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Everything posted by Jewell

  1. Worshipping while a brother has something against us (or us against a brother) is like being two-faced - you show one face to the brother and another face to God. Our heart must be open to God and we must be honest with ourselves in order for our heart to be open. We should do what we can to reconcile, but when we have done all we can yet it is fruitless because the other side is unwilling, then our only option is forgiveness and prayer. I don't think there are situations that we shouldn't try to resolve, but there are situations that cannot be resolved when the other party is unwilling.
  2. Jesus treats calling someone a fool in the same classification as murder because the anger that instigates the name calling is similar to the anger that instigates murder. In God's eyes and as told by Jesus, if you commit one sin, you commit them all, so I would have to believe that murder is no worse than anger. In believing that, we would tend to put more control on our emotions and work to keep anger out of our demeaner.
  3. The priests participating in that the eating of a portion by the priests was part of the atonement process. Paul is telling us that, in the same way, when we participate in the Lord's Supper, we share in the offering of Christ on the cross for our sins.
  4. Koinonia means participation or communion. To participate or share in the blood of Christ is to be a part of the sacrifice Christ made for us.
  5. Both salt and light are worthless if they are saltless or hidden from view. Hiding our light prevents others from seeing our good deeds, therefore preventing the praise that is due our Father in heaven. Glory and suffering go hand-in-hand in that "Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted" (2 Timothy 3:12). It comes with the territory. Yes and yes. Romans 12:2 - "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."
  6. If we don't let our light shine, we provide the opportunity for darkness to enthrone us.
  7. A Christian who has lost his/her saltiness may let things slide without speaking up, go with the flow of what is occuring around him/her rather than take the chance of making waves. I think a person can detect the symptoms in themself if they start asking questions (when was the last time I talked to another about Christ? do I look forward to going to church or do I feel it's an obligation?, etc.) Secular people probably look for de-saltified Christians because de-saltified Christians support the secular way of thinking and justify their way of looking at the world. Yes, it is possible to re-saltify your life - with a total commitment back to Jesus, a reassertion of the covenent made with Him, and a desire within your soul to live your life for Him. It may also mean changing a lifestyle, losing/gaining different friends, or giving up things of the world that were once important.
  8. As the "salt of the earth" in a preservative connotation, Christians "preserve" the earth, thereby preventing or delaying it's destruction. As a seasoning analogy, Christians add flavor to a way of life.
  9. The Lord's Supper is a proclamation in that it proclaims Christ's death. The proclamation is made to all mankind. It is important because Christ is the foundation of our faith and it is through His death that we are saved.
  10. Christ's death is so important because he took our place, died for our sins. There is no greater sacrifice. If we neglect to remember this, we lose hope because there is no other salvation from sin.
  11. The purpose of the passovr meal for future generations was to remember what God did in freeing the Israelites from Egypt. It is repeated so that it's not forgotten, as a lasting ordinance to them and their descendents.
  12. The Lord's Supper does not become mundane or lose it's meaning if we are sure to follow the rest of the command: "in remembrance of me". The repetition is asked of us so that we don't forget.
  13. because he was slain and with his blood, purchased men for God.
  14. The lamb itself represents .... Jesus Christ Standing after being slain indicates ... the resurrection - he lives Horns represent .... power Eyes represent ... all-seeing The number seven carries the idea of ... complete Complete in power and vision, having overcome death.
  15. The Lord's Supper is a representation of our Lord giving of himself for us, the forgiveness of our sins through his sacrifice. To partake without forgiving others (to accept forgiveness without the willingness to extend the same to others) takes away from his gift and from the importance of it.
  16. It fills us with sorrow because of the great sacrifice that Christ made. It fills us with joy because it is our redemption and saving grace, allowing for forgiveness of our sins.
  17. The lamb's blood was used to mark the doorway as an marker that the house would be "passed over" as the destroyer went throughout to destroy the firstborns. This, and the sacrifice Christ made were both given as a means of escape from God's judgement on man.
  18. as a powerful way of remember Christ's death and the renewal of the covenant (or new covenant).
  19. Given for Broken for Poured out Forgiveness
  20. The literal seems to apply to what can be seen, the figurative to what can't be seen. Depending on perspective, it provides the opportunity to become closer to Christ in the physical acts of how we live our life and/or the spiritual acts (from the heart and mind).
  21. The sinner is the slave, enslaved by sin. God offers the ransom, not to Satan as he does not own us, but as atonement for our sins. The slave-ransom analogy isn't spelled out because it's confusing given the aspect of God both paying and receiving, although if we take away our usual outlook of payment being in money and look at it as the payment is in Christ's blood and the receiving is of our souls, it is easier to understand how this could be.
  22. Christ gave the ultimate price for our freedom - we should live our life in a way that honors that, by following his commandments and putting God first in everything we do.
  23. All those who believe in Jesus Christ as their savior are freed from slavery to this world. It helps explain the price paid for our redemption from sin.
  24. We should rejoice when we are persecuted because it tells us that we've been seen and heard which is what we want and need if we're going to bring others to Christ. We rejoice in that, not in the pain it creates. "For theirs is the kingdom of heaven" is an appropriate blessing because we will gain that which we're trying to share with others.
  25. People with a pure heart can see, know, and discern God because they actively seek the purity which allows an intimacy with the Lord. Chronic sinners block the ability to have that closeness because their repeated and willing sin is telling God that the things of the world and of the flesh are more important to them than He is. A pure and clean heart comes only from Jesus when we humbly ask him to enter our hearts, forgive our sins and be first in our lives. It is only His love and sacrifice that have provided us with this gift.
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