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Everything posted by Jewell

  1. It gives us a different perspective of the poor and how they should be treated. It is our judgement of them that taints our perspective, and this judgement is based totally on unknowns about their situation. Life's circumstances could put any of us in the same position. Many things can keep us from giving more to the poor - insecurity in our own situation and the need to make sure we have enough for ourselves (which usually means more than enough), uncertain that the money will go where it needs to go (will the guy on the street use it for alcohol or drugs? will a non-profit organization have such high administrative costs that the people who really need it won't get it?), or just lack of money. Some are good reasons, some are not.
  2. Commands in this section relate to "performing for the audience of One" by instructing us to not make our giving, sharing, or praying in public but just for God's eyes. The antidote for the chief sin is love. Churches and non-profit organizations use this sin by encouraging people to be public with their giving, playing on their pride.
  3. It is a time of intimate fellowship with Jesus because it is in remembrance of his sacrifice for us, the shedding of his blood. Friendship, companionship, and closeness with others makes a meal with friends one which is rich with memories.
  4. The significance of the 12 apostles drinking of the cup is the beginning of the new people of God confirming the New Covenant and corresponding to the Israelites covenant meal with God after the first covenant was given. The significance of us drinking the Cup of the Covenant is a recommitment to Christ as we partake of His bread and wine.
  5. With the new covenant, everyone has the opportunity to receive the Spirit. God promises salvation, eternal life and forgiveness of sins. Our responsibilities are Faith in God, Trust in God, and belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
  6. The covenant with Israel was ratified with a commitment and sprinkling of blood (the blood of the covenant). The people promised that they would do everything God asked of them - that they would obey Him. Young bulls were sacrificed, blood was sprinkled, meat was eaten.
  7. love thy neighbor as thyself.
  8. They are all examples of how we should show love for our fellow man under different situations. Literally, they could be taken as pacifist actions which could, when taken advantage of, abet evil. These should be taken as examples, under the perception of the laws (or lack of) at the time they were written, of how to show love and avoid a retaliatory situation.
  9. The "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" regulation was a method used to restrain unrestricted revenge against a person who had done another wrong, to be administered by a court, not by the individual in the governing of personal action.
  10. Let our "yes" be yes and your "no" be no means to speak the truth. If we always speak the truth, it doesn't need any additional "swearing". Obeying this command would make us more truthful and more honest without any play on words (no hidden meanings) and our credibility would be greater.
  11. The words of institution tell us that Christ voluntarily shed his blood for us, for forgiveness of our sins. It is important to repent prior to taking the Lord's supper so that we are coming to God with a clean heart.
  12. Jesus used this phrasing so the deciples will recall the entire Suffering Sevant passage and gain understanding of the reason for his death.
  13. The old testament sacrifices showed God's grace and mercy by using the death of an animal rather than the person, the cost showing the seriousness of the sin.
  14. No, once the bond is broken, the marriage irrepairable, the adultery is past. God is merciful. With repentence, he will and does bring us all back into the fold, irregardless of our past actions and irregardless of which sin we have committed.
  15. THe Mosaic law does not command divorce but it does allow it (for marital unfaithfulness) and regulate it (requiring a divorce decree and release of the wife's dowry). God's original intent for marriage was forever and there was no intent for divorce.
  16. No, Christianity is not required for couples to be married, which makes it natural law. All.
  17. Rabbi Shammai. The exception is marital unfaithfulness. The tie to Deuteronomy 24:1-4 is the word "indecent" meaning "nakedness of a thing".
  18. *********** has only victims - those who make it hurt all who are exposed to it, those who view it hurt themselves and those who love them, those who sell it are using others to make money, those who reap the degradation it creates are hurt by addiction, abuse, rape, divorce, and crime. Prostitutes are to *********** what adultery is to **** - of the body / of the heart. We are all victims.
  19. The God-given desire bonds a man and woman in marriage, creating the "one" that is the God's purpose in their union. Forbidden lus+ breaks that union apart.
  20. The similarity is that lus+ is adultery of the heart. The difference is that one is physical, the other mental. Lus+ is the desire for, which is the coveting of, which breaks the 10th commandment.
  21. for the world, for all, as a ransom for our sins to redeem us.
  22. It is the physical birth, suffering and resurrection of the physical body that fulfills scripture. It is the sacrifice that released us from sin. If he had not entered the human condition, he would not have died on the cross for our sins. The curtain between us and God would still be there - God being accessible only through the high priest. We would not have his teachings, his parables to learn from, or his love.
  23. It is His physical body that bore the pain, that suffered the sacrifice for our sins.
  24. Love God with all your heart and love thy neighbor as thyself.
  25. The point of Jesus' parable of settling out of court is to instill in us that we should settle things quickly, not give it time to fester or make the situation worse. This parable refers to payment of a debt, however I think it could also include disagreements that come between people. We need to settle so that our heart stays open and pure and our focus remains on God, not ourselves.
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