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Everything posted by wjcargile
Q6. The Eternal Kingdom
wjcargile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
1. Why do you think eternal punishment is mentioned at the end of such glorious prophecy as Isaiah? - Serves as a warning to those who rejects God. 2. Why is enduring, eternal kingdom mentioned? -JESUS CHRIST will return and preside over the everlasting kingdom. 3. Who will be included in this kingdom? -All who heeded to God's invitation. 4. Who will be excluded from it? -All who rejected God's invitation. -
Q5. Orthodox Hypocrites
wjcargile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
1. God prohibit this worship in Isa 66:3. -Because they were just going through a ritual, their hearts wasn't in their worship. 2. What is missing from their worship? -They did not have a heart for God. 3. Have you ever had this element missing from your worship? -Yes, there have been times when my mind was in other places during worship. 4. What kind of heart is God looking for? -(66:2)A humble and contrite heart. (Ps. 51:17) "A BROKEN AND CONTRITE HEART, O GOD, YOU WILL NOT DESPISE." -
Q4. New Heavens and a New Earth
wjcargile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
1. Why do you think the final state is referred to as the new Heaven and Earth? - There will be no memory of the former things. No more death or suffering. 2. What is new about them? -Joy, peace and freedom forever. 3. Which verse talks about the end of pain and sorrow? -Isa 65:19/Rev 21:4) "HE WILL WIPE EVERY TEAR FROM THEIR EYES. THERE WILL BE NO MORE DEATH OR MOURNING OR CRYING OR PAIN, FOR THE OLD ORDER OF THINGS HAS PASSED AWAY." 4. Which verse mention instant communication? -Isa 65:24 "BEFORE THEY CALL I WILL ANSWER; WHILE THEY ARE STILL SPEAKING I WILL HEAR." 5. Which verse illustrate the peace of His kingdom? -Isa 11:6-9/65:25 "THE WOLF AND LAMB WILL FEED TOGETHER, AND THE LION WILL EAT STRAW LIKE THE OX, BUT DUST WILL BE THE SERPENT'S FOOD. THEY WILL NEITHER HARM NOR DESTROY ON ALL MY HOLY MOUNTAIN." -
Q3. You Are Our Father
wjcargile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
1. The basic of Israel expectation of salvation is: The Lord will not hold back His love for them. He will bless them. 2. Isa 64: 5-7 Teaches us that God gladly help those who do what is right and walk pleasing before Him. 3. According to Isaiah 63:16 and 64:5-7, We see God as our Father. 4.This passage teach us that God's (grace) love for us. He do not remember our sins forever! Praise God! Thank you our Lord JESUS CHRIST, it is you who have made this possible! Praise and Glory to you!! -
Q2. Intercessory Prayer
wjcargile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
1.The jewish people have been humbled, scorned and persecuted through the ages. According to this passage, what will be their final state? -They will return to Israel. As we speak large numbers of Ethiopia Jews are returning to Israel. This program called "aliyah" was just completed this month November 2013, after many years of returning weekly by plane. Also, Jews are continue to return from the former Soviet Union, Europe and other Arab Land. -We also, note that Israel are surrounded by her enemies, Iran has treaten to wipe her off the map. There will be peace as God has promised. 2. Will Christian be included in that blessings? -Yes. 3. If God purposed to restore His people, why is intercessory prayer called for in (Isa 62:6-7)? -We should not just take God for granted, even though we have His promise. Intercessory prayer should be continued until His purpose take place. How many times have we heard "Well I prayed about it" (NEXT)? We should be as persistent as the widow in Luke 18:2-8 THEN JESUS TOLD HIS DISCIPLES A PARABLE TO SHOW THEM THAT THEY SHOULD ALWAYS PRAY AND NEVER GIVE UP. 2. HE SAID: "IN A CERTIAN TOWN THERE WAS A JUDGE WHO NEITHER FEARED GOD NOR CARED ABOUT MEN. 3. AND THERE WAS A WIDOW IN THAT TOWN WHO KEPT COMING TO HIM WITH THE PLED, 'GRANT ME JUSTICE AGAINST MY ADVERSARY.' 4. "FOR SOME TIME HE REFUSED. BUT FINALLY HE SAID TO HIMSELF, 'EVEN THOUGH I DON'T FEAR GOD OR CARE ABOUT MEN, 5. YET BECAUSE THIS WIDOW KEEP BOTHERING ME, I WILL SEE THAT SHE GETS JUSTICE, SO THAT SHE WON'T EVENTUALLY WEAR ME OUT WITH HER COMING!' " 6. AND HE SAID, "LISTEN TO WHAT THE UNJUST JUDGE SAYS. 7. AND WILL NOT GOD BRING ABOUT JUSTICE FOR HIS CHOSEN ONES, WHO CRY OUT TO HIM DAY AND NIGHT? WILL HE KEEP PUTTING THEM OFF? 8. I TELL YOU, HE WILL SEE THEY GET JUSTICE, AND QUICKLY. HOWEVER, WHEN THE SON OF MAN COMES, WILL HE FIND FAITH ON EARTH? Where in the New Testament are we told to pray for what God has promised? "Thy will be done on earth as in Heaven." -
Q1. Letting the Oppressed Go Free
wjcargile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. The Glory of God’s Reign (Isaiah 60-66)
1. Are the word "captive" and prision used literally of figuratively? -Literally in a sense that the people who is held in bondage by satan and did not know God's plan for them, set them free from unbelief and bring them to a true understanding of God's love for them. 2. How did JESUS intend them to be understood when He read them and spoke of their fulfillment? -Literally, The Messiah has come to fulfill God's purpose that was spoken by Isaiah. God anointed JESUS to preach good news to the poor. To heal broken hearted, set free those who have been captive by unbelief, those who did not know God. Open their eyes to the truth, set them free from the devil's trap. (Luke 4: 18-19) This is the year of the Lord favor when this scripture was fulfilled in Nazareth. Our eyes are now open because of what happen on the historically day. 3. How are you personally doing in adopting JESUS agenda here? -There are days when I feel Iam 100% in His word, and there of days I need to do more for the kingdom of our Lord. 4.How are your congregation doing? -My church is involved in an outreach for children in neighborhood near our church and helping the homeless. -
1.The positive action alingn themselves with the true keeping the Sabbath is to: -Honoring God, seeking God delight in Him, praising Him and not waste time speaking idle words. 2. What negative action should be avoided in true keeping of the Sabbath? -Not honoring Him, doing as we please and only the things that pleases us.
1. People are injured by backbiting, judgmental attitudes and harsh criticism resulting in separation from family, friends and church family. Also, the pain that is afflicted on a person carrying this burden. 2. How are they injured by false accusation and slander? Most time very difficult to prove your innocence. 3. To change our church culture to banish this kind of behavior, is to get the church involved in helping the hurting people. 4. What would it require us to really spend ourselves in behalf of the hungry? Give them food, clothing and shelter, share time and the Word of God with them. 5. What would this look like for an individual? Come out of comfort zone and help those in need. 6. For a congregation? Come together and help the oppressed.
1. Isaiah condemns: The unjust treatment of the poor. 2. We use excuses of not being generous to the poor: -They can work if they want too. -They are just lazy. -That is why we have welfare. -They are always looking for a handout. 3. In what way is "tough love" important to people? -when we are down and out, it teaches us to be humble and to appreciate in some cases what we have taken for granted. -lwarn to give thanks to God. 4. In what way can it hurt them? -if they continue to disobey God's commands, He will not hear their cry for help.
1. What things we learn about God in this verse? -God,the creator of this universe, lives in the HOLY OF HOLY, lower Himself to revive our broken hearts and spirits. Demonstrating His love and compassion for us which passes our understanding. 2. What is the great paradox here? -Our Holy God who is in Heaven, came down to earth to save us from our hurts, pains and sins. 3. Why does God cares so much about the downhearten and contrite? -Because of His love and compassion for us. He has our full attention when we are broken and downhearted. (Ps.51:17) "The sacifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and contrite heart, O God you will not despise." 4. Do you and your congregation care for the downtrodden and contrite with the same intensity? No, not with the same intensity that God has for us.
1. Why does keeping a sacred day of rest honor God? -God gave us a sacred day to rest. (Exoudus 20:11) God blessed the sabbath and made it holy. 2. Sunday worship and rest, best honor God. 3. No worship, no rest, dishonor Go. 4. Sunday worship and rest, best keep the spirit of ones who gather on Sunday to worship and praise our Lord JESUS CHRIST.
1. What is the significance of God's welcome of believing and ethical foreigners and Eunuchs to full status in His Temple? --All people in all nations are welcome to serve Him. 2. What are the implications of that for the church? --Church should welcome all people. 3.Who does your congreation tend to exclude from fellowship--if not explicity, then by emphasis and focus? --All are welcome in our congregation. 4. What could you do about this? --If this was an issue in our congregation, I would remind then repeatedly of JESUS' love for all. Matt 15:21-27 There was a woman who came crying to JESUS to heal her daughter from an evil spirit. JESUS' deciples said "send her away, for she keep crying out to us." (Mark 8:26) Describe her as a Greek women. JESUS answered (24) "I WAS SENT ONLY TO THE LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL." (25)The woman came and knelt before Him. "Lord, help me! She said. (26)JESUS replied, "IT IS NOT RIGHT TO TAKE THE CHILDREN'S BREAD AND TOSS IT TO THE DOGS." (27) Yes, Lord she said, "but even the dogs eat the crumbs that falls from their master table." (28) The JESUS answered, "WOMAN, YOU HAVE GREAT FAITH! YOUR REQUEST IS GRANTED." And her daughter was healed that very hour. John 4:9-14 JESUS met the Samaritan woman at the well and said to her, "WILL YOU GIVE ME A DRINK OF WATER?" (9) The Samaritan woman said to Him, "You are a Jew and I am Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?" (For Jews do not associate with Samaritan.) (10)JESUS answered her, "IF YOU KNEW THE GIFT OF GOD AND HE WHO IT IS THAT ASKS YOU FOR A DRINK, YOU WOULD HAVE ASKED HIM AND HE WOULD HAVE GIVING YOU LIVING WATER." (13)JESUS answered, "EVERYONE WHO DRINK THIS WATER WILL THRISTY AGAIN, (14) BUT WHOEVER DRINKS THE WATER I GIVE HIM WILL NEVER THRIST. INDEED, THE WATER I GIVE HIM WILL BECOME A SPRING OF WATER WELLING UP TO ETERNAL LIFE." It is our responsibility to invite everyone and share JESUS and His love for all.
Q5. New Testament Echoes
wjcargile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
1. Which of the New Testament passage sums up the lesson of Isaiah 53? -Philippians 2:9-11 sums it up best. After suffering and dying for our sins, God raised Him from the dead. He is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. His Name is above all names. At His Name every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that CHRIST JESUS is Lord to the Glory of God the Father. 2. I chose this one because it explains the past when He died for sins, and was risen from the dead, the present where he is today (at our Father's right Hand) and the future, when every knee will bow in Heaven on earth, and under the earth before Him. 3. Luke 22:37 sums it up best when JESUS said: - "It is written, He was numbered with the transgressors' and I tell you this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written is reaching its fulfillment." -
Q4. Bearing Our Punishment
wjcargile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
1. In what sense did JESUS bear the punishment due to you when He died on the cross? -I deserve hell and being lost forever. JESUS who had no sins suffered died so I would have a right to eternal life with Him. "Thank you Lord JESUS for the Love you have for us, you suffered more than we can understand for our sins and if we follow you, we have eternal life in you." "Thank you Heavenly Father for your Son, JESUS CHRIST." -
Q3. A Substitutionary Atonement
wjcargile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
1. In what sense the Servant act as a substitue to bear our sins? JESUS who had no sins bear our sin on the cross. It was God's will to demonstrate His love for us by allowing His only Son JESUS CHRIST: -To be pierced for our transgressions. -To be crushed for our inquities. -His punishment brough us peace, and by His wounds we were healed. -
Q2. Jesus Saw Himself in Isaiah 53
wjcargile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
Q1. Savior of the Nations
wjcargile replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
1. God remove sins from all people in this world who comes to Him. 2. This is a universal sacrifice of salvation in a sense JESUS suffered and died for all mankind. 3. JESUS sacrifice is wasted on people who do not acknowledge Him and continue doing things their way and sinning against Him. -
1. What does seeking the Lord entails? Praying often during the day and night; turing away from evil and wickness; turing fully to the Lord. 2. The implications of this succes in our lives is: Not to think or do things in our own way; seek God's guidance to show us the way. 3. Why is repentance necessary to do this process? repentance is necessary for God to forgive us for our sins. 4. Why is humility necessary? For God's mercy and forgiveness. We must have a humble heart before the Lord. 5. If our seeking is shallow, we may not find the Lord. His invitation may pass us by. 6. If we put off seeking the Lord when we hear His invitation: He may not always be near. 7. Is it ever too late to seek the Lord? YES. Life is not promised to us. 8. Can any real success be found by others means than seeking the Lord? NO. God is the only way.
1. Why do people spend their lives on doing things that they know won't satify them deep down? It's a good feeling for the moment. Not willing to accept the "true deep down satifaction" of knowing God and serving Him. 2. Hedonism, the love of pleasure leads to: Death and destruction. 3. The gracious elements of Yahweh's invitation in this passage is: Spirtual Drink and Spiritual Food leading to eternal life with CHRIST. 4. What is the cost of accepting this invitation? Leaving all sins behind and following God throught our Lord JESUS CHRIST. 5. Will this invitation be perceived as good news to those who hear it? YES. 6. How can you issue this invitation in today's vernacular? Speaking up and telling people about God's love and saving grace through our Lord JESUS CHRIST.
!. The promise no weapon formed against you shall succeed: God is with us and will protect us in all circumstances 2. Does it mean we don't have to conduct Spiritual Warfare through prayer and faith? No. We have to continue in pray and have faith God will see us through when trouble is present, and when it is not visible, we have to maintain our (ammo) Spiritual warfare, not to let our guards down. 3. What does it mean? God is always with us, when we walk upright before Him.
1. Jerusalm was barren without God's favor: The city was destroyed, children were slain and Jerusalm was rejected by the LORD. 2. When Isaiah imply Your maker is your husband: God loves us and will protect us. 3. In this analogy the husband have deep compassion and everlasting love. 4. In the new testament "Bride of Christ." -Christ the Lamb of God is the Husband. -The church is the wife. 5. The wife is expected to submit, obey and be forever faithful
1. The messenger or carrier of good news is so beautiful because: We all love to hear good news and is sadden when there is bad news. Good news give us hope and brings us from darkness to light. 2. The original historical context comes from: When God brought them out of captivity from Egypt and later freedom from the oppression of the Assyrian. 3. Paul applies this in Romans 10:15, God sends His people to bring good news as Isaiah said in (Isaiah 52:7) "HOW BEAUTIFUL ON THE MOUNTAINS ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRINGS GOOD NEWS, WHO PROCLAIM PEACE, WHO BRINGS GOOD TIDING, WHO PROCLAIM SALVATION, WHO SAY TO ZION, YOUR GOD REIGNS!"
1. By faith (HEB:11) My faith and trust is in the LORD. He have brought me throught so many times when the way was very dark for me. (HEB 13:5)God said "I will NEVER leave you. NEVER will I forsake you." 2. Have I ever experienced fear in this situation? No, My faith and trust is solid in our GOD, He has never forsaken me. I have been in situation where their was a dead end, but GOD was there with me and made the way for me. There are countless time when it seems there were no way out. One example, was in Vietnam during the war. I was a distance from my comrads. I watched and prayed as I saw more than 20 enemy soldiers walked 10 feet from me and never saw me. For this and so,so many countless things He has done for me...I give GOD Thanks and Praise Him. 3. I continue by faith, knowing His love and power. 4.The danger of creating my own light rather than the invisable GOD is: I will always take the wrong path, leading to disaster.
1. Isaiah is speaking about JESUS. 2. JESUS is open to the LORD: Because all His knowledge and instruction comes from the LORD. 3. JESUS suffered beatings, pulling out His beard, mocking and spitting on Him. 4. The Messiah was vindicated when He rose from the dead. 5. He will be vincated at the end of ages when every eye will see Him, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD, and He will take His Seat at the Right Hand of GOD. 6. When vindication doesn't seems to come soon enought? Keep trusting in GOD, knowing He will vindicate us.