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Robyn S

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  1. Rebellion is our disobedience and lack of submission to God and His authority. God's authority reign's supreme and the Word is evident of this. Those who do not or did not (as in the bible) submit to His authority suffered consequences. It started with Adam and Eve and continues to this day. Rebellion is sinful and that sin keeps us in bondage. Which leads to why rebellion is as bad as witchcraft. Witchcraft is darkness, it is the demonic realm. Witchcraft teaches to rebel, to do whatever is pleasing to self, it is about power and control. If you are doing these things you are not following the will or commands of the Lord. Not abiding by His will is disobedience which is rebellion which in turn is equated to witchcraft. Arrogance is synonymous with superiority. God is the one and only superior being. To think that one's self is greater than another is sinful. Sin is being disobedient to God, which again is rebellion. When we find ourselves in a place of rebellion against God, be it conscience or once becoming aware of it, we must become broken and humble ourselves before the Lord. Through repentance, prayer, fasting, whatever the Holy Spirit leads us to do we must obey. Romans 8:1 says "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus". If you truly ask our Heavenly Father for forgiveness He will see the sincerity of our heart and by His mercy and grace forgive us. If we do nothing we become backsliders and are once again in the world. We open ourselves up to all the things that are not of God. We miss out on the many blessings that the Lord has for us. Each day that we make excuses for not picking up the Word, giving praise and thanksgiving, prayer, we are turning ourselves over to the powers of darkness. God want our obedience! As we read today "TO OBEY IS BETTER THAN TO SACRIFICE". Every day that I wake I know that God's mercies are new and His grace is sufficient, His word says so and we must have faith which is found in true obedience to Him. 1 Corinthians 15:10 "But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace towards me is not in vain; though I labor more abundantly than they all, not yet I, but the grace of God which is in me". AMEN!
  2. Sorry so exited about posting didn't share anything about myself. As of September 9th it will be two years since the Lord has so graciously saved me. These past two years have been like no other time in my life, the Lord has blessed me so! I am a 50 year old woman from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania who loves to praise the Lord, garden and cook.
  3. Hello Everyone, my name is Robyn and I am blessed to have come across this website. I am so excited to learn! Hope to be sharing with you all soon. Peace
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