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  1. When you have the love of God in your life, that love overflows to other and that make it easier for you to fellowship with your christians brothers and sisters and they with you even if they are surface christians or not evenutally you will win them over where in time they will want to have that inner christian fellowship rather than the surface one, because said " if you lift me up I will draw all men" not to you but to him, so if your christian brothers and sisters see and feel that realness in your life, that make them feel kinda good to be around you, I felt that from a church mother and a missionary at my church, when I first came to the Lord and we all love being around her so we would meet at her house every saturday night for prayer, now the same goes for my natural family, where we all get together once a month for a big family dinner and every week at my house just to fellowship,and half of them don't go to church yet. Sometime we have to put ourselves out there and show others that we want to fellowship and that it's ok if you just want to sit and talk Please pray for me that will stay in my heart that I will continue to show love for others.
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