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Everything posted by Willard
Q4. Messianic Fulfillment
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
Jesus is the descendant that fulfilled all prophecy about the Messiah. We have everlasting life and peace through our Lord Jesus Christ. -
Q3. Discipline and Covenant
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
The things that happened to David and his descendants (even today) are a direct result of disobedience to God and his laws. I believe that God allows things to happen to people, but he could step in and prevent things from happening, too. If He doesn't step in and change or prevent a happening, it is His will. -
Q2. The Unconditional Covenant
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
God's people will have their own peace and live in peace. God will establish David's house through His son and it will last forever...unconditioanl promises. God expects nothing in return for this promise to the generations. If He did, His love would not be unconditional love. That I'm included in the Kingdom that God promised to David because of Jesus is most important to me as a Christian. -
Q1. Premature Approval
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
Nathan knew David ws God's annointed King, and his heart was right with the Lord, but he should have asked God first before answering David. Without God's approval, you may be getting off the path he wants you to follow. David loved the Lord God with all his heart, mind and soul and wanted to build a temple that reflected his great love for God. -
Q4. Bitterness
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
Michal has become to act priviliged and haughty. She sees with her physical eyes only, not with the loving heart of God. I'm not bitter toward God, to my knowledge, about anything in my past. I think if I were, it would be a wall between myself and God. Forgivness is the key to the door to unlocking anything betweeen us and God. Jesus is that door; prayer for forgiveness is the key. David would not have been worshiping in spirit and truth, if he had done as his wife, Michal, preferred. -
Q3. Worshiping Freely
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
David's worship was holy and from the heart. His dancing expressed his joy in God's presence. The Psalms shows us God's majesty and David's appreciation of God. Sometimes I do consider what people think, so this lesson serves me well! -
Q2. God's Way
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
The ark should have been carried by Levites. They knew the Mosaic law, but had forgotten it. To seek God's will and the "how" to carry it out. -
Q1. Striking Uzzah
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
Uzzah was not of the tribe whom God had said should carry the ark. David is angry because he thought he was doing the right thing by bringing the ark back to His people. David was doing the right thing, just not specifically the way God said it should be done. -
Q2. Patience
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David Becomes King and Conquers Jerusalem (2 Samuel 2-5)
Reply to Q3: David is seeking God's will. If David had gone up, he surely would have been defeated. As humans, God has given us the right of choice; we can choose our way or His, and sometimes he wants us to be patient and wait. He is working things out, while we're waiting. God wants us to be obedient to His will, and we are acknowledging Him as Lord when we do, which pleases Him. We are impatient and do not acknowledge Him as Lord all of the time. -
Q3. Continual Seeking
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David Becomes King and Conquers Jerusalem (2 Samuel 2-5)
I do not have patience, and I know it is a virtue. I do believe God will accomplish all He wants through me though, because He is faithful, and I try to be obedient and seek His will in all things. -
Q3. Continual Seeking
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David Becomes King and Conquers Jerusalem (2 Samuel 2-5)
David was annointed approximately 15 yrs. before becoming king. God was preparing David for the role of king. David appears to have been patient during the years he was being prepared because he was faithful, obedient and believed God would do what He said. -
Joab killed Abner in an act of vengeance over his brother's death. It was not Joab's decision to make, but David's. Joab took the matter into his own hands because he thought he knew better than David. Whenever something evil happens, God brings good out of it. The people got behind David when they saw how upset he was over the murder of Abner. It pleased them, which unified them. Joab did not consult God about what his plans were, and did not leave the matter of his brother's death for God to work out. God's ways are above ours. We do not know how our actions can impede God's plans.
David recognizes all the good in Saul. He praises him as the annointed one of God. The Chronicler remembers the dark side of Saul and does not give Saul any credit. I believe God loved Saul, but disciplined him severely for not following and obeying Him. God never gave up on Saul; Saul gave up on God. God sees Saul for the disobedient child he was, but never stopped loving him. God's love is everlasting.
The men blame David out of their terrerible grief. They probably expected their loved ones to be protected, and it seems when things do not go the way we think it should, we look to place the blame on something or someone else. His men were exhausted and grieving; fertile ground for tempers to flare. David sought God as to what he should do, and strengthened himself spiritually. David is grieving and is no doubt feeling the same as his men over their losses. David needed to think clearly, be rested, and seek God's will in the situation before he acted.
Q4. Occult Practices
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. David Spares the Lord's Anointed (1 Samuel 24-28)
God wants us to seek Him in all things. Seeking others and their methods is the opposite of what a Christian should do. God is protecting us from being open to evil. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We should not jeopardize Him leaving us like He did Saul. God is quick to forgive us for anything we do, all we have to do is repent. -
Q2. God's Anointing
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. David Spares the Lord's Anointed (1 Samuel 24-28)
In our present day, we can abstain from speaking badly about our leaders and obeying ttheir instructions to us by following their rules. We need 2-3 witnesses who agree on the evidence of a charge. God will hold those accountable for doing something against those He has appointed. -
Q1. Sparing Saul
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. David Spares the Lord's Anointed (1 Samuel 24-28)
David doesn't kill Saul when he has the chance because Saul has been anointed by God. The motive for David and his men to kill a king who is trying to kill them is revenge. David's rationale for sparing Saul is in hope that Saul will recognize David desn't want to harm him, and Saul will stop trying to kill him.This tells us that David has a strong Godly character. He treats others as he would like to be treated. David's faith is in God who is his deliverer and meets all his needs. He doesn't have to take matters of God's into his own hands. David was able to dissuade his men from killing Saul because David was a successful leader they respected and who was true to his word. -
Q3. Nabal and Abigail
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. David Spares the Lord's Anointed (1 Samuel 24-28)
David recognizes when he is not in line with God's will, and he acts to align himself by doing what is right. Abigail also behaved nobly by protecting her husband and people. Nabal made a judgment and acted without knowing David's true character. In this story, David shows he is only human and makes mistakes, but he guickly reverses that behavior by doing the right thing. David is a good role model for us to follow. -
Q4. Wilderness Psalms
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. David Flees from Saul (1 Samuel 21-23)
There is praise to God in all, but there doesn't seem to be any really happy occasions. David is in need of God throughout all these passages, which tells me God was David's ALL; David knew all of his needs and desires are met through God. David adored God. David's faith was steady during trials. My favorite is Psalm 34 because it speaks to me and uplifts my spirit when I read it. -
Q3. Jonathan's Encouragement
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. David Flees from Saul (1 Samuel 21-23)
Jonathan's purpose in visiting David in the wilderness was to encourage him. Both were in danger of Saul; the consequence of someone following Johathan and observing their meeting could have been the demise of both. David must have been filled with love for his friend who risked his own life to see him while he was all alone in the desert. Yes, I have received a visit from a dear friend(s) when I was alone and afraid. It meant the world to me because they came without my asking them. They just came and sat with me; a presence in my wilderness. -
Q2. Inquiring of the Lord
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. David Flees from Saul (1 Samuel 21-23)
The yes/no answers came from the dice game like stones that were located in the ephod. David knew God would help him if he asked for His help. David was successful due to God being with him, and his obedience to His will. The advantage of knowing God's will in a situation is needed for a successful outcome. As a Christian, my desire is to follow the path God has for me in fulfilling His purpose and plan for my life. The huge advantage to asking before action is God's peace in my heart that "passes all understanding". -
People were attracted to David because he was a natural born leader and was successful in all his undertakings. They believed he was someone who could help them with whatever trouble they had. These men were common people like David and his family. David probably experienced many of the same problems as any leader (disharmony; and, in general, discontent among his troops) with the speed and ways he did business.
Q4. Covenant
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jonathan's Friendship, Saul's Jealousy (1 Samuel 18-20)
The nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan is the bond of love. David receives supprt and loyalty from his friend, just as Jonathan does likewise. They both benefit equally from this covenant, as both are doing the will of God and fulfilling their part in His plan. I don't believe either of them was self-seeking, but rather the best interest for each other and that which would be in obedience to God's will. It is significant that God is witenss to the covenant because it serves in the fulfillment of His plan for all and the generations to come in our Lord, Jesus Christ. -
Q3. Spirit and Prophecy
Willard replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jonathan's Friendship, Saul's Jealousy (1 Samuel 18-20)
Saul is consumed with killing David. Saul's faith is not being demonstrated by his actions. The Holy Spirit is speaking through the person(s) He comes upon. The relationship between this incident of the Holy Spirit's presence and that of the day of Pentecost is that God's Holy Spirit manifested himself in the same way.