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Rose Marie

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  1. The reasons given in this psalm why we should worship the Lord are because God is the greatest of all gods, He is the creator of the natural world in all its splendor, and we are people created by and cared for by Him. In verses 8-11 we are warned that we must obey and trust God and this is included in this psalm because we must remember not to just say we praise Him but then not live as He wants us to. The first and last parts of the psalm are both pertaining to worship - first the outward form of praise and then the inward.
  2. This psalm teaches us the where, why, how, and who about praise. Praise should occur in God's holy place or sanctuary. Praise could be conducted with various instruments such as the trumpet, harp, lyre, tamborine, strings or flute, or cymbals. Praise can also be accompanied by dancing. Everyone who is alive should praise. This psalm read aloud makes me want to sing and praise the Lord.
  3. Unity. Living in unity is difficult due to sin. The seven deadly sins specifically: pride, anger, envy, ****, sloth, greed, gluttony. To live in unity we must commit to love and respect one another, pick our battles and be assertive so resentment doesn't take over, and live by God's laws and Word. Sometimes we are not 'pure', or sincere, in saying all that is on our minds for the sake of unity.When we do not admit our wrongs and say we are sorry it definitely creates a separation between us and others and us and God. God can not show love through us for one another unless we reconcile and are united.
  4. This would teach your children many great lessons for happy living in the Lord, incuding: Speak truthfully and sincerely. Do not slander a friend or anyone. Disdain wickedness but honor those who fear the Lord. Keep an oath no matter what the cost. Lend no money for interest. Accept no bribe against the innocent.
  5. We need to be reminded that the righteous find joy because too often it seems the wicked get their way in the world and that sometimes 'nice guys finish last'. Also our society seems to have it backward at times, with bad being made to look good, and vice versa. Also, Satan is out to tempt each one of us away from the joyful path God has laid out clearly for us. My favorite line is 'They are like a tree planted near streams of water, that yields its fruit in season.' This so perfectly describes the sure foundation (or healthy roots) and growth enjoyed by one who chooses (the Living Water of God) or His law to live by.
  6. Why is the recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? If I didn't know that God loves me I would not trust Him. Lack of trust is the same as lack of faith. What does this recognition bring about in your life? It brings me peace and assurance that no matter what the circumstances God is with me and loves me. When I feel separated from Him by sin, I still know He loves me, and He will forgive me if I am truly repentant.
  7. The psalmist is feeling depression, and longing for God and better times. At the same time, he is feeling jabbed, as his 'friends' ask "Where is your God now?". He combats depression with self talk, deliberately remembering God, and singing and praying to God day and night. Yes, I have struggled with depression various times. When I was depressed I would reach out to God by pouring my heart out to Him, ask Him for a solution, thank Him for all the blessings of my life, and wait in expectation for my Father to aid me.
  8. To 'dwell in the house of the Lord' in the psalms means to be always in his presence. To 'seek the face of God' is to seek a face to face personal encounter with God. Following lamentations, David provides hope by saying we must trust and wait on help from the Lord, it will come.
  9. David is filled with awe and the desire to know his own heart as God does. In verses 23-24 he is asking God to test his faith, and though David will have concerns,he asks that he be 'nudged' by God to remain strong in his faith.
  10. 1.The verses 1-6 describe God's love and glory reflected in His creation of the universe. Verse 7-13 describe God's love and glory reflected in His laws. So the common thread between the two sets of verses is God's glory and love. 2. David basks in God's word by pondering it and applying it to his life and rejoicing and praising God for the reward this brings him. 3. I have felt this joy. 4. David's wonder in creation fills his heart with praise and yearning for God. 5. David wants to be a more perfect creation of God's himself, and asks for God's help in keeping him free from sin so that he will be.
  11. God and His creation are so humongous that we have a difficult time as humans wrapping our minds around just how huge. But God has no problem wrapping His personal love right around each one of us, despite our small size in the scheme of things. God made Himself small in becoming a man named Jesus, to accomplish a divine plan to save us each from sin and death through His cross and resurrection. As humans we have the responsibility to multiply and fill the earth and to have dominion as good stewarts of the earth.
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