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Everything posted by veryl
We miss out of the benefits of the whole body of the church. We are all a part coming together to make a whole in completion. Life is a puzzle with a piece missing if we are not there as part of the whole. The picture of the puzzle is not complete. As a piece off by ourselves we cannot contain the beauty of the whole picture. Connected to the rest we are absorbed into the beauty of the whole. In this whole lies our strength, protection and development.
Chris is a living victory, not just a pst thing that happened. It is victory for every moment now and forever. It is a past, present and future victory. It is victory over all things now and forever. Fear and lack of understanding that Christ victory resides in us through the empowering of the Holy Spirit. We feel powerless because we do not plug into the truth.
Q11. Unmeasurable Power
veryl replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
We do not understand or have not grasped what Christ laid hold of for us. Our faith has not expanded to grasp the truth. The strong church has opened the eyes of their heart and expanded their wisdom. As they seek God, He gives them greater revelation, and they have grasped the turth, and understanding of His power in us and through us. Meditate on the turths until they enter into your heart, and become operative in your life. -
Q10. Christian Inheritance
veryl replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
I would relax. My decisions in life would be made in peace, because I would know everything is going to be all right. Work beside them, create relationships with them for that future time, because we would be sharing in it together. -
Q9. Christian Hope
veryl replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
We are called to a glorious future. We have been called to a future and a hope that things will be better in the future. We live in the light and the world lives in the darkness. We live for the glorious future forever in Christ. Everything we do will point to that glory. Believers live in the light of God instead of satans darkness. As part of God's Sovereign plan we were chosen from the beginning. Because of what Christ has done we have become gifts to God. -
Q7. God's Purpose
veryl replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
When salvation is complete, the end of time will come. When Christ has defeated all evil on the earth. The Holy Spirits seal upon us shows that God has already purchased us. The Holy Spirit is God's guarantee to us the He will do what He has promised. The Holy Spirit is a down payment, a deposit, a validating signature on the contract. The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives is our assurance of eternal life with all it's blessings. His power at work in us now is transforming our lives; and is a taste fo the total change we will experience in eternity. -
Q6. One Head
veryl replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
We are special gifts to God that Jesus bought for Him with His blood. The gift brings great joy to God. We are precious presents to Him. God offered Salvation to the world jus as He planned to do long ago. When life is chotic we can rest in the truth that God is in control. His purpose to save us cannot be thwarted no matter what evil satan may bring. This brings us to God's purpose for our lives--to Praise Him and give Glory to Him for doing these great and mighty works for us; who were first to trust in Jesus Christ. We are to have an effect on the world around us. We should affect the world positively to draw the world to Christ. Our deeds are to shine, so the world will praise our Heavenly Father. -
Q5. Redeemed from Slavery
veryl replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
If I had not been predestined for the time I live in I would not be alive today. I would have died in childbirth. Being redeemed means we were bought back with the ultimate price and love. God paid the price to buy us back by giving His Son. Something none of us would be willing to so unselfishly and with the right motives to do. Jesus paid the price by bearing our sins on the cross and shedding His blood to cover these sins. God was our original owner and then satan enslaved us to sin in the garden by deception. God our original owner did not leave us or forsake us. He purposed to buy us back before we were even created. He paid the price for our purchase even though we had been stolen. He sent His Son and His Son's shed blood to pay the price it took to get us back. Our future would be very dark without hope. We would have no ultimate purpose for living without God. -
Q4. Adoption
veryl replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
It show's just what God has done for us. The highest implications of what it means to be adopted into His family. He sent Jesus to redeem us so that we could be fully His. What a great, incredible and powerful love He has for us. A love so great that He has always planned for us, to create and redeem us just to be His. Because of this adoption there is nothing else we need. All we need whether it be power to lead a vicorious life or to overcome attacks and battles it is all there. Our right to it, to use for His Glory and simply because we are His. God didn't redeem and adopt us as His for it to be a someday thing. It is a now thing as well as eternity. If we would just grasp the implications and reality of this how far we could walk for Him now on this earth. How victoriously we would walk out His plan and destiny for us. -
Q3. Holy and Blameless
veryl replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
To be Holy is t be set apart. It's a place where God is present, whether a building a place or person where His Holy Spirit resides. Through the atonement of Jesus and the presence of His Holy Spirit that was sent to us when He returned to heaven we are made Holy. The atonement made us blameless and pure in the sight of God. God chose us to be blameless and Holy and because we could not do this on our own He sacrificed His Son to do that for us. God chose us to be Holy and made the porvisions we needed to become Holy as He is Holy. -
Q2. Predestination
veryl replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
The scary part of predestination is the responsibility that comes with that calling. When we become part of a family you are answerable to that family; you are responsible to do your part in preserving that family and helping them to grow stronger and move forward. The comfort is that God has given us all we need through Christ to fulfill our responsibilites and our role in that family. -
Q1. In Christ
veryl replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
We become more than adopted as the world's view of adoption. In being born again we are literally born to God through what Jesus did on the Cross. Jesus died and shed His blood for us so that we would become God's children through His shed blood. We were bought with the highest sacrifice that could ever be given, through the sacrifice of one's life and blood. Because of this we have all the spiritual blessings to live victorious and powerful lives while we walk out our earthly lives. As God's child I have the rights to all the blessings of heaven to live victorious for Him, to walk out the destiny that He has for me here on this earth and for eternity with power to fulfill that destiny through Him and victory. Jesus defeated the power of the enemy over His life and our's.