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Everything posted by Jewell

  1. They are vital because they are specific instructions given to us on how to become the person God meant for each of us to be.
  2. James refers to church members as adulteresses as synonymous to God's bride. The adultery consists of putting the world and our own wants before God (the aggrieved husband). God should always come first which is why friendship with the world is wrong - it does not allow God to be first.
  3. God is not against pleasure. But we must first live to love others, putting ourselves second. Living to increase one's own pleasure is putting one's self first.
  4. The resurrection is when Jesus rose from the dead. The ascension is when Jesus rose from the earth 40 days later to take his place at the right hand of the God. His ascension is the final step in His resurrection from the dead - taking His rightful place in God's presence.
  5. Jesus was flesh and bones, he could be touched by others, he could walk and talk. He could eat. His wounds were visible. He could be recognized if he chose to be. He could enter locked doors and appear or disappear at will.
  6. The grave linens were neatly folded. They were lying in a way that showed they had not been removed from the body, but that the body had been removed from them.
  7. The similaries are that Jesus died, was buried, rose from the dead, and was seen by numerous people. What happened is that scripture, as prophesied in Isaiah and many other books of the bible, was fulfilled.
  8. Differences include the number of women, the number of angels, why the women visited the tomb, where Jesus was seen, and the actual grave clothing. Eyewitness accounts usually vary in detail because we each perceive things differently - what is most striking or important to each person is emphasized or remembered in more detail. With minor difference in small details, but similar main points, it reinforces the authenticity.
  9. God gives spiritual gifts. Our natural talents are also gifts from God. There is no difference in that they are both given to us by God.
  10. We must make every effort for Christian unity. The bond of peace is the unity of the Spirit kept in love. Dissension unbonds that unity.
  11. Without patience and humility, pride (arrogance) gets in the way. Even with the right doctrine, arrogance creates dissidence. We must fight the good fight with love.
  12. To live our lives in a way that glorifies God. To follow Jesus, to be like him.
  13. Peacemakers sow peace with love and understanding, learning to walk in another's shoes, hear what they say, feel what they feel. It's the pay-it-forward idea. When someone does something in love, we repay it forward to another and another. The crop grows in each of us.
  14. Envy and selfish ambition are self centered reflections of ourselves whereas in humility we let go of our wants and desires. Denial (or even rationalization) of anything prevents healing. Boasting also prevents healing by taking us the opposite direction of humility.
  15. What is in our heart comes out of our mouth. To tame our tongue, our heart must be pure.
  16. As teachers of the word, they are held more accountable because they can't say they didn't understand - this makes greater strictness appropriate. I don't think higher standards should be expected for different people, but we can expect the highest standards from all based on our knowledge and understanding and with God's loving help and forgiveness.
  17. Abraham called on the one true God, not influenced by the culture around him who called on various deities. That is significant throughout the years - to stand your ground in your beliefs, often in contrast to those around you. When I call on the name of the Lord it is for many reasons....for help, for guidance, for strength, for wisdom, and to thank Him.
  18. It takes a special faith because we often must move out of our comfort zone. There is a chance that God will send us in a direction that we don't want to go, in which we may lose the security of the life around us. But, like Jonah, resistence is futile If we truly want God to lead us, we must learn to follow that lead without question, with full faith in Him, because He has a plan for us....
  19. Abraham was blessed: to be a great nation, to be a blessing to others, a blessing to all the peoples of the earth. He was blessed with family. He was blessed with wealth. He was blessed with his son Isaac. Those of the earth have been blessed with Jesus Christ, with salvation, with eternal life. As Abraham offered his only son to God, God offered his only son to us.
  20. Yes. Maybe - in waiting for another to find the same path. In His time.
  21. I think they heeded his prediction out of fear, although I don't think anyone expected Him to rise, otherwise they would not have been surprised at the empty tomb.
  22. Whoever believes in Jesus will live through resurrection. He will raise them up on the last day.
  23. "Those who have done good will rise to live." (John 5:28) Jesus taught that this would be a time of reward for those who had followed the Lord: "You will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous" (Luke 14:14).
  24. Job sees life after death whereas the former Jews saw only death. Progressive revelation is when God reveals things to us gradually as steps in our learning process.
  25. Although we cannot be saved by doing good works, good works are a result of living for Christ.
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