So from the dictionary I see rebellion as a refusual to obey -- Now because I grew up in the sixties , at a time when there was much civil rebellion in order to effect change , I never thought of rebellion with a "negative" connotation. I was encouraged to "question" and not blindly follow orders. I am now being asked to take the opposing stance and look at how rebellion can be harmful.
I can see that obedience is absolutely necessary in battle. That is easy to see. Soldiers must be prepared to follow instructions at all costs to be successful and to keep order and prevent chaos from happening. I really struggle to see Christianity as a battle and therein lies the conflict for me. It just seems so simple , believe and trust in God - what's the problem? Why do people make it harder than it is? But....
I do recognize the times in my life that I have wanted to do things MY WAY (rebel that I am) and one time that stands out is very clear to me. It was not the subtle disobedience like not listening to that inner voice that tells me when to make a phone call to someone or to go visit or pray for a person. No, this was an out and out battle where I said "I don't care what you are telling me to do GOD I do not want to try any longer I QUIT ! "
I was tired and frustrated and lazy and disobedient!
And then there was the time when I knew that I could not do what I commited to do . When I volunteered to tech at the bible camp MY plans were to tech , oh like age 10 or over. God had other plans. Apparently the need was for pre school. Oh but I was working full-time and this was not what I wanted to do nor was this MY strong point. I did not even enjoy pre-kindergarten age. NO WAY there was some mistake here. This was not my plan! Apparently it was God's plan! And this time I said OK but you gotta help me God because these children deserve a loving, kind person to teach them about you! ( and that is not me with roomful of 3 and 4 year olds !!) Now ,I had taught on a bus that tranported kids from all over our city every Sunday morning but I had never been with a roomful of three and four year olds for 5 days running. This was more than I could concieve of doing.
Well needless to say I obeyed and God delivered and that was the most fulfilling week of my life. Was it easy ... of course not! Did I need help from others (hard for me to ask for help!) ...absolutely.
Now this was a time that God allowed me to see the results of obedience. I know that there are so many more times that I do not know what God's plan is. There are consequences of my obedience and disobedience that are not always obvious to me, because I do not see the whole picture. So whether it is on a sport's field or in a workplace or within a family unit, there are "moves" in place and outcomes that I cannot possibly understand. But God sees the whole picture. The composer knows the complete piece, the author knows the end of the story, and I have to trust and obey ... just follow the lead or I will cause chaos and the harmony will be lost.