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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by ranger

  1. Q1. What is rebellion? I believe that rebellion is an individual will-fully and willingly disobeying the command of God to us. How is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? Witchcraft and occult practices are the worshiping of other gods which in direct disobedience to the command given to us by our Father in the book of Exodus 20:3. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me". Therefore those that carry out such acts have bade up in their minds to do so and are influencing others. What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? Satan thought it was about him so he fought against God. Those who rebel against God have some idea or misconception that they know best so they choose to take sides with the devil and worship anything else apart from the true and living God. If there is rebellion in our hearts like Saul then there might not be much hope, but then thank God for Jesus because He alone makes the difference. If we do nothing then there wont be much hope of eternal life in heaven but a life of eternal punishment with the devil and his angels. Saul asked for forgiveness and didn't get it because of the severity of his disobedience. Although we have mercy through Jesus Christ we should not be found with rebellion in our hearts because God despise this type of behaviour.
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