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Q4. Read Matthew 8:5-13; 21:33-44; 22:2-13; 24:14; and 28:19. What do they (the Wise Men?) have in common? They are all intelligent men or priest who are expert in astrology, and dream interpretation. What relation does the visit of the wise men have to Matthew's theme of bringing the Gospel to the Gentiles? The wise men were rich and nobel people. They were well respected in their country as being leaders and those “of knowledge”. For them to go out looking for the Messiah in the lowliest of areas showed a willingness to search for the truth. The same thought is with bringing the gospel to the Gentiles. The Gentiles were unclean, dirty people – so the religious Jewish people thought. Even if a Gentile was a good person and tried to live Godly it still would not have been comfortable to the Jewish leaders. Bringing the gospels to the Gentiles required opening the well protected Jewish gates to let the Gentiles hear the gospels and to make the chose to follow Jesus. How should we be applying this mandate in our own lives? Open your heart and teach and demonstrate the gospel to all. Look past their birth privileges or non-privileges.
Q3. (Matthew 2:11b) Why was it appropriate for the Magi bring gifts to the Christ-child? Because it was appropriate to bring gifts to a king or person of high honor that you were visiting. How does the extravagance of their gifts reflect their heart attitude? We are to give and do our best for God. Their gifts were to be the best of what they owned-just as the sacrificial lamb was to be the best lamb that a family owned. What kinds of gifts are appropriate for us to bring? We are to do our best for God. We are to give our time, praise, worship and a portion of our money to God. God gave his best for us and still does. We are to serve others as Jesus served others.
Q2. Humble Worship
Platoz replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Wise Men and the Christmas Star of Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-12)
Q2. (Matthew 2:11a) What do we learn from seeing the Magi prostrating themselves before the child Jesus? That they recognized Jesus has the Christ child and they were giving him the recognition and honor that someone of this authority figure should be given. What was the significance of this for them? They believed that Jesus was the long prophecised Christ and they gave him the respect that was to be given to him even if he was a child. This was not a one day belief. They knew that it would be the turning point for religion. How can we emulate this kind of worship? We can: Stay true to our beliefs Have our daily worship and prayer with God in a place of quiet Act as if we believe in Jesus Think about how we will honor and praise his name in Heaven and practice putting your mind in that mind set of honoring God. -
Q1. (Matthew 2:1-2; Numbers 24:17) What is the significance of the Star of Bethlehem that the Magi saw? It was part of the prophecy that the savior would be born. Why do you think the Magi came to find the Christ-child when they saw the star? They wanted to come and see for themselves the child, to affirm his birth, to honor him, and to give gifts to him. In what way was does prophecy prefigure this event? The saviors birth was prophecised in the Old Testament so that when it did occur they would have already been told of it and would look for him.
Q3. Absalom, My Son!
Platoz replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
Q3. (2 Samuel 18:1-19:8) Why does David command mercy for Absalom in the battle? David commands mercy for Absalom in the battle because he is a weak father and has never punished his children as he should. I'm sure David feels guilty of never being around his children. The life that his children had growing up was an invitation to disaster. I'm sure their mother never took much interest in discipling them either. It seems that David carries the guilt of his sin with Bathsheba to the point where it is hard to correct the sinful things that his sons do. Why does Joab kill him against David's orders? Because he knows that David is weak in this area and that it would be a huge mistake if Absalom were captured and let off easy by David. Joab takes care of the job. How does David's loud mourning threaten his kingdom? Davids people hear him mourning and going on for Absalom. After they risk their lives and support him to the end David is acting like he would give them all up for Absalom. It could have backfired in his face and turned on him. What does this say about his followers' loyalty? They were faithful and loyal but there does come a point where you must protect yourself and they were probably beginning to wonder if David had lost his mind. Were they next to be chop suey? What does it say about David's faith? I don't know because I'm not sure that I have the previous questions correct. But, let's say that I do. I believe that David is maintaining his faith that God will take care of him and continue with the covenant but he is hoping and trying to control the situation by requesting that Absalom not be killed. About his weaknesses? David has gone soft. We all do in later years. He's never been strong when it came to controlling his children. That is his weakness. -
Q2. Seeking Mercy
Platoz replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
Q2. (2 Samuel 16:5-14) Why doesn't David silence Shimei son of Gera from cursing him? David does not silence Shimei because he is thinking that taking this cursing and disrectfulness toward him might be a part of his punishment for his sin, so he is taking it. Is this a political decision or a spiritual decision? Spiritual decision What does it tell us about David's faith? David is repentent and has faith that God will control the situation to his (God's) desire. -
Q1. Evacuating Jerusalem
Platoz replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
Q1. (2 Samuel 15:14-30) Why does David flee Jerusalem rather than stay and fight? David knows that he is not prepared to fight and win. He does not have any food stored up for a long seige. Also his professional fighting men are low in number compared to the many soldiers that Absolom has at his disposal (his countries army). What are David's emotions during this retreat? He is repentent. He has his head covered and he is barefoot which signifies dispair. He knows that God may continue with his punishment for his former sin or he may find favor in David repentent mode. Either way David knows that God is in control and will do what is right. Why doesn't he take the ark with him into exile? David knows the ark is not his personal property. It is for the people of Israel so he has it taken back to Jerusalem. David knows that God is still with him whether the ark is with him personally or in Jerusalem. Does this exhibit faith, fatalism, or submission? Faith What does this tell us about his faith? This tells us that David's faith is strong and trusting whether he has the ark with him or he talks to God thru prayer. -
Q5. (Luke 2:17-20) Great joy, praise, curiosity, amazement, telling others, thoughtful meditation. Which of these responses to the Good News are present in yourlife? Praise, curiosity, telling others, thoughtful meditation In what manner do they show themselves? Thoughtful meditation and praise go hand in hand with me. When I am reflecting and thinking on God, creation, his ways as I know and understand it, I immediately go to praise. I have always been a curious person, but with God I often have to think that a certain question will have to wait until I get to heaven to find out the answer. I try to connect the reason for a certain thing to happen in 2000 BC was the same reason it happened in 1000 BC. But, that is not always the answer. So many people profess knowing Jesus in this day that telling others is not so much about trying to telling them about Jesus but is more about getting them to recognize that their actions portray their belief in Jesus. Preaching to myself. If some are missing, why? Great joy and amazement are missing and I am not so sure that I do not have these. These two are relative to me. I have a bad habit of comparing myself to others. I wonder sometimes why I am not spiritually moved and gushing out words of love for Jesus when the person next to me is doing such. God knows my heart and I try to remember that also when there is a tendency to pass judgement on the actions of someone else. What can you do to recover these responses? Keep a steady, regular prayer life and study God's word. I know that sounds like a canned statement but oh, how true it is. As said many times “If anyone is moving it is us, not God”.
Q4. The Angels' Titles for Jesus
Platoz replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? "Savior" (sōtēr) "one who rescues, savior, deliverer, preserver. Christ the Lord." "Lord" (kurios) means "owner, lord, master, a designation of any person of high position. Yahweh, which refers to divinity. The names signify Christ What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity? That Jesus has the highest conceivable and most lofty designation. -
Q3. A Manger for His Bed
Platoz replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Because shepherd's were low on the food chain and Jesus was coming to earth for all people not just the higher echelon. Also, when did Jesus start to be known as the “Good Shepherd, Lamb of God....? Maybe the angels came to the shepherds first to start the connection as Jesus being the “sacrificial lamb”. Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? From what I have read regarding what it was like the year that Jesus was born this may not be too far from how most people lived in this era and in a town such as Bethlehem. They describe the place where the animals were kept actually being attached to the house but at a lower level. The reason they did this was because their animals were everything to them (food, travel, work) and if you lost your donkey or lamb to a thief, disease, or wandered away you and your family could be in real bad shape. This has to be intentional. What point is God making? God is making the point that Jesus is not coming for the elite and well to do people only. He is coming for all people. God is also making the point that Jesus is coming as a lowly person who is a servant to others. But, Jesus makes it known that he is God himself and that he is the prophetized one who has came from the line of David. He is king. -
Q3. Christmas Hardships
Platoz replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Actually, this could be a very detailed explanation but we'll keep it simple. The journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary because she was pregnant and probably pretty far along in her pregnancy. Just walking around on a daily basis was probably difficult for her, especially after she had already reached her tired point, but riding a donkey all day when she was almost due must have been a nightmare (even for a 15 year old). Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Pleasure is not an indication that we are in God's will. In fact, it is probably the opposite. Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow." I'm honing in on the word that you used “consistent”. Pray to God that we Christians could all be consistent Christians. I would think that if you were a consistent Christian that eventually those around you may eventually back off and not intentionally try to ridicule your religious position. But the world is not made for the Christian belief. We often have to decline social gatherings or opportunities due to our Christian stand. My example from life was after I was in my first job as a registered nurse. I was working labor and delivery. Come to find out they started to do abortions 2x a week-right at the start of 2nd shift, the shift that I worked. New nurse, first job, and I wanted to either get a job someplace else in the hospital or I wanted to leave that hospital for the Catholic hospital across town. Did I ever take flack for that. I got lucky and was able to get a job at the Catholic hospital but it didn't happen over night. I believe if I would have continued to work at the first hospital I would have always worn the title of “Nurse Who Didn't Want to Do Her Job”. I'm glad I left. Unfortunately nursing gets put in the middle a lot for doing non-Christian things. -
Q1. Naming the Current Rulers
Platoz replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Shepherds' Sign of the Manger (Luke 2:1-20)
Q1. (Luke 2:1-2) Why does Luke name the rulers in 2:1-2? What point is he making? He's making the point that Jesus is verifiable. The name of Jesus is mentioned along with important others during his time. Jesus is a part of history. -
Q4. (2 Samuel 13-15:13) It's difficult to find positive spiritual lessons in these sad and grim chapters. What negative spiritual lessons do you find? There's always a lesson to be learned from a poor example. My boss used to say that one of his family members was only good for showing what a bad example is. Also, I used to always make sure that I would tell my kids when someone did something stupid that had a horrible result (more than expected). Like I said you can always learn from someones poor choices in life. Lessons learned from negative spiritual lessions: The sins of the father is often the sins of his children. I see this a lot. How can it ever get broken? The cycle just keeps on repeating itself. If your children are still under your care, it is your responibility to discipline them. He should have done this Amnon and maybe Absolom wouldn't have killed him because Absolom was really wanting to get of him so that he could become the next king.
Q3. (2 Samuel 15:1-6) What are the elements of Absalom's public relations campaign to win over the people to his side? He presents himself to be more important than he is by riding in chariots and having men proceed before him. He would criticize David's government while making it look like he was interested in learning about how the system worked. He would kiss the hand of those who would bow before him so it looked like he had the interest of the common man. How effective is it? It worked well. He was able to organize and start the over throw of David. What should David have done differently? Nipped it in the bud. Which of David's weaknesses does Absalom exploit? His sensitivity and his desire to be Godly.
Q2. (2 Samuel 13:39-14:24) Why do you think Joab conspires to get David to bring Absalom home? The text talks about Joab wanting to get Absolom back home so that Absolom can establish himself as king when David dies. This is probably the case, but it probably has to do with the position or lack there of that Joab would have if Absolom was not able to become king upon David's death. And, this is not a bad thing. A lot of work had been done to get Jerusalem to the point that it was now. Why do you think David does not immediately show Absalom his favor? Because to do so would have been an act to lift up the continence (restraint/control) of Absolum and it would be seen as David giving a blessing to Absalom. At least David was holding back something from Absalom.