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About plethra
- Birthday 06/16/1959
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Q4. Psalm 51
plethra replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
A broken and contrite heart comes when you are truly emotionally and spiritually brokenhearted at the sin that you have committed against God. Not because you got caught but because you realize the awefulness of your sin. I see very little of that these days. I even feel very little of that in my own life. Godly sorrow seems hard to attain. There has been so much self justification and so much of a lethargic spirit in the house of God that a broken and contrite heart seems to be a mythe. Humility is always a good place to start in any thing. Pride and conceit will keep you far far away from the touch of the Masters Hand. Humbling yourself and yeilding yourself to God is the only way to achieve any good thing from God. -
Q3. Psalm 51
plethra replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
With God all things are possible. By the blood of Jesus can we be fully restored to a pure heart. We first of all must confess our sins to God and repent. He then will do the rest. We need to constantly and consistantly seek the face of God and His will. Staying in the Word and Praying. But it is God that does the work. -
Q2. Psalm 51
plethra replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
No he is not minimizing his sin against Bathsheba and Uriah, but is acknowledging that the sin is first and formost against God. No he is not excusing himself but again is acknowledging the complete sinfulness and sin nature that he has. He is saying I acknowledge that I am a sinner and need YOUR help. I am nothing without YOU Lord. -
Q1. Psalm 32
plethra replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Psalms: Finding Forgiveness and Restoration
Self deceit works with sin to cover it up and hide it (as though we could). Another word for self deceit might be to "justify" our sin. If that hadn't happened then I would not have done this. Another way we self deceive is to play the blame game. It's always someone elses fault thus relieving me of any responsibility. We see this in people from 2 to 92. Confession first of all makes us accept responsibilty for our sin and makes us look fully in the face of the sin we have committed and say this is what I did. We like to think we are better than we are. We don't like to look and the ugly evil side of our personalities. We dont want other people to see our flaws either. A two edged sword. Sometimes a confrontation of some sort to see clearly what is what without the self deception. I remember a time I was very into church, but had slipped into some sin that I knew was going to destroy me and all that God wanted me to be. I thought I had it hidden and that "nobody knows" (one of the great lies of satan). I went to church and heard the preaching of the Word and conviction fell on me and God convicted me of my sin and I repented and went home and made things right that very day. -
For me to rest in God means to trust God. When life becomes overwhelming I go to the Rock that is higher than I. I run to Him and read HIS word. I pray and trust HIM to take care of the situation that is bringing me turmoil. Often times HE doesn't change the situation - but changes me.
Sitting by a river and resting is a wonderful experience. The sound of the water going by has a calming effect. When life becomes too rushed and ragged we can sit by the river and rest. I also think of the river of life flowing down from the Father above, and knowing that He is in control. Sometimes we need to be still and reflect on the greatness of God. He is great and awesome. He loves us and will move heaven and earth to come to our rescue when we cry out to Him. To know God and to know His greatness, and to know he loves me brings me peace. I don't have to have all the answers and solutions - God has all that. I trust HIM.
Simply put it means I trust you. I know that you love me and that you want what is good and right for my life. I know that you are able to bring to completion that good work that you have begun in me. When we fully trust God we can't help but have peace. My times are in your hands. You are the one in control here not me. All I have to do is trust you. I've been through enough to know you will be enough for me.
He supplies my needs, gives me rest, restores my soul, leads me in paths of righteousness, comforts me when i am scared,
By refusing to be overwhelmed by things to great for him. Trusting in God and knowing that God is in control. He realizes that he doesn't have to know everything and accepts the fact that some things are beyond his understanding. David is not proud or haughty. he has humbles himself before the lord knowing that God is in control
Q4. Psalm 24
plethra replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it. He is the creator and the creation belongs to HIM. He must have clean hands and a pure heart. Does not seek kto be an Idol. does not want to be glorified but is willing to give to others and to give God all praise and glory. The glory of the King means that he is worthy. He is to be honored. He must have entrance to the city (our hearts) -
Q3. Psalm 126
plethra replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
As we remember the great things God has done for us in the past and as we give Him praise for seeing us through tough times, it builds our faith so that we can make our requests known unto God with great expectations. both of these metaphors tell us that there is going to be a season of waithing and a season of harvest. We must no grow weary in well doing but stand faithfull, bellieving that God will see us through. I must sow in God's word and He is the one responsible for the harvst. -
Q2. Psalm 96
plethra replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Ascribe means to credit or attribute to. In this case to give God the credit and the glory for the great things he has done. Not to do so would be foolishness. God is worthy of all our praise for it is He who has made us He is the creator and by Him all thing consist and exist. -
Q1. Psalm 57
plethra replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Psalms: Exulting in the God of Our Salvation
Sometimes it is hard to see beyond what is directly in our face. Our circumstances are so real and God sometimes seems so far away. Satan is constantly reminding of us the turmoil in our lives and the hurt that we are dealing with. When we lay our burdens down and start praising God in spite of our circumstances, our faith rises up and our whole countenance changes. God lifts us up above the clouds of gloom and despair. When the praises go up the blessings come down. God takes care of our attitude and our circumstances, and establishes our goings. -
Q4. Psalm 22. Comparisons
plethra replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
Psalm 22:7 All who see me laugh me to scorn Luke 18:32 Mocked, and despitefully treated, and spit upon Psalm 22:15 My tongue cleaveth to my jaws. John 19 28 I thirst Psalm 22:16 the peirced my hands and feet. Mark 15:25 and they crucified Him Psalm 22:18 they parted my garments and John19:24 Let us not rend it (his vesture) but let us cast lots for my vesture cast lots for it I do think that Jesus knew that Psalm 22 was referring to Himself. I don't think HE went into this thing not knowing what would befall Him. I think David penned these words so that years later people would be able to say that it happened just as it was prophesied. There would be no question as to whether this was just an ordinary man that got a bad deal but they would know that this was that which had been prophesied about years before -
Q3. Psalm 22
plethra replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Psalms: Looking Forward to the Messianic King
He was expressing the fact that God cannot stand the sight of sin. While Jesus was on the cross HE took on the sins of the world. God cannot look on sin. Jesus felt the price of sin even though HE himself had not committed sin but was bearing the burden of sin. He felt forsaken and abandoned by HIS Father. The Father remained silent for a span of time so that the work that Jesus came to do could be finished. But three days later God raised Him from the dead to forever be Lord of Lords and King of Kings.