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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Evelyne

  1. Moses's staff his hands raised up symbolized the Banner. Yahweh's abiding and powerful presence that energized the fighting men on the ground and enabled them to over come the enemy that prowled like a lion to devour. By holding his hands up to the LORD, Moses shows his dependence in God. (1) Israel's strength and victory depended on their faith in God. They showed this by prayer and obidience. In this situation when Moses stopped praying, God's power stopped flowing (2) If we fail to pray anf depend on God, we will eventually lose His protection, blessings and favor. Our only hopeof victory comes from relying on God. We should embrace the privilefge we have to"approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may recieve mercy". Along with mercy, we can find grace to help us in our time of need.
  2. God can give us a pure heart when we come to the knowledge of knowing Him and walking in His commandments. This will happen when we acknowledge God that we have sinned and repent.A pure heart is a person who does not abide in sin. Who does not uphold inequity God purify our hearts by renewing our mind with His word. He said sancitfy yourselves by my Word for my Word is the truth.
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