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapter 14? From verses 16 and 17 Jesus will ask the father to give His believers/followers/disciples and advocate, the Spirit of Truth, to help us and be with us forever. From verses 23, 24 , and 27, conditions for the promises that follow. Conditions - love Jesus and obey His teachings, then the Father will send in Jesus' name the Holy Spirit to teach us and remind us of everything he has said to us. a2) What promises concerning the Paraclete -- Comforter -- Counselor -- Helper -- Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapter 15? From verse 4, we much remain in Jesus if we expect Him to remain in us so we might bear fruit. From verse 26, the fruit we will bear will be us testifying about Jesus in our life which will be made possible with the of Truth from the Father within us and He will testify about Jesus as well. a3) What promises concerning the Paraclete -- Comforter -- Counselor -- Helper -- Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapter 16? In verses 7-10, Jesus had to go away for the Holy Spirit to come to us, sent by Him. The Helper will make known the sin of not believing in Jesus, will make known the righteousness of Jesus going to the Father, and about judgment which condemns the price of this world. b.) How do these relate to guidance? To "hearing" God? We need to love and follow Jesus and obey His teachings or we will not receive the promised Helper. Without the Helper how are we to hear God, will God even abide within us. But with the Helper we will be reminded of all Jesus has said. With the helper we will testify about Jesus in our lives. Without the Helper we will not hear His testimony about Jesus or what He has to say about sin, righteousness, and judgment.
  3. Q2. (John 5:19, 30) a) Why do you think Jesus said, "By myself I can do nothing"? (vs. 30). Because He has to be doing the will of His Father to be able to do what He does. b.) How do you justify this statement with Jesus' divine nature as the Son of God? The Father's will cannot go in one direction while the Son's will goes in another. They have to be aligned, working together for the Son to be able to do His Father's will in His own life as a man. c) In what ways can we use Jesus' example as a pattern for our own life and ministry? Seek God's will in our life and ministry. Our success depends on being in our Heavenly Father's will. We can ask much, but it is for naught if it is not in God's will. d) How do you think Jesus would "see" and "hear" the Father? Prayer and conversation - informal prayer. Asking and seeking His Father's will for Himself.
  4. Breaking the question into its various parts as my prior career as an engineer leads me to do. Q1. (Mark 1:33-39) a) What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life? Alone or nearly alone and at the day's beginning or daybreak. b.) do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? It is a time when he would be most likely to be undisturbed or uninterrupted. c) How does this prepare him for his ministry? Believe it puts Him in alignment with His Father's desires and His actions are in line with His Father's will. d) How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) Like everyone else they wanted to see the 'show', the miracles, but Jesus was about His Father's business - preaching, spreading the Good News. e) Why? Jesus' time in prayer put Him in line with His Father's will, not the desires of His disciples. f) Do you have a Quiet Time? No. Not really or rather not frequently. g) What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? Make time. Set aside time when I will not be interrupted or disturbed.
  5. Q1a. (Galatians 2:11-14) Why do you think Peter first embraced the Gentile believers in Antioch and later withdrew from them to eat only with Jews? Q1b. What does this tell us about his character? Q1c. Why should he have known better? Q1d. What does this tell us about Barnabas? Q1e. What does it tell us about the political clout of the visitors from Jerusalem? Q1f. Have you ever acted like a hypocrite to impress others? Q1g. What should you do when you recover your senses? A1a. Peter had yet "to let go" of his Jewishness as Paul had done and he was still learning as he did the night into morning when he denied Jesus 3 times before the rooster crowed (Matt 26:75) about being firm in the faith. A1b. Peter was still of the world and not just in it Q1c. He should have known better per Matt 26:75, but as with many of us, including back to Abraham, faith is a refining process. Q1d. Barnabas, like us/me, can be swayed by doctrine (false in this case) to forget the essentials ... justified by faith, not by works. Q1e. Don't know if it was political clout as they were Christian Jews, but it implies the visitors still thought circumcision was important for any Christian and eating with Gentiles was still suspect to them. Peter wanted to be around those who were "like him." Q1f. LOL ... of course I have, but less and less over time. It still happens, but two things mitigate it - my age (64) and my walk with Jesus. Q1g. Laugh at yourself, seek forgiveness / repent, and apologize in needed or necessary while correcting any misrepresentatios.
  6. Q2a. (Galatians 2:14) Why do you think Paul confronted Peter publicly rather than privately? Q2b. Do you expect Paul had talked with Peter about this previously? Q2c. How did a public discussion of this benefit the Jewish Christians? Q2d. How did it benefit the Gentile Christians? Q2e. What kind of pressure do you think this put on Paul? A2a. Because it was a public issue and the actions of the Peter and other Jews were influencing others - including Barnabas (v13) - and a public airing of the differences was required to settle the question or questions (primarily circumcision). A2b. This had been addressed earlier in one form or another with Peter - see v11. A2c. It was a reminder to them (and Gentiles familar with the law) of justification by faith vice justification by the law which was impossible (v15&16). A2d. It removed the possilbity of 'required' circumcision and clairified justification comes by faith not the law (v15&16). A2e. I don't know that it put any "pressure" on Paul as it gave him an opportunity to stress justificaiton by faith and the grace of God (v19-21).
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