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  1. The point of comparison is immersion. We are immersed in the will of God through repentance that our way of living will bring death but living God
  2. Some Jews thought because they kept the laws of Moses there was no reason to go down in water. They had kept the law. The Jews who accepted baptism they understood they need more than just attempting to follow the laws of Moses. They realized that no matter how hard they tried. The law only confirmed that they could not keep the law. They need more than does and don
  3. People learn how to perform as Christians without any power from God. A person will avoid repentance because they feel at one with themselves and they don
  4. Hi to All; I live in Arizona; where it seldom snows, rained twice this week. I've started many studies, completed some, others... Oh well it's all good.
  5. What is in us who is greater than false prophets or Satan is the Comforter which came at the first Pentecost. With the Holy Spirit in us we know that we will overcome any and all obstacles in our lives. There is nothing we can
  6. Believing that Jesus was God in the flesh is important because of love. It is in spite of our sinfulness that God loved us and came down to earth in flesh to show man that He (God) desires to be with us, and He wants us to live with him. This is not because we have some worth that He needs us at His side; rather it is what He desires. Satan wants us to think God has no love for us, because he remembers that he (Satan) had God
  7. This is a baffling question which I don
  8. A planted seed will bear fruit. The fruit that grows shows what seed has been planted. If an avocado seed has been planted you won
  9. According to Ephesians 4:26, to be angry is not sin; for it says be angry but don
  10. It seems the false teachers were saying that what Jesus did on the cross for man had little to no affect on Christians. There were no change between the saved and the unsaved. They may have taught there was no difference between the righteous and the unrighteous.
  11. A seed planted in the ground indicates what fruit the plant will bear. You can
  12. The reason Jesus came to earth was to free us so we did not have worry about keeping the law which God gave to Moses. God knew that we could not keep the law, even though men swore that they would keep it. While Jesus was on the earth He fulfilled the law. When we sin we place ourselves back under the law and we go further and further into breaking the law until we confess that only through the blood of Jesus are we cleansed from the law we cannot keep.
  13. If I knew that a famous person was coming to my house, I would make the effort to clean my house, shower, and dress before the person knocked on my door. All that Christ has done for me gives me the incentive to insure that my life is pleasing to Him when He returns. I want nothing to be out of place when he arrives. It
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