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Everything posted by Jewell

  1. It's difficult to forgive because it hurts and it's hard to release that hurt from inside us. God is our example of forgiveness. Being kind and compassionate is evidence of forgiveness.
  2. Unwholesome talk would be anything that deters from the 3 guidelines that Paul gives us. Pauls guidelines are: it builds up others, it needs to be heard, or it is beneficial. Slander is anything negative said about another person and is usually grounded in heresay. It is common among Christian and non-Christian. We can prevent is by (1) not going there (2) not accepting it from others - letting them know that you don't want to hear it (one of those negative things that needs to be heard).
  3. Anger is an important emotion. It can drive us to correct injustices, to protect who needs protected, to give us needed physical strength through adrenalin. It can also drive us to act without thinking first. Although anger itself is not sin, it can lead us to sin when we re-act rather than act (thinking it through first).
  4. Desensitized - the mind is desensitized because of continued exposure to sin. It's on our TV, in our news, in the grocery store - you can't get away from it. Try to find a "family friendly" check out lane at the local grocer - it's not easy - instead there is lots of skin and lots of gossip. Every time we expose ourselves to sin, we become a little more desensitized. That is why the bible tells us to know sin is there, then stay away from it, don't bring it into our homes, don't bring it into our lives. That is very difficult when one is unequally yoked. It's easier to conform to its values - just let it go because it's not worth another argument. A person gets tired of trying and at times it's only God's strength that carries you through the day.
  5. Grumbling and complaining says that we are not putting our faith in Christ, that our belief is weak, our patience short, and our faith thin.
  6. The spiritual danger of our demand for comfort and luxury is in putting ourselves and our comforts first before God. They become too important and we forget our priorities.
  7. James is warning us of arrogance and impatience. We can be humble in our planning by ensuring tha we bring all things to God and look for his guidance rather than just doing what we want to do.
  8. He refuses the war spoils because he didn't want any indication that the King of Sodom had made him rich. He did not want to be associated with the wicked king thereby assuming guilt by that association. A person is assumed to be the same as the company they keep - guilty or not.
  9. Abraham is honoring Melchizedek by tithing one tenth of the war spoils to him. Tithing is a way to honor and praise God.
  10. He has strong family ties and is willing to take risks to protect his family. He plans his moves, is well organized, and committed.
  11. Abraham's material wealth can be a reflection of God's blessing. This is not always so. Material welath or poverty cannot be generalized in that way. Material wealth can reflect God's blessing but it can also reflect God's curse in that it forces us to make sure that we put God first in our lives and not put importance on wealth, thus drawing us away from God. We tend to be closer to God, talk to Him more, build a closer relationship with Him when there is less comfort in our lives.
  12. The old model doesn't provide for support and assistance from members of the church which hinders them and the community in their growth, knowledge, and "belonging". Pastors and teachers are to teach, encourage, and prepare believers for their own mission or ministry.
  13. A gift of pastor or teacher does not require a title or official position. The gift alone provides for the person's ability to meet the calling. If a senior pastor doesn't have the spiritual gift of pastor, then his gift is in another field. It is up to the church to help find the right place and calling for the senior pastor position and for the one who holds the position without the God-given gift.
  14. By being faithful, supporting the church and it's endeavors, and supporting our missionary groups. The earmarks of an evangalist might be a gifted speaker, one who holds the audience's attention, has a burning love for Christ, and is led by the Spirit. We can encourage and stimulate through prayer and confirmation of their gift, letting them know how important we believe their work to be.
  15. Today's prophet might have leadership over a number of churches or areas and could provide teaching and instructions on spiritual matters and encouragement for fellowship and living the word of God. A false prophet would be one who teaches something other than what Christ taught.
  16. Most compelling to me is the undisturbed grave clothes because there is no way to physically remove a body from them yet have them be left folded (or lying as they had been put on his body).
  17. They were mourning. They didn't expect a ressurrection and they weren't looking for a resurrection.
  18. I don't believe there was any motive by any party. The deciples were willing to die for their faith - that only comes from true belief. Any other party stealing His body would be going against what they wanted to prove.
  19. I don't understand why they would want to - you'd think they'd be trying to explain how and why Christ died for our sins and was resurrected in order that we might live. I have no idea what motivates them.
  20. I think they did what they felt they had to do to survive. It's a situation that we each deal with differently under similar circumstances. I believe they were ethically and morally wrong, but given the same situation, would I handle it differently and if so, how? I'm not sure there was a lack of faith because I don't really understand God's purpose in this. I have learned that different cultures in different times have different expectations of behavior and that God is faithful no matter what.
  21. He doesn't like it - not one little bit. God can forgive anyone for anything as long as they ask for that forgiveness from their heart and are truly repentive.
  22. They got sick because God inflicted serious diseases on them. The affect was that the Pharoah returned Sarai to Abram. This may have been a method of teaching Abram and Sarai about truth and forgiveness.
  23. They are faced those who want to take advantage of them, threats of death or enslavement, hunger. I struggle with the other questions. I don't feel like we have aliens in our community or that any group is being oppressed or discriminated against. My employer is very emphatic about equality and non-discrimination (with a zero tolerance policy) so I don't see it there or in our church either.
  24. Bad mouthing a neighbor can make us a judge of the law because we have predestined a decision based on limited information and knowledge. In the situation where there is a difference of opinion, bad mouthing others can make us feel like we are right.
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