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Everything posted by Inez45
Q1. Striking Uzzah
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
Why does God strike Uzzah? When David went to get the ark from the house of Abinadab he did not find out the appropriate way to transport the ark of God which was consider holy and sacred and was only allow around the present of holy men. They were transporting the ark on a cart pulled by oxen and the oxen shook it (maybe because rough road or ride) which cause Uzzah to react and reach out to stabilized it from falling. Uzzah died after putting his hands on the ark. Why is David so angry? David was upset and surprised because he thought he was doing a good thing by recovering the ark and he was probably humiliated because of his plan and leadership was looking bad to the people, so David became of afraid of the Lord and what would happen with the ark in his presence. -
Q1. Spiritual Blindness
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David Becomes King and Conquers Jerusalem (2 Samuel 2-5)
Why does Joab slay Abner? Joab wanted to avenge his brother’s death. Is he justified in doing so? No, Joab was angry with Abner for killing his brother Asahela and for going behind him to talk to David about a peace treaty. How does this affect his king's unification plans? The peace treaty was going to take place because David was destining to be king and Ish-bosheth wanted an end to the constant bloodshed. Both David and Ish-bosheth comes to an agreement for peace. According to Abner the elders was also ready for David to become king. How can our spiritual blindness get in the way of God working out His plan in our lives? We bring self or selfishness or pride in our way. We see things or circumstances most of times in natural sense not in the spiritual sense for what they are. So naturally we try to fix it without seeking God. God sometimes allows us to do it our way until we remove self and completely surrender and trust God to take care of it. Take a self check and see what self is standing in the way of then move self out of the way so you can receive your blessing. -
1 Chronicles 10:13-14) David is gracious in his memorial psalm. How does he remember Saul's life? David always spoke of Saul as God anointed, David respected and honor Saul as king. David stated; Saul and Jonathan were swifter than an eagle and stronger than a lion. At one point David probably really looked up to Saul because he was strong and skillful. David also tries to remind the people that Saul took care of Israel. David wanted them to remember the good and kind Saul they knew at first. In honor to Saul and Jonathan David asked the people not to talk about his death in the street, and to teach their children how to use a bow. How does the Chronicler remember Saul's life? The writer felt Saul was unfaithful to God and did not keep the word of God which causes of end of his life. The author 1 Samuel talks about how the people of Israel wanted King (despite their rejection as God as their King) and God told Samuel to select to Saul. Saul was a tall attractive young man born from the tribe of Bengimins (men of power and strength). Saul is then anointed by Samuel and the Spirit of Lord was with him. The writer shows Saul was a great soldier and he and his men defeated many battles. He became very powerful and popular. However, Saul’s rebellious nature and disobedient that causes his own path to destruction. The writer tells us that the Spirit of God left Saul and an evil spirit had entered him. What do we learn from this? I learn that we can be our own enemy and let our own stubbornness and/or disobedient be the downfall of blocking our blessings and possibly leading us into a path of destruction. Just as Saul did, Saul to me was his worst enemy. Saul let power and popularity get to his head and it eventually destroy him. How do you think God evaluates Saul's life? God oh God oh God he is such a merciful God he knew Saul's heart and the thing he was going to do, but just like you and me Saul had the choice to do right or wrong and a lot of what he did was wrong ones. God said that he was sorry he made Saul king and He allowed an evil spirit to enter Saul. There always will be consequences for your action bad or good. Was the death of Saul God’s consequence? Only God knows, God will decide Saul’s final judgment.
From the Psalms of David, how does David seem to strengthen himself in the Lord when things are going bad? God is David's Rock and Salvation and his fortress (shield) in time of need. David goes to God and gets comfort and joy from Him. What devotional exercises does he adopt? David is always, praying and giving thanks and praises and glory and honor to God. He always seeks protection from his enemies. What is the focus of his faith? Hope, Trust, and Believed in God. ..David is one of my favorite biblical male people why because he knew he was a man with faults and that may him relatable to me, but he always knew that he can seek God and repent. God is David rock and salvation.
Why do the men blame David? They felt he took all the men and left their home camp unprotected and caused the Amalekites amry to come in and take their women and children and burn their land. Why is the situation so explosive at this point? Although, God intervened and worked it so they did not have to fight against Saul’s and his army, they left their family and went there to help fight with the Philistines who are their enemies. David and his men had been dismissed after just traveling miles there and then having to turn back and travel miles back to find out that their entire family and land is gone, there is no wife of child or love to come home to because your love ones are gone. What does David do in the situation? David turns to God for comfort and encouragement and he also sought council of the Lord about the situation, regarding should he or shouldn’t he go after the men that took their family. What is David feeling? David was sadden and greatly distress by what had happen in verse 4 it said that he wept with his men, because David also had his wives taken too. I also felt that David being the man that he was felt very responsible for what had happen but he knew just who to turn to (v.6). David could've went around continue feeling depressed or retaliated towards the men that were upset and ready to stone him, but instead he sought for encouragement/strength from The Lord. Why doesn't he act immediately? Remember David was also greatly distress and he knew his men were upset and tired from their previous journey and he didn’t want to stir the pot so to speak, so he did what he trusted best he sought the Lord.
Q4. Occult Practices
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. David Spares the Lord's Anointed (1 Samuel 24-28)
Why do you think God condemns occult practices of communicating with the dead and channeling spirits of the dead? Because anything that is not of God is not righteous and about trusting and worshiping God. God said there shall be no other gods before me for, I am the Lord God am a jealous. Therefore if you are dappling into these areas you maybe worshiping evil and demonic practice and God is not please. How might such practices open Christians to victimization and oppression by evil spirits? Christians fall victims to a lot of these practice often times when they in distress from losing a love one or if they are going through very hard times and they need some words of comfort and encouragement. They lose patient and hope and trust in God and seek answer from these sources. What should you do if you've been involved in such practices in the past? I grew up in a church that taught us to fear and respect God so I tried my best to stay far away from any involvement from these practice. However, when I was a teenager before I got save and came into the true knowledge of Jesus Christ as my Savior, I use to buy those monthly roll up horoscope to read to tell what my future hold, so I guess I was naively dappling into astrology practice instead of turning to Jesus for answer. I know now that the horoscope are one of the gateway for falling trap into these other pactices. You might start worshiping the star gods or moon gods etc...seeking answers but they are not of The True God. I have since then turn from my wrong doings and repented and now I look to the true God for answers. -
Q3. Nabal and Abigail
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. David Spares the Lord's Anointed (1 Samuel 24-28)
What do we learn about David's character in this incident with Nabal and Abigail? David was emotionally upset and very quick to call judgment and punishment on Nabal. He was going to shed his blood (kill him) without consulting God because he felt he was justified. However, he showed compassion because of Abigail and spared their lives. What do we learn about Abigail's character? Abigail was wise and beautiful wife who saw fit to intervene to save her husband and her family lives. She probably didn’t chose her husband their marriage was most likely prearranged. Nabal's character? The bible stated that Nabal was a churlish and evil man in his doing, which mean he was harsh and unkind. Nabal’s had many sheep that he probably worked hard to obtain, however, he was very mean and did not show any gratitude when David protected his animals from being taken or killed by the enemies. He also talked bad about David. Nabal acted foolishly, it almost cost his entire family and servant men lives. It eventually cost him his life. Why do you think this story was included in 1 Samuel? What important knowledge does it add to our understanding? I believed from the natural aspect the bible wanted to show us some of the resources that David had/ or obtained during the time he and his men were moving from place to place. On the spiritual aspect I think that there several things that it shows us, we are to be faithful and wise, and good stewardmen. (Luke 12:42) Also David was going to take revenge into his own hand and kill (shed blood), and we should allow God to vindicate us. Vengeance belongs to the Lord (Deut. 32:35). When someone does evil against me or my family I need to not get upset and or hold a grudge. I need not to act on it in negative way but go to God and I ask forgiveness for myself and for that person and God will work it out for my good. -
Q2. God's Anointing
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. David Spares the Lord's Anointed (1 Samuel 24-28)
How do we apply the principle of not lifting a hand against the Lord's anointed in our day? Show respect and honor to our leaders of the church and do not talk about them in a negative way or slander them. "The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching...What provisions are there in 1 Timothy 5:19-20 for calling leaders to account. Don’t except as true an accusation against an elder unless verified by the two or three witness. “Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses. Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning." (1 Timothy 5:17, 19-20).” What do you think God will do to those who slander, persecute, and martyr his appointed leaders? God said touch not his anointed, so if they are in “His Will” they will be vindicated by God. -
Q1. Sparing Saul
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. David Spares the Lord's Anointed (1 Samuel 24-28)
Why doesn't David kill Saul when he has the chance? David knew that Saul was still king and he respected fact that he was once anointed by God and also he made a covenant with his son Jonathan. What motive do David and his men have for killing a king who is trying to kill them? David motive was Saul constantly seeking to kill him and Saul taking the lives of the priests and David may have wanted to protect safety of his family from being on the run. The men’s motives was that they had become fond of David and also most of them was mistreated by Saul therefore they probably dislike him and some was was being hunted for owing him money. What does this tell us about David's character? He was honorable, compassionate, and trusted (strong faith) in God. What does it say about David's leadership ability that he is able to dissuade his men from killing Saul? David was great leader, as a great soldier he lead with integrity and respect for his men so the men honored, respected, and they trusted him and they knew that God spirit was with him. -
Q4. Wilderness Psalms
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. David Flees from Saul (1 Samuel 21-23)
In these ascriptions to these psalms, how many celebrate happy occasions? I only really saw one, (Ps. 18), however, in all of them David never forgets to give God the praise even in the midst of his struggles. How many arise from struggles? All arises from some type of situation that he was struggling with. What does this tell you about David's relationship with God? David loved God, and in his time of need David lean and depend on God as his confidant, and he continues to praise and give Him the glory and honor in all his circumstances. What does this tell you about his faith during trials? David had strong faith in God while he was going through his struggles, he constantly prayed and consulted with God and he continued to trust and believed in God. Which is your favorite among these psalms? Why? I Choose Psalms 142, the prayer for God to be my refuge in my time of need. Why? At one time I was going through a situation at my workplace where I felt that they tried to snare my integrity and character BUT GOD took what they meant for my evil and turn it into something good. THANK YOU JESUS! -
Q3. Jonathan's Encouragement
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. David Flees from Saul (1 Samuel 21-23)
Why does Jonathan visit David in the wilderness? Jonathan wanted to encourage David that even though Saul and his men was definitely pursuing him and would have him killed when they caught him, he however did not have the same intention as his father and he knew David was going to be next king and he after. Jonathan also wanted to say goodbye to David and wish him well. What risk is there for David? David took a risk meeting Jonathan because Saul may have had his son followed or watched because he knew of his friendship with David. Also, David did not want to risk anything to happening to Jonathan because he helped him just like the others. What do you think it meant to David? I think it meant a lot to David to see Jonathan and receive the words of encouragement and make the covenant between eachother before God. This probably gave David more strengthen and hope to continue his journey. Have you ever received a visit from a friend when you needed it most? No. However, I have received words of encouragement a time that I needed it most. -
Q2. Inquiring of the Lord
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. David Flees from Saul (1 Samuel 21-23)
What did Abiathar and the ephod have to do with "inquiring of the Lord?" After Abiathar brought Ephod to David and told him about what had happen David was very sorry about was had happen to his family and felt it was his fault. Abiathar was a Priest and the ephod contained the Urim and Thummim that they used to seek counsel from God. Why did David inquire of the Lord? David felt he needed to consult with God for the safety of himself and his men and to remain in His will. David wanted to know if he should attack the Philistines and God said yes and David and his men defeated them. David also used the ephod to inquired the Lord about leaving Keilah when he heard that Saul found out that he was there. God told him to leave because Saul was coming and the men of Keilah was going to turn him over to him. What huge advantage does the person have who seeks God's will before acting? When you seek the Lord wholeheartedly, God will never steer you wrong. Just trust and obey, you will triumph. How can you find God's will at key points in your life? God wants us to have a deep relationship with him, just like I suspect David did. God said He loved David because he was a man after his own heart. I think this was that David showed the fruits of the Spirits and he often seek God for direction, so he developed a personal relationship with God. We are to inquire of the Lord when we are going through a major situation by reading His word and fasting and prayer. -
Why were David's men attracted to him? David led them in victory in battle and they saw him defeated Goliath so they respected him and they saw that Holy Spirit had left Saul and was now with David. What did they have in common? What kind of men were these? According to Saul, rebels, outlaws. Saul had many men who left his army and went with David because they didn’t like him and/or he had a price on their head to have them killed. Most of them like and respected David. What difficulties do you think David probably had in leading them? The difficulties David might have had in his leadership is maintaining loyalty to his men and Saul because he still was king and he did not want to kill him. Also, maintaining all the men's women and children, such as, housing, food, and clothing without getting caught and killed by Saul.
Q3. Spirit and Prophecy
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jonathan's Friendship, Saul's Jealousy (1 Samuel 18-20)
What does it tell us about Saul's faith that he pursues David even when he has sought the sanctuary of the prophet Samuel? Saul has become so jealous and so determines to kill David and feels that because he is king that nothing is above him. Saul has no respect or honor for Samuel and the sanctuary because he now knows his time is coming short and God has anointed David so he feared him. Why do people prophesy when the Holy Spirit comes upon them? When the power of the Holy Spirit causes you to prophesy, it’s the power of a heavenly divine language that is spoken with you and God can understand. What is the relationship between this incident and the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2)? The incident in this chapter with Saul to me was both amusing and confusing. I did not understand why Saul kept sending his messengers and why the Spirit of God caused Saul to strip off his clothes(other than he was going mad and that was all flesh) and why didn’t the author or Samuel explain the reason for this event or/and why the incident took place. I was just left wondering why and assuming just like the people in the bible "what in world". However, in Act 2 the Day of Pentecost clearly states the event and the reason why they were all in the upper room. The only relationship between the two is the power of the Holy Spirit and Spirit was in control and pour out spirit upon all those who were in close proximity and they began to prophesy. -
Q2. Marrying Michal
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jonathan's Friendship, Saul's Jealousy (1 Samuel 18-20)
Which of the following is David's chief motive for marrying Michal, in your opinion? I felt “ (2) obedience to Saul’s Desires” was David’s chief motive for marry Michal. Argue for the motivation that makes the most sense to you: David fear God and had high respect for Saul who was still king. David did not felt he or his family was worthy (rich) enough to be a son-in-law to the king, so he felt he had to earn the honor of being son-in-law to the king. -
Q1. Military Success
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jonathan's Friendship, Saul's Jealousy (1 Samuel 18-20)
Why does Saul send David into battle? After David victory with the Philistine he became very popular with the people and his troops trusted him. Saul was very jealous of David and wanted him gone and/or dead. Saul thought of a plan to get rid of David by promoting him Captain which, mean David would be leader in the battles and, Saul hope he would be killed during these battle. What is the result? David did not fall to the sword during these battes, God protected him and, David proved he was a great warrior and leader to his troops. To what does the narrator attribute David's success? “because the Lord was with him” David is God's anointed. Remember when you are in His will that no weapon formed against you shall prosper, they will try but they will be defeated. -
Q3. The Battle Is the Lord's
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. David and Goliath: Bold Faith (1 Samuel 17)
Why do we so often forget that "the battle is the Lord's"? When things are going wrong or there is conflict in our lives we try to fix it our self. We become anxious and impatient and begin to lose strength and sight of who is in control (God). What does that phrase actually mean? God will take care of everything that concerns us, according to His will. He got your back. Remember, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities..., so this is a spiritual battle and we need a divine spirit to help us fight our battle. How can we avoid the arrogance of pulling God into our battles ("God is on my side"), rather than engaging in His battles ("am on God's side")? God loves us and He wants us to put total trust and faith in Him instead of giving into our fears, just focus on Him, listen to Him, be patient, and He will see you through. We are to rely on God to fight on our behalf. -
Q2. Experience and Faith
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. David and Goliath: Bold Faith (1 Samuel 17)
What does David's explanation to Saul of his combat experience say about David's faith? David assures Saul that he is capable of conquering this uncircumcised Philistine, because of his faith in God. David tells Saul about conquering the lion and bear when he kept his father's sheep. David stated “The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.” This showed faith that David trusted in the lord and believed that God would again deliver this Philistine (Goliath) to him. How lethal is David as a warrior? At this period in time remember David was anointed by Samuel by the instruction of God, so David has the lethal power of Holy Spirit with him. Why do you think Saul allows him to go out to battle Goliath? Saul saw some things in David and begins to believe in David and Saul said to David “ Go, and the Lord be with thee.” Does Saul have faith? Saul faith in God has become weak. He has not fully put his trust in God as you will continue to see in his future choices. What Saul does believe in is his power and in numbers in his army. The source Saul uses was David's Willingness to take on Goliath and knowing he had a strong faith in God. -
Q1. Goliath's Taunt
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. David and Goliath: Bold Faith (1 Samuel 17)
Why is David so upset about Goliath's taunt? When David hears Goliath ranting and raving he was upset, David felt Goliath was trying to disgrace the Israel people and disrespect God. David knew the type of God they served and how God had delivered them out of many battles before, so how dare this uncircumcised man threaten them. Why is Eliab, David's brother, so upset with David? Eliab was upset with his brother David because he felt David was out of place. Eliab felt he did not belong down there with the rest of soldiers because he was just a boy. Eliab felt he should have done his normal task of just dropping off the food and going back home to tend to the sheep. What does this teach us about David's faith? David had strong faith in God and David knew that God will deliver the enemy over to him, just as he did when he was shepherding over the sheep. He killed a lion and bear. What does it teach us about Eliab's character? Eliab has lack of confident and lack faith in himself and his brother. -
Q4. God's Purposes
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
Like you quote by D.L. Moody Like your quote by D.L. Moody -
Q4. God's Purposes
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
From Saul's perspective, why is David summoned to court? The spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul and God allowed an evil spirit to enter him. Saul became sad or depressed and he thought music would cheer him up. A servant of Saul said he knew a man to play well to comfort him. He then tells him about Jesse’s son David, and Saul requested for David to be brought to him. From God's perspective, what seem to be the reasons for this service in Saul's court? I again agree with Dr. Wilson statement “to learn the art of leadership from that nation's leaders. It is a kind of apprenticeship for the future king of Israel.” God had already anointed David to be the next king, so He was preparing him for his future. He knew that David would be the one to go against Goliath and be the linage to the Son of God. What things tend to prevent us from learning from God in the midst of the circumstances in which we find ourselves? The thing I learn in this week lesson which are Listening and being obedient to what God is telling you to do in spite of what your circumstance may look like. What might make us more teachable? I need to study my bible more and be more humble towards instruction. -
Q3. Anointing and Spirit
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? God sent Samuel to anoint David because he was going to be the next King. Although, there was still a king in place God wanted to give David his blessing (anointing) and the power of the Holy Spirit because he knew the journey David had to take. God consecrated (equipped) David for battle. The Bible has shown several times that when God announces approval of someone they are usually anointed. What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? The Holy Spirit is a gift from God, and when you receive it you have the gift of power from God to do glorious and marvelous work for the Lord. This is like when Jesus told Peter in Matt. 16:19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. This tells me my God and the Angels in heaven are helping me when I am equipped with the power of the Holy Ghost….Halleluiah!! How does this explain his success? After, this David becomes a man (no more a shepherd boy) who defeated Goliath and becomes King. I am also refering back to Dr. Wilson qoute I agree with him when he said " When the Holy Spirit comes in power upon David it empowers him. The young man had been a harp-player and songwriter. Now he becomes an anointed, prophetic songwriter and the "sweet singer of Israel" The boy who has courageously defended his flock against the lion and the bear, now becomes the mighty warrior who defends his country against giants and Philistines." How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples? I personally as a Christian I need the power of the Holy Spirit daily for guidance, comfort, and to fight against the principalities of this world. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against power, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph. 6:11. Jesus said when He leaves He would send us a comforter (Holy Spirit) who will guide us. John14:16-18 & John 14:26. Remember, ‘He said He would never leave you nor forsake.’ --I pray Jesus please don’t take your Holy Spirit away from me -
Q2. Listening to the Spirit
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God's voice? It teaches me that when God speak to us (through His Word, dreams, visions, prophesy, etc…) it is important to hear and listening to him and take heed to His instruction. As Samuel did, Lean not on our own understanding and listen to God. God wants us to acknowledge Him in everything we do and He will direct our path. (Prov. 3:6) What is our instinctive way of discerning? I think we all have a natural instinct or as a woman I would call it a woman’s intuitions or from our natural human behavior nature. However, from a spiritual stand point we need the gift of Holy Spirit to discern the things that are good and evil. How is God teaching us to discern? Reading His word and having a relationship Him. Communicating with Him through the holy spirit. How do we learn to listen to the Spirit? I agree with Dr. Wilson when he said “We need spiritual sight and discernment…Samuel has natural instincts, but is mature enough to listen to the Holy Spirit and hear God's voice, to base his actions on what he hears from God...” We must commune with God daily and as we grow we will start to listen to the spirit of God and then start trusting and following His direction. -
Q1. Rebellion
Inez45 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
Q1. What is Rebellion? Rebellion is defined as open resistance to authority. Or as you stated “doing what we want to do rather than what God tells us. In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft practice? Rebellion is like witchcraft because of our act of disobedient, stubbornness, and hard-heartiness towards God. What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? We become self-absorb with our way of thinking and belief we tend to become stubborn and ignore anyone’s opions but our own. Saul action when he did not wait on Samuel to perform the sacrifice but performed it himself, showed his arrogance and disrespect for authority. If you note God has always dislike those who rebel or disobey Him. Take a look at what happen to The Children of Israel (first Generation), they died in the wilderness and never made it to the Promise Land and remember when Moses struck the rock because of his act of disobedient he also was not allowed to see the Promise Land. What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? Recognize it, acknowledge it, and repent. As Dr. Wilson stated we have to be careful that we are not following our own will not God’s will and making excuses for it because of the things that are happening in our lives. Rebellion usually starts with the seed of discontentment and jealousy toward someone. In this case Saul he was jealous of David and threaten he would someday take his throne. However, Saul had disobeyed God twice before David came on the scene, but God knew of his rebellious and arrogant heart and that is why he repented (sorrowful) he made him king. What happens if we do nothing? We become lost in our own way of thinking (stubbornness) and if we fall from grace we are left in a reprobate state of mind. (Read Rom. 1:28)