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Q14. Spiritual Deadness
rmcsed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.1. From Deadness in Sin to Coming Alive in Christ (2:1-7)
The unsaved or those who have not trusted in Jesus Christ as their savior are spiritual already dead. Since the time Adam, we have been spiritually dead in our sins. That is why Jesus needed to come, so that God and reconcile us back to Himself. Once we realize our standing according to God's Holy law, and we fully understand that we are indeed sinners, because we have not kept the Law, and also because we were born into sin already, we were already condemned from birth. Then we confessed our sins and trusted in Christ to save us, then is when we have become "born again", because we were once spiritual dead, now we are alive in Christ. Many in our society do not realize this yet, that think that they , already. If you don't believe this just try asking someone, they will claim their own righteousness. They do not see the sin in themselves. A majority of people in our society and in the world, believe God will never condemn anyone, and that they are good enough to enter heaven, on their own merits. We as Christians, should have a heavy heart for them, the same heart as Jesus has for the lost, so should ours be. Witnessing and sharing our faith should be priority one. Satan is content to see people in the churches praising and worshiping, just as long as they are not out spreading the gospel. Only two percent of professing Christians share their faith, how sad. Let us witness and share our faith till the nets are full! When Jesus called us to be fishers of men, we need to go where the fish are at, and they won't be jumping in the boat. Let all of us be seed sowers, and let the Holy Spirit work in the hearts of those who hear the gospel. -
Many times, we as Christians do not realize the power that we do have inside of us. I have talked to many Christians, and many do feel overwhelmed by the world. I know that in this world it is a constant battle with the forces of darkness. Many Christians fail to realize this, that in eveything we do, we are constantly doing battle with darkness. We may not fully understand it, but we are. Especialy, when we just become a Christian, the devil is hard a work trying to disrupt our relationship with God. Anything he can do, to make us depend on something else other that God, he will do it. But as Christian, we do have the power to overcome. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead, has been made available to us, this is difficult to comprehend and understand, but it has been promised to us. Upon our conversion, Jesus sent us a helper, and that is the Holy Spirit. He gives us power, and convicts us when we do go astray.
Q11. Unmeasurable Power
rmcsed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
Sometimes we may feel powerless in our faith, but that my be due to our own personal walk. True, many churches are able to win someone to Christ, but may slack in maturing the new born Christian. As a church, we need to be able to disciple, to help the new born christian grow and mature. I have experienced, that when someone comes to Christ there is rejoicing and even baptism, but that is where it ends. Church families need to have ways where people can be discipled. For example, classes on Spiritual Maturity, small groups etc. These help the young Christian to grow. It is also important to be involved in some sort of daily Bible study where a young (even an older one for that matter) can daily be in the word. To be a fully mature Christian, we need discipleship, we need to spend time together in group worship, we need to spend time together in fellowship, we need to spend time in evangelism, and in reaching out. We cannot just focus on just one area, all need to be addressed in the church in every church program, event and groups. Personally, I am a strong believer in small groups, I believe that is where a lot of growing/learning/maturing and fellowship takes place. I try to encourage everyone to get hooked up into a group. I find that when one gets away, from church or a group, they tend to get cold. Finally, I want to make sure that everyone of our converts came to Christ for the right reason. I feel, that that person coming to Christ, comes to Him, because they have realized that they are in need of him. They have come a point in their life where they realized that they were in fact a sinner, in danger of God's judgement. So they come to Christ, confessing their sins with contrition in their hearts. Seeking a savior, which can only be found in Christ. I have found out lately, that many were coming to Christ for the wrong reason. They were looking for someting, like a joyful life, a life with no problems. Which is ok, but those are the fruits of a spirit filled life, and not the drawing card for coming to Christ. I have found that those who come to Christ with this kind of an attitude, end up back-sliding and eventually leave the church, because it was not what they had expected. But those, who come to Christ by repenting and for salvation from their sins, those are the one who really understand the true meaning of grace! They will stay with the church no matter what conflict the world throws at them, because they did not come for the smooth ride, they came for salvation! In fact the more troubles the world throws at them, the more they cling on to Christ! -
That is a very difficult question. If I knew I was about to recieve a huge amount of money, what would I act like. In today's premise, even when I knew I was about to get a raise, I am tempted to spend even more. But in a spiritual matter, it would be different. Concerning money, I probably would be thinking what good that I might be able to do with do much money, helping people out, helping out the church, looking for areas real it can used for a great benefit. But knowing that I have a reward of eternal life, I am thinking more along the lines of, I want to tell everybody else about it, becasue it is achievable for everyone to enjoy this. First, I want all those I love to be with me, and then all those whom I do not know, I would want to let them know of the joy also. I guess to put it all in a nice little package, because this is what my energies have been, to get the word out, as much as I can, to reach out as much as I can.
Q8. Seal and Downpayment
rmcsed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
Upon our conversion, the Holy Spirit lives within us. Dwelling within us sanctifying us. With he Holy Spirit in us, we are able to face the world in our Christian walk. He empowers us over sin and temptation, teaches us and matures in the image of Christ. This is like a down payment, ernest money or a guarantee of what is to come. Sealing us is like when we have something sealed,(such as a package, letter, container..etc) meaning that it cannot be tampered with until the rightful owner comes and opens it. When Jesus comes back as King in His glory for His bride (the church). He is coming back to claim us as His own, then we will finally be made complete with new bodies, being rightful heirs, because we are a part of His Spiritual family and we will live eternally with Christ in heaven. -
Q7. God's Purpose
rmcsed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
We were created in God's image to worship and praise Him. He loved us first. This is accomplished by loving Him and giving Him priority of all we do and say. We are to be obedient to His will, it is about doing what He desire above all else. Since we were created in His image, all that we do represents Him, so in all that we do, we do in honor of Him. Then we are to lights of His goodness to the world. A light shines for all around to see. -
Q6. One Head
rmcsed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
The church has only one head, and that is Jesus Christ. To Him has been given all authority and He will be the Heavenly King forever. Those who have been redeemed through His blood and trusted in Him; having been made righteous in the eyes of God will be with Him eternally in heaven. It has been God's plan to reconcile us back to His heavenly family, and made that possible through the death of Jesus Christ. Once we have repented, confessed our sins and trusted in Jesus Christ for saving us, we were made part of God's eternal family. As Christ was dying on the cross, God was busy reconciling the world back to Him. Christ conquer death and sin for ever, and He offers that same hope for all those who trust in Him. -
Q5. Redeemed from Slavery
rmcsed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
Before I came to trust Christ as my personal savior and redeemer, I was in a sense a slave to the prince of this world. Sin had control of me, I had no control over the sin in life. But once I understood the severity of my sins through the law, I began to see myself in danger of God's wrath. Those simple 10 commandments, there were only 10, but I could not keep one! The more I read them, the more guilty I became. Sin had a gripe on my life, and I realized that I was missing the mark. I had no idea of my consumption of sin, till I fully understood God's Holy Law. It was then I was broken hearted, and had contrition for my sinful life. I not only confessed my sins to God, but I also have forsaken them and began to trust in Jesus Christ as my savior. I am no longer a slave to sin, it no longer rules my life. When Christ died on the cross and shed His blood for my transgressions, God reconciled me to Him. I am now free from the bondage of sin, Satan has no claim on me. My desires have completely changed, now I seek to please Him. Sure, sometimes I fall into sin, but I will never dive into sin, as I once used to do. The Holy Spirit in now living in me, perfecting me and giving me the power to resist temptation. I know have a new master in Jesus Christ, He is the Lord of my life. -
Q4. Adoption
rmcsed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Once again, after conversion. We are adopted into God's family, but with a difference compared to earthly adoptions where the adoptee is different from his adopted parents. Human parents are able to share their love, and all they have with thier child, but they do not take on the characteristics of the parents. But when we are adopted into God's family we begin to take on His nature, we are His children in the very image of His own son Jesus Christ. We become an intamate part of His family sharing in Christ's very nature, riches and blessings. -
Q3. Holy and Blameless
rmcsed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
At the point of our conversion, we are part of His family, we share in a part of His mission to the world. Being set apart from the rest of the world with a mission. We are no longer of this world, even though we are a part of the world, but we are set aside for His purpose. We now can stand blameless before God, because of the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. His atonement paid the price for our sins, past, present and future. We were cursed and stood guilty under God's Holy Law, there was no way we could be perfect and save ourselves. It took the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus to cover amd wash us clean of our sins, and make us righteous under the law, so we could now stand blameless before God. It is not that I don't sin anymore, but I do have the power to resit temption through the Holy Spirit in me. I am no longer a slave unto sin, through the work of the cross, I have conquered sin. But am I sinless, NO, but I no longer dive into sin as my oldself, when I do sin, it is only because I fell, but not dived into it. The Holy Spirit is constantly at work within me, I no longer have a desire to sin, since my conversion, I strive to do God's will. As each day goes by, I am constantly maturing in Christ, and as I resist temptation, I become stronger. The most important key to living a victorioous life, is daily time in His Word, and to develop a strong relationship with the Father, through Jesus Christ. -
Q1. In Christ
rmcsed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Upon my repentance and confession of my sins, and trusting in Jesus Christ as my savior, I have become in Christ. I am sanctified trough Him and made righteious because He paid my penalty for my sins. I myself no longer live, nor am I a slave to sin, it is Him through the Holy Spirit that live in me, I am a new creature in Christ. Now on that judgment day, when God looks at me, He will see me clothed in His righteousness, He will see His son in me. -
Q2. Predestination
rmcsed replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Thinking about predestination from a human point of view might be confusing and possibly a little scary, but it does nullify man's responsibilty to respond to Jesus Christ and his redemptive mission. I believe that Paul was confronting us by telling us we are part of God's family. Even though we came as adoptive children, but we are given full rights of His inheritance, just like His own. The good news is that He makes us His own children, in His own image and His own nature.