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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by rdmdbybld

  1. Paul had to remind Timothy of the prophecies on his life and tell him to fight the good fight to encourage him. Timothy was a you man, so the elders would have tried to intimidate him to the point that he might give in to them. Paul had to speak to him like that so that he remember that the way he was taught was the right way. That he should not give up on what he had to do even if the going get rough.
  2. I believe that Paul wants them to give them an insight as to who God is, and how merciful and loving he is. That even though they were doing wrong (and he did a lot of what seem unforgivable), that God is able to forgive them and love them.
  3. Some of the results of false doctrines in the church were; ministering questions rather than godly edifying, the paid attention and taught fables and genealogies, they did a lot of vain talking or fruitless jangling. Doctrinal controversy hurts the church by causing division, confusion, contention, strife and evil suspicions. It prevents growth because minds are clearly taken off the word of God, when that happens faith is stunted because it is not being fed. The church mission is to teach sound doctrine; so therefore if the false teachers don’t have it in them they cannot teach it.
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