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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Gerbrand van Schalkwyk

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Everything posted by Gerbrand van Schalkwyk

  1. In your own words, explain the various characteristics that enable a Christian teacher to correct opponents. !st of all you must know the Bible intimately. You must study it continiously so that what you teach will be the truth and not your own ideas. You must be filled by the Holy Spirit so that you can be guided by Him on how to handle the situation. When you are in such a situation you must bear fruit of the Spirit, you must show your opponent love, show him that you ae correcting him because you care for his salvation. Have patience, dont get upset, then he will be on the defence and will try to defend his point of view, instead of discussing the point and looking at it from all angles. When you are patient, you might learn something as well. How does the lack of any of these hinder the task? When you force an issue both of you are on defence, both of you are not open to new ideas. You want to win, you are not serving God anymore but your own ego. The issue is not what is right anymore, but who has the stronger will. The moment the focus is not on god,but on my power or iteligence, the battle is lost.
  2. When do you put your good plates and silverware on the table? When do you use your everyday tableware? We put the good plates on the table when we want to impress somebody, when there is a special occation or when we want to feel special or make a family member feel special. Most of the time we use the cheaper, day to day tableware, the stuff we dont worry about if a plate chip or a spoon goes missing. What point is Paul making with this example? In practical terms, how do we "cleanse ourselves" so that we might be useful and ready for the Lord's use? God wants us to special because we are special to Him. We must glorify Him in everything we do, but we must also impress others with our way of life so that we may intrigue them, and so draw them to God as well. We must live in such a way that we can save others for God. We do it by ignoring the cravings of the flesh, by working gently with those who oppose us and by allowing God to clean us from the inside, so that we can bear fruit of the Spirit. We do it through obedience and through faith that God will lead us propperly.
  3. Exactly what is the analogy with a skilled workman that forms the basis for Paul's instruction to Timothy? How does this apply to our teaching of scripture today? We have to intimately know what we teach others, so that we can answer them their questions from the Bible, or as guided by the Holy Spirit, not as we think best, or so that we teach them the truth, not our own ideas. The more we study and prepare, the better we will be at spreading God's Word.
  4. Paul calls Timothy to endure hardship for the sake of the goal. What in the experience of a soldier, an athlete, and a farmer illustrate this well? All have to exersize dissipline for future gain. You have to practice / work hard now for what willcome much later. You must have faith that your hard work will pay off. You also know that dissapointment might also come, even when you have done everything right. You might think you have won a new christian, only to be disapointed when they fall away. Just know, as long as you are obedient, God will work with and through you.\ Which of these examples speaks most strongly to you? I fought Judo up to national level, so maybe the athlete, on the other hand, i spent a very long time on our family farm, so many other lessons were learned there as well.
  5. Why do you think our churches tend not to declare the call to endurance and suffering? Many churches wants to spread only good news, they only give the nice 1/2 of the message from the World, so that they might not frighten away potential members. For the same reason responsibility is regularly not preached. Why did Timothy tend to shy away from it? It is nice to preach nice things, but it can make you very unpopular to spread hard messages. What is the result of a willingness to suffer for the gospel? We earn rewards in heaven through obedience and sacrifice.
  6. Why is it important for pastors and church leaders to execute a strategy of mentoring teachers and elders in a congregation? How much time should be devoted to this teaching of future leaders vs. the time spent in administration and programs? Jesus said we must spread the Word of God. We must teach others so that they can also spread the Word of God, and we must teach them well so that they will teach correct and the truth. Jesus didnt give any instructions that we must do admin work, he said we must spread the Word. Admin will help us therein, but it must never be the focus. Programs can help us to spread knowledge of the Word, but in the end our focus must stay of God and to spread His word.
  7. According to verse 12, what is the source of Paul's fearlessness? Jesus What does he trust God to guard for him? The Gospel
  8. Paul is writing to encourage timid Timothy. How is Paul's focus on Christ and the gospel designed to encourage Timothy? How is this an antidote for shame? Our God is Almighty, full of love, kind, mercyfull. and He can handle any problem How can this not encourage Tim. My daughter quoted somebody to me the other day. Don't tell God how big your problems are, tell your problems how big your God is. This is big encouraement of coarse, but remember not to stop praying.
  9. Can you give examples of how cowardice and shame may have kept you from identifying yourself as a Christian on occasion? At the company where i work we are not allowed to receive or sent any christian material. A while back i was told that I must see work as my God, because that is where the money comes from, I made it clear that I am 1st a Christian, but later felt ashamed that I didn't speak out must more. From testifying clearly about your faith? According to verse 12, what is the antidote for cowardice and shame? How then do we combat the cowardice and shame we might recognize in ourselves? Power we receive from the Spirit. We must show courage and speak out, be obedient.
  10. What advice would you give to a person who has let use of a spiritual gift or ministry lapse? I have no experiance in this. My advice would be to move your focus back on God. Pray. Read your Bible and start acting. Maybe start with a Bible study, then move on to something better, But keep your eyes on God. How can a gift or ministry be rekindled? You must practice, do it. Ask God for guidance and teaching. Pray often and be obedient to God What might be involved in reclaiming use of such a gift? Prayer, focus on God, obedience, God's love, asking forgiveness where needed, let go of what ever caused you to wander.
  11. How can we guard the faith without becoming narrow, backward-looking people who oppose all change, and complain about "what things are coming to"? How can guards be at the same time positive, loving, and pleasant to be around? God is love. Nobody doesnt want love. Spread God's love with the message of Hope. God is Almighty. He can do all. How can you be narrow and backward looking if your God can do and create everything. Guard with God's Authority and Love. He will guard love you
  12. What kinds of actions are the best antidote for the love of money? Love God. Seek 1st the Kingdom of God. BeGod focused. Be obedient to God. Then you will be generous anyway, then you will not love your material things anyway, then you will be happy anyway. How can we cultivate generosity so that it remains healthy, rather than let it go overboard and hurt our families? Be obedient to God. Trust in God. Have faith in God. Action. Too many people teach we must proclaim it to receive it. most of proverbs teaches us, work for it. When you earned it, share it. But share it accourding to obedience to God. God will tell you clearly when to give or, when not to give. The Biblical guieline is 10%. But sometimes God will ask more. Just be obedient
  13. How does love for money grow? How does it become a trap? Usually as you get more you want more, it becomes your focus, it becomes what you see as most important. Or envy, as you see those around you having more and more stuff, you want it too. So you spent less and less time with God, as you are spending more and more time making money. Since you spent less time with God your wisdom (knowledge from God) grows less and less, thus you dont even know that you are in this trap. How do you escape this deceptive trap? Focus on God again. Read your Bible, Pray. Spend time with God.
  14. Why should we seek contentment? We must focus on God. We must know that what God wants for us is far far better than anything we can dream of, but God's plans are spiritual, not material. Trust God, any you will see wonderful things happen in your life. 1st you must have faith, and then experiance Him in your life. As you experiance Him more and more, the contentment comes on its own, but it comes from faith. Doesn't contentment keep us from trying to get ahead so our families can have what they need? What's the balance between contentment and the quest for improvement? No, contentment doesnt keep you back. God wants what is best for you. Be obedient to God, do what God instructs you to do, and you will move foreward anyway.
  15. Why do you think people are so susceptible to distorted Bible teaching concerning financial gain? The people are still serving mamon. Due to false teaching, people wants to use Jesus to serve mamon, instead of serving God. It is a total scew teaching. On the other hand, a lot of teachers teach this false teachings in order to try and increase offerings. Since these teachers serve mamon, they want to teach those that follow them the same thing. Material is too important to too many people Admitting that there is some truth in popular teachings in our time, what are the distortions that you may have heard? How do they differ from the truth? The biggest false teaching these days is " Blessings of Abraham" refering to money. Abraham was wealthy before God called him, God just continued to allow him to have material wealth because he was obedient. God's promise to Abraham was that he will be the father to many nations. This was God's promise to Abraham, not wealth.
  16. In what ways has the Gospel sown the seeds that will eventually destroy slavery? The Bible, especially the New testament, regularly calls us all even. Jesus died for us all. We are all part of His Body, so we sould not have slaves, considered as posessions, not humans. Why does Paul seem to condone slavery in this passage? He teaches Christian living. Just as we still have evil bosses today, he could not say, dont work for that boss. Slavery was part of life, the same as bad bosses are a part of life today. What is Paul's motive? He wanted to remove false teachings and give a guidline for Christian living. This included all levels of life, even slaves.
  17. Why does Paul say, "Don't be hasty in the laying on of hands"? What are the dangers in doing so? We have just read how to handle people with false teachings, or who have other problems. You dont want to remove one problem and then imeadiately replace it with another. Also you dont want to weaken your leadership team with a wrong decision. How can these dangers be lessened? By not chosing too soon, following Paul's guidelines. Following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Prayer
  18. Why was it necessary to make formal accusations and "try" the false teachers? If it were not formal it could be denied later on. False teachers had to be tried to correct the person and improve his teaching and character. It was also a good way to teach other people who might have made the same mistakes Why were the temptations to compromise and not go through with it so great? Nobody wants a difficult situation, it is far easier to ignore it. It could also lead to infuencial or rich members leaving the church and taking others with them. You have to realize that it is more important to stay pure to God than to chace numbers. Why is it so difficult to exercise church discipline today? For the same reasons, also, there are many different doctrines today, of which most are good, that it is sometimes difficult to decide what is right or wrong. Exposing yourself to as many different teachings as possible, and then asking the Holy Spirit to lead you, is a good way to distinguise when doctrine is true.
  19. What responsibilities do we have to help aging family members? We have to support them with love and care, willingly, not with a heavy hart. According to Paul, in what way is this our Christian responsibility? It is our Christian duty, it is part of our faith. It comes down as part of bearing fruit of the Spirit. In what way is this a "repayment" of a debt? They took care of us, our our parents, we are now saying thanks by returning the compliment To what does Paul compare to those who refuse this responsibility? People worse than unbelievers
  20. How would you define "godliness"? Godliness is being a reflexion of God. Showing why we were made to His Image. Living in such a way that Jesus is seen in our actions because His Spirit is living in us. What produces godliness in a person? The Holy Spirit that makes us bear fruit of the Spirit. How is godliness different from embracing a strict morality? Following our own ideas vs obeying God, following the lead of the Holy Spirit.
  21. Why is performance of legalistic requirements so attractive to people? It is easy to follow a bunch of rules, it is easy to know if you were right or wrong is the rules are clear. It also makes us proud when we are able to follow rules. What fruit does it produce in a person's life? Pride, boasting, judgement of others who dont follow In what ways is this emphasis so different from the true gospel? We are not to be proud, judge others, make rules, be hard. We must love all, show love to all, help all, spread the Word of God
  22. According to our text, do you see differences in qualifications between overseers/elders and deacons? What are they? Deacons are the leg men, they serve more while the other 2 do more teaching
  23. According to our text, do you see differences in qualifications between overseers/elders and deacons? What are they? Deacons are the leg men, they serve more while the other 2 do more teaching
  24. Why are tendencies to anger, intimidation, force, and pride so important to consider in selecting church officers? What happens when you don't consider these factors? Church officers must be a reflection of Jesus. They must bear fruit of the Holy Spirit. Jesus only showed anger when He got upset in the temple. We must spead God's love into the world. All these tendencies reflect somebody who is self centred, not focussing on God. If we dont chose God focussed people as church officers, the church focus will also not be on God. God's will will not be done but personal agendas will be pushed.
  25. Why should leaders be observed carefully and tested before placing them in office? You want to put people devoted to God in place. What should you be looking for during this period? By observing them over time you will know their real character. You must look for a Godly character, whatever shows leadership is important but most important is whether you can see Christ in his life.
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