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Everything posted by Bateykain

  1. Samuel's authority is an important signifier for David. Something for him to look back on him when he is unsure later in his journey. The Holy Spirit empowers David. he is no longer walking only in his own fallen strength and sight. If he chooses to remember and walk with God and seek help from his holy Spirit David will always have counsel and comfort and strengthening power. David's heart longed for God - throughout his life he did not forget to confide in and consult the Holy Spirit, he did not forget to cooperate with Him, to turn to Him in troubled times, to repent when sin got in the way. this was the key to David's success. Walking with God and taking hold of the wisdom and power that God's Spirit's presence confers. I really need to learn to do the same. To long for God with as much of my heart as David did with his.
  2. Redemptive hesitation... sure we can react - but don't act on our reaction until we are prompted by God.
  3. I have seen exactly this Saul-like rushing ahead of God's plan bear ugly fruit in my own life enough timse that now I really want to seek the Father before 'going ahead.' I want to walk in the paths that He has for me, that He knows will be best. I am on the point of making some decisions about my future. This time around I will seek the opinions of mentors - without prejudice if possible. I will give myself a chance to weigh it all in the balance. If I I am instructed to by the Father, I am willing to change direction and career - or stay and wait out my current situation. Saul's rebellion reminds me so much of my own tendency to try to 'make' things happen the way I envision them, rather than working with the Holy Spirit to bring about His purposes.
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