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Everything posted by Jewell

  1. I don't know if redeem is modern speech, however it seems to describe very well the issue of salvation. Redeem: implies releasing from bondage (of sin) or penalties (of death) by giving what is demanded or necessary (the wages of sin is death except through the salvation offered by our Lord).
  2. It's hard to understand grace because we've been taught to "earn our keep", "there's no free lunch", "if it looks like it's too good to be true, it probably is". It makes it difficult to move away from a mindset of many years to one that is 180 degrees the other direction. Grace is a gift, given in love, asking nothing in return.
  3. What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? above all demonic and human authority and power What does this say about God's grace? it is more than forgivements of the past, it is the enablement of power today What does this say about our spiritual authority? when we learn our place of authority and how to use it, we enable Christ's victory How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? when we become aware of our power, we accept it in faith and that acceptance and faith becomes an expectation of the fulfillment of God's promises of power.
  4. Great love, rich in mercy, grace. Made alive with Christ.
  5. People unwittingly follow Satan through lack of knowledge of God's word and lack of direction from Jesus as the great Counselor. Free will, while giving us the ability to make choices, includes the choice of spending more time with God, learning His word, and making sure we aren't working against him (unwittingly). Human beings have an amazing ability to rationalize their behavior. But if we are totally honest with ourselves, right is right and wrong is wrong. God can blame us because he knows when we know the difference between good and evil.
  6. Our sins against God's holy law have made us spiritually dead to God. It is only through the cleansing blood of Christ that we are born again. We need to pray for them, talk with them about Jesus, and set an example of what Christ's love means.
  7. We miss out on fellowship. We miss the opportunity to hear different perspectives, to meet people, to make friends, and to share in the word. In our absense, we withhold the same from others.
  8. We take a "pass" because it's easiest, it's the path of least resistance, we've already had it up to here and just don't want any more hassles. Paul's mention is to assure us that Christ is the head, He is in control. I feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies because I can't see them. I can't look in their eyes. It's like fighting the wind. But Paul is assuring us all that the battle has already been won. This encourages us to continue to run the race.
  9. I think it's lack of faith, lack of prayer, and lack of time with God in his word.....With faith, all things are possible....pray without ceasing.....obey his word. In todays' world, we let just about everything else get in the way. We are influenced by what is around us and by society in general. It takes a great deal of courage to speak up against something that so many people accept as "okay". Our ethics and morality have gone so far down hill, how do we climb back up? And when I don't speak up, I'm just as guilty. I lack enough faith to believe that the world can change (the world's a great big place!), I don't pray without ceasing (I'm busy, I've got lots to do, there's other things to think about), and I certainly don't spend enough time in God's word. I don't know why there are differences or what it would take to change it. I do think that it has to start within each of us. We each have to take those steps ourselves, at the same time reaching out to others to join us. Imagine what the world would be like if we all followed Christ's teachings.
  10. I don't think it would affect my life now, not until I actually inherited it. This is so much different than the inheritance promised by Christ - We have a promise of eternal life, but we aren't promised a tomorrow. Because of our inheritance, our fellowship should be stronger with our Christian family - it is a tie to each other, a commonality.
  11. As Christians, we have Christ to look forward to, a life of eternity with the One who gave everything for us. This hope motivates me to live my life as Christ would want me to, following him, keeping his commandments, following his direction, walking his path.
  12. The end of the term occurs when Christ returns, the rapture of the church, the day of redemption. The relation to the analogies and how the Holy Spirit works in our lives....sealed - marked or identified as Christ's until His return, the Holy Spirit is a "deposit" on the promise of Christ's return.
  13. Our purpose is to praise God. To do this, we must let our light shine - live a life that glorifies God. As a light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16) others see our light, our life and give glory to God. As we praise God and live for Him, it reflects in our lives and around us, reflecting on others also.
  14. All things under one head....it will be as it was when the earth was first created and man put on the earth. God walked the earth with Adam and Eve. Christ will walk the earth (again) during his 1000 year reign. Relation to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28?....When Christ hands over the kingdom to God, it will be as it was.
  15. I have been redeemed from the slavery of sin, from the ties to Satan, from an eternity of hell. Without receiving the gift of redemption, there is no doubt in my mind that I would not be the same person. With redemption I am able to be me, to be honest about who I am, what I do, how I think; with nothing to hide - because I know if there's something to hide, it's not right and should not be in my life. Free to be me.
  16. When one is adopted, it is by choice. You are selected because of the person you are and God has chosen each of us because of the person we are, uninfluenced by lineage, fame, or fortune. That, in itself, is encouraging.
  17. Holy is perfection, without sin or blemish. Blameless is the gift of Jesus in that he died in our place for our sins so that we CAN stand blameless and holy before God.
  18. Could it be that we are all predestined to be adopted as His sons through Christ Jesus? and it is only through his gift of free will that we make our own determination. I find "free will" scary - not predestination. Predestination is a wonderful gift - thereby Paul's praising God for that gift.
  19. In Christ.....as a part of Christ, dedicated to living my life in conjunction with His ideals and desires, committed to becoming one with him in the way I think, feel and act.
  20. My name is Jewell. I'm from Camano Island, WA. This is my very first Joyful Heart Study Forum and I'm a late starter on this one, but am looking forward to learning lots.
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