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Everything posted by wjcargile
Unbelievers will experiences everlasting punishment, destruction and shut out of the presence of the Lord and from the Majesty of His power. "Everlasting punishment" troubles me for those I know that are not interested in knowing the Lord. Why? to be forever shut from the presence of the Lord and from His Majesty Power. "Heavenly Father please give us the boldness to witness to the lost and bring them into your Holy Kingdom, in the name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST." AMEN
God is just, He punish sins. He is just to forgive us of all our sins. 1 John 1:9 Retribution is payback, for wrong, punishment for offenses. Rehabilitation is to change the habits of a person, to become a better person. A christian rehabilitation take place when he/she gives their life to the Lord, and it is a continous, life long process. A sinner retribution take place (if he does not repent and invites the Lord into his life) after death. The Lord holds LOVE and JUSTIC in His hand. Love for righteousness and Justic for wrong.
Trust our Lord JESUS CHRIST who has started to work in him/her and will carry on until the day of our Lord JESUS CHRIST. He is able to keep us from falling and present us before His Glorious Presence without fault and with great joy. One who does not have assurance of salvation...must give their life completely to our Lord JESUS CHRIST. Having false assurance of salvation is one thinking all he/she have to do is join the church.
My joy and the best time of my life is when I spend time with the LORD. By His grace through our Lord JESUS CHRIST He has blessed me more than I deserves. God has extended my territory. It give me great joy to thank Him at all times. I thank Him during the day and at night when I awake, I get out of bed and get on my knees and give Him thanks. I always thank Him for his grace, love, kindness, forgiving me for my sins, protecting me and my family. He has made a way out-of-no-way for me. I rejoice in Him for blessing and my household. And best of all, one day I will be in His presence this is joy that I can not explain. PRAISE OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WHO MADE ALL THIS POSSIBLE. We must pray in all circumstances, good and bad. When circumstances are not going the way I would like it to go, I still pray and it brings me closer to God.
People who seek revenge are not matured christians, they are miserable, and selfish. "REVENGE IS MINE AND I WILL REPAY SAYS THE LORD." Unforgiveness is a continous hurt to the person who has an unforgiving spirit. It hurts him/her more than the person who wronged them. outsiders usually do not return to a church whose congregation displays an unloving, and superior attitude toward outsiders, also, it shows they are inmature in respect to "agape" love. These attitudes do not reflect CHRIST'S love. People or congregation can recover after being vengeful, proud, or unforgiving by: REPENTING, being patient and displaying true love from their hearts.
When people don't show respect for their leaders: In most cases it causes division in the church, just as the satan intended. When disrespect is spreaded: it hurts the leadership and the church as a body. Getting rid of the leaders dosen't always fix the problem. Most times there are another or others who wants to take over the leadership for self-serving reasons.
A believer should be self-controlled in CHRIST and not falling for the tricks of the enemy. Sober or self-controlled means: CHRIST could return today. We must walk always in a manner pleasing before Him. Alert or watchful means: Be ready, and pray for other Christian to stay strong in the Lord. Our normal lifestyle should not be differ from our daily walk with CHRIST.
Daniel's prophecy were: The son of man was given authority, glory, and sovreign and power; all peoples of nations and languages worshipped Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will never pass away, and His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed. Jesus used the Son of Man rather than "Christ" or the Son of God was in accordance of Daniel's vision. Jesus will return in the form of a Man, all will see Him and recognize Him. Thank You Lord for that Glorious Day!!! "You will be Glorified."
It may be difficult to control the urges, however, it is not difficult to control our behavior. God provide a way to escape. People are out of control because they chose to yield, and not to escape temptation. It is important to control ourselves sexually within marriage because the love, bond and commitment between husband and wife. When sexuality does not have any boundaries, it leads to disease in the body, unwanted pregnancy, and abortions. Sex outside of marriage destroys marriages, children, our spirits and our bodies.
To be sanctify, set apart from worldly sins. We are holy because we are in CHRIST. We are in the process of becoming Holy, being change day-to-day in CHRIST's likeness, keeping our heart and mind focus on Him. One and only---Holiness is living for and in CHRIST JESUS only. Sex should be between married couples---MAN and WOMAN, only.
We conduct our lives by rules because it is the law and maybe its not the best law, we go along with it. Conducting our lives trying to please God is because of the love we have for him and knowing He sent His Son JESUS CHRIST to suffer and die for our sins. Love is stronger than rule-keeping. Paul brought these Commands on the authority of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.
1. Special speakers can impart wisdom based on the Holy Spirit and what they have seen and experienced. 2. They can implant their personal experiences. 3. Itinerant preaching is difficult because of constantly moving from place to place. Most cases there is no follow-up as Paul desired for his churches. It is very important to share and spread God's word.
1. Persecution discourage christian from active, open service because of fear of death and inprisonment. 2. Going through hard times brings us closer to God. Knowing God is with us and we have enternal life in CHRIST JESUS. 3. It reveals our underlying motives: By standing firm in our faith to God. 4. I believe God allows satan to tempt us to test our faith in him. Job was a good example, "even though he may slay me, I will serve Him." 5.Why hasn't he done away with satan? The spiritual battle is not complete. We have a lots to do for the kingdom of God all over the world.
1. Why is Timothy's role to strenghthen and encourage so important? - Because of new believers, persecution is very difficult. It was very important to instilled God's love and word of God in them. 2. In what ways was this a sensitive role? -Persecution they were facing and Keep them from fading away. 3. How did it help Timothy to be sent on this assigement? -This assigment increased Timothy faith and love for CHRIST and the pleasure of working for God's kingdom. 4. How does delegating ministry help the overall enterprise of the kingdom? -It helps by spreading the word to more peoples.
1. How can we justify a desire for our labor in light of God's free gift of salvation and our love for him? -Loving God gives us a desire to labor for the kingdom of God, plus, there is a reward for our labor. 2. What does Christ Reward? -Salvation by grace. 3. What dosen't he reward? -Unfaithfulness and laziness. 4. Why should showing accountability to our master bring us pleasure? -Because of the Love we have for him. 5. How does it motivates us? -Loving God, knowing we will see our Lord JESUS CHRIST and live in his present FOREVER
What is the role of the word of God in molding disciples' lives? -The word of God changes, transform and mold a disciple into God's pathway and into his Kingdom. Does it has a power of its own? -Yes, it is sharper than any two-edge sword, it pentrates even to dividing soul and Spirit, joints and morrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. How does that seems to operate? -The word of God is powerful and it set us free from sin through the Holy Spirit. What are the implications for disciplers of this powerful action of the word? -Transforming, obeying the teaching of His Holy Word. Born again through the living word of God (1 peter1:23).
Why are fatherly roles so important to making disciples? -A father knows how to encourge, urge and bear witness to God's word. How effectively a women can adopt these traits? -Women seems to be born with a nature of nuturing, encouraging, comforting and through the Holy Spirit can mold a young disciple to be follows of JESUS CHRIST.
Why are motherly nurturing qualties so important to growing disciples? -There is no love like mother's love. A growing disciple needs the love and warmth of a mother to be taught and nutured in God's word. How effectively can male disciple adopt some of these traits? -A male can be very effective by honest demonstrating fatherly and brotherly love.
I believe one of the greatest problem in the church is no-back-bone leadership. There are too many pastors see their ministry as a job, way to make a living and a man-pleaser. Why do I say so? I have witness for too many feel-good, cheer leader and how you can get a lots of money sermons, if you give. How do I prevent one of these character flaws from overtaking me? By following God's word. As Paul said: Be an imitators of him and of the Lord JESUS CHRIST. " O LORD OUR GOD, PLEASE GIVE US THE COURAGE AND BOLDNESS TO STAND STRONG FOR YOU DAY AND NIGHT AND WHATEVER CIRCUMSTANCE WE FACE IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, AMEN."
Verse 10 teach us to wait, Christ was risen from the dead and he will RETURN to this earth. The element most important is: Jesus Christ is our savior he suffered and died for our sins and recued us from the punishment we so richly deserve. All elements are important. Most underemphasized by the church is GOD'S wrath is coming upon sin. I have notice many churches preaches a "FEEL-GOOD, CHEER LEADER'S" type sermon, maybe they fear people will leave if they told the truth about the consequence of sin.