Gerbrand van Schalkwyk
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Everything posted by Gerbrand van Schalkwyk
Q5. Son of Man
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Disciples Direct Friends to Jesus (John 1:35-51)
5. (John 1:50-51) Which aspects of Daniel’s prophecy in Daniel 7:13-14 does Jesus apply to his title as Son of Man? He points to Himself as the same Son of Man Who approached God the Father - The Ancient of Days. He came to bring the Kingdom to earth. When will the Son of Man complete his ministry? When He comes again as Judge, the good and the bad. When He comes on the clouds. Praise be to Him and that Wonderful day -
Q5. Son of Man
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Disciples Direct Friends to Jesus (John 1:35-51)
5. (John 1:50-51) Which aspects of Daniel’s prophecy in Daniel 7:13-14 does Jesus apply to his title as Son of Man? He points to Himself as the same Son of Man Who approached God the Father - The Ancient of Days. He came to bring the Kingdom to earth. When will the Son of Man complete his ministry? When He comes again as Judge, the good and the bad. When He comes on the clouds. Praise be to Him and that Wonderful day -
Q4. (John 1:45-50) How does Jesus deal with Nathanael's skepticism? He says something that convince Nathaniel that He knew who Nathaniel is. For Nathaniel it was a miracle that convinced him immediately. This is why we receive Power to following miracles as well. It is not to impress people, it is to lead them to Christ What was the nature of the miracle? Wisdom Upon coming to faith, what title does Nathanael bestow upon Jesus? Son of God. Hrs knew Jesus same from the Kingdom
Q3. (John 1:40-42) What role does Andrew play in Simon Peter's conversion? He brought Peter to Christ. Andrew didn't know the message to give but he knew where the message could be found. Today, why do so many Christians substitute bringing a person to Jesus with bringing them to church? Just Luke Andrew they don't know what to say, so they hope that the person will receive the message at church. This is a very sad state of many churches. There is too much focus on feeding sheep instead of keeping a balance between feeding and equipping the saints. As soon as a new disciple is won he must be taught how to win disciples as well. yes at 1st he can just say a little bit but new Christians must know theyuit carry out the Word. What might be the similarities? Andrew and unsure Christians brought people to where they could receive the Word. What might be the differences? Jesus developed disciples. Some churches develop sheep, not disciples
Q3. (John 1:40-42) What role does Andrew play in Simon Peter's conversion? He brought Peter to Christ. Andrew didn't know the message to give but he knew where the message could be found. Today, why do so many Christians substitute bringing a person to Jesus with bringing them to church? Just Luke Andrew they don't know what to say, so they hope that the person will receive the message at church. This is a very sad state of many churches. There is too much focus on feeding sheep instead of keeping a balance between feeding and equipping the saints. As soon as a new disciple is won he must be taught how to win disciples as well. yes at 1st he can just say a little bit but new Christians must know theyuit carry out the Word. What might be the similarities? Andrew and unsure Christians brought people to where they could receive the Word. What might be the differences? Jesus developed disciples. Some churches develop sheep, not disciples
Q3. (John 1:40-42) What role does Andrew play in Simon Peter's conversion? He brought Peter to Christ. Andrew didn't know the message to give but he knew where the message could be found. Today, why do so many Christians substitute bringing a person to Jesus with bringing them to church? Just Luke Andrew they don't know what to say, so they hope that the person will receive the message at church. This is a very sad state of many churches. There is too much focus on feeding sheep instead of keeping a balance between feeding and equipping the saints. As soon as a new disciple is won he must be taught how to win disciples as well. yes at 1st he can just say a little bit but new Christians must know theyuit carry out the Word. What might be the similarities? Andrew and unsure Christians brought people to where they could receive the Word. What might be the differences? Jesus developed disciples. Some churches develop sheep, not disciples
Q2. (John 1:38-39) Why doesn’t Jesus tell his inquirers where he is staying? There can be a number of reasons. Ever saw how someone said i will get to it, they never do. if Jesus told them where to come, life might have kept them too busy to show up, so Jesus draw them in while they were still interested. He made them follow Him so that it was the start of a habit. Also, Jesus took the lead, He didn't do what they wanted Him to do, He did what was best for them. He kept them with Him. Why was it important for disciples to “be with” Jesus? They had to learn Who He was and to follow Him. hey had to learn to be taught by Him What does “being with” Jesus mean today? Being filled with the Spirit of Christ. Wearing Him as a cloak. Being in His presence all the time
This is a great message for all of us. we must not be concerned about "keeping our sheep". We must educate the saints and set them free to continue spreading the Kingdom. yes, we must be available whenever someone comes back for help, but we must not build a following of us, we must build a following of Christ. The only way to.do this is to.allow.the Holy Spirit working through us
What is the result of the greatest imaginable manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit done without love? Nothing meaningful. I might impress people but in the Kingdom i achieved nothing. Is it possible to operate a gift of the Spirit from a selfish or wrong motivation. Yes. for pride or to impress others. The result is still nothing in the Kingdom. Which make us more spiritual -- Gifts of the Spirit or Fruit of the Spirit?
If i want to be a disciple of Christ i have to follow Him and do what He did. It is thus obvious that i must follow Him in all areas. The other thing i must realize is that Jesus didn't do any of His wonders because of His power as the Son of God. No. He came to be fully man, just as you and me. He did His wonders through the Power of the Holy Spirit. And He gave each of us the same Spirit. We all have access to the same Power and abilities Jesus had. We have God Almighty within us. That is why Jesus said we can do even greater things than He did, because we have much more time to work. I must also realize that the keys to use this power is faith and obedience. If i don't believe nothing will happen. If i truly want to use it i must seek God's will and use it according to His will and not to my desires or my glory. It is spiritual, use His Power to His will to Glorify the King if Kings
What does the phrase mean: "This cup is the new covenant in my blood"? Jesus introduced the New Covenent, a better Covenant than all the previous covenants. Previous covenants were sealed with either God's Word or with animal blood. In this case Jesus replaced Passover (a blood covenant - the blood of a lamb) by the New Covenant where Jesus IS the Lamb and spill the Blood of The Son. What is the old covenant? Passover What are the provisions of the New Covenant? Jesus died as replacement for our sins. He died for our salvation and our sanctification. He bought us to be His people, now all people can belong to Him. In the Old Testament there are a number of gentiles who knew God and belonged to God. God even sent Jonah to save a gentile city. But now everybody knows Who He is, and all can rejoyce in rememberance. Jesus gave His Body and spilled His Blood for all
Why is it so important that we continually remember Christ’s broken body and shed blood? We must always remember, no matter what we do or go through, all we are is because of God, and the only reason and way for us to heaven is because of Jesus's broken body and shed blood. That is the only way we are saved. In what sense do you believe that the bread is his body? 1st. He said so! 2nd. There are many symbolisms between the bread and Jesus.. Bread fed the nation. Jesus feed our soul and spirit. Bread was made from seed, that was supposed to die in order to live and multiply, Jesus died for us so that we can live and multiply, the seed was supposed to know the secret of life, Jesus gave us the secret of life, we as Christians make up His Body. Just as the bread is broken so that it can be shared to feed many, so we must feed each other with the Words of life. There are much much more. That the wine is his blood? 1st. He said so! (Please note the Bible is clear about the wine for a reason) 2nd. Just as with the bread there are many symbolisms between wine and Christ. For us the most important one is that whine was used to clean wounds because the alcohol in it kills bacteria, Just as the blood of Jesus cleans us of our sin and kills our bad character. Further wine was the drink of kings, priest and élite. Jesus is the King of Kings and the Priest of priest and one cannot be more élite. Furthermore, because of Him we become kings and priest as well. Wine is often used at festivals, especially at the Jewish weddings wine played an important role. The wine also symbolize our wedding to Jesus because of His sacrifice. Further there is much more from the Jewish side of Passover as well.
hedisadvantages of remaining unmarried include being deprived of sexual relations. What are the advantages ofcelibacy that Paul discusses in these verses? You are not distracted therefore you can focus fully on God. My focus should then to be a servant of God in all situations. How can married believers maximize "full devotion" to the Lord? By serving God together. To build each other into the Kingdom more and more. We spent a huge amount of time together, thus your spouse will be the person God uses most to sanctify you. We learn most of how to live a godly live by being faithful and loving to each other
What do these verses teach about divorce for married believers? If both partners are believed they are not to divorce. I often say that Jesus said He us the groom, we are the bride, thus I can learn a lot about my relationship towards Jesus of how i am to treat my spouse and from my relationship with my spouse of how is my relationship with Jesus. If i then want a divorce, what does this day about my faithfulness towards Jesus What about divorce where one spouse isn't a believer? If the spouse wants to leave, don't resist, else stay fateful What about remarriage? Paul seems to say that if the non-believer leaves we are to re-marry, Looking at Jesus' teaching i am not to sure. If anybody were to ask me I would show what Paul and Jesus say and ask them to pray for guidance. Do not do what you want to do, do what God guides you to do.
Q2. (1 Corinthians 7: 9 and 37) What do verses 9 and 37 teach about sex between couples who are engaged but not married? That if they can't control themselves they must get married. I fully agree. This story of people being engaged for years is causing people to stumble and opening themselves to sexual sin. If God told you this is the one- get married. ASAP. Don't open yourself to temptation. What counsel does Paul give to engaged couples who do not control themselves sexually? Get married!!! Honor one another. Especially men should honor their girlfriends and not dishonour her!!! True love has respect and selfcontrol as well
Why does Paul concede that "it is good for a man not to touch a woman"? If possible it is better not to get married, because then you can devout yourself fully to God. Then you will not have your focus removed while caring for a family. Jesus taught the same in Math. What does he teach about sexual intercourse within marriage? It is healthy. It is mutual and is there for both partners. How does he teach mutual rights within marriage, not just a man's right? He said clearly that the other partner owns your body. He also clearly say we are not to withhold ourselves from each other unless there was mutual agreement for a fixed time. What does this passage teach about using sex as a bargaining chip within marriage? It since wrong. Where is the love in this. Sex is not a weapon. It is an expression of love. I do not withhold love. That points to selfishness and self centredness
What are levels of correction and discipline short of excommunication? 1st to talk with the person alone, then to go with witnesses. Who should exercise that kind of correction? The person who was sinned against or the church leaders What do we do when a sinning member repents? If God forgives how are we to see ourselves as judges Why is excommunication sometimes necessary? Discipline is part of God's plan, it helps us to bring sinners back in line Why are we so unwilling to exercise it in our day? We want to be popular
Why do you think the Corinthians were so proud of their tolerance of immorality? I see this very much in the church today. Homosexuality is defended by many churches under the veil of "we must help them" instead of being honest and truthful and say this is wrong and it doesn't matter what the world wants us to do, if I am in Christ I am dead to sin. That also mean I will not tolerate sexual sin in the church, any type of sexual immorality must die when I accept Christ. What does this say about their value system? Their value system was more about pleasing people and being in line with society than it was to be in line with the Word of God
Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? Yes. All of us go wrong at times, although the closer we live to God the less we will go.wrong, Rom6, 1Joh3 ect. What effect did this have on the church? It can have very bad effects especially on new Christians. It brings confusion and all the other troubles Paul described earlier On this person’s witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that? We are focused on ourselves. Prayer and shifting our focus to the Kingdom of God
Q1. (1 Corinthians 4:1-2) In what sense is a Christian worker a “steward”? We are all stewards, if you call yourself a Christian , you are stating that you are a servant and a steward. You are also stating that you are a king and a priest. As Christians everybody must be a serving king and priest, and that includes being a steward. Have you ever met a Christian worker who wasn’t faithful? What effect did this have on the church? On this person’s witness. What are the reasons we are sometimes unfaithful in our area of ministry? What can we do to remedy that?
(1 Corinthians 4:3-5) Why doesn’t Paul care how others judge him? He knows what people think doesn't matter. What God knows matters. Humans see only a small part of the picture, God sees all. Humans are failable, God is Almighty. There is only one judgement that matters. Why doesn’t Paul judge himselfHe knows he is only human as well and we will make the same mistake when we judge ourselves as when we try to judge others. Of coarse we have to judge ourselves to some extend, even Paul.said we have to, but only to judge whether I am always seeking the will of God. Why are our motives so important in God’s judgment process? God can do anything He wants to, He doesn't need us, but through our attitude we worship Him. Our motive shows whether we are going things gore self gain or to serve.God. Do you see God as a harsh judge? Both. God is a righteous judge. He is absolutly fair. But He is also a merciful judge. Full of forgiven. An easy judge? Why? As above
(1 Corinthians 4:3-5) Why doesn’t Paul care how others judge him? He knows what people think doesn't matter. What God knows matters. Humans see only a small part of the picture, God sees all. Humans are failable, God is Almighty. There is only one judgement that matters. Why doesn’t Paul judge himselfHe knows he is only human as well and we will make the same mistake when we judge ourselves as when we try to judge others. Of coarse we have to judge ourselves to some extend, even Paul.said we have to, but only to judge whether I am always seeking the will of God. Why are our motives so important in God’s judgment process? God can do anything He wants to, He doesn't need us, but through our attitude we worship Him. Our motive shows whether we are going things gore self gain or to serve.God. Do you see God as a harsh judge? Both. God is a righteous judge. He is absolutly fair. But He is also a merciful judge. Full of forgiven. An easy judge? Why? As above
Division and church splits injure people, especially tender new believers. Why do you think there is such a harsh punishment for those involved in hurting Christ's church? What are better ways to deal with differences in the church? There are 2 reasons churches break up, one is good - the church has grown so big that it cannot be accommodated at a single place, so the church divides and still continue to work in unity. The 2nd is what this question is about. Usually pride or anger or both are involved. Often offence (hidden pride) is involved. Pride has no place in the church - the Body of Christ. When pride enters own thoughts and believes are taught, not scripture. Usually lies and back stabbing is involved. These things does not belong in the body of Christ, it is like a festering wound that damages the Body. This will especially hurt young believers who would expect to see love in the church, not worldly emotions. By damaging the Body through pride we are separating ourselves from Christ, and when God calls us back it can be very painful, or if we refuse to obey, it can lead to eternal pain!!! Praying together, asking God for guidance, not forcing our will on others, treating each other with respect and love, living what we preach. Allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us, then our actions can never be wrong.