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Everything posted by jacek

  1. These titles are appropriate fo Mary because she is blessed by God and His Son in her womb, and blessed within humans by this heavenly event. Motther of God - becuse she said yes to Father's plan for j+her and she is pregnant with God the Son and she will give birth to this Son although she from her side gave some kind of incubator. I think God will do it in some other way if she wasn't obedient and humble enough to accept His plan. But becuase of her attitude as a gift she get this titles of love and honour.
  2. The essence of her positive response is that she didn't mind for world, what someone will say, think or do to her - she can be stoned at that time if she is pregnent and still not married. She said YES, and she accepted all God's wanted without reasoning or asking something in return or offering her conditions. I think that is the thing we must learn for our livs -to say yes to God when He has some plan with our lives. Mary was informed about the way of her conception, but I think it was no information at all because it is something totally strange and unacceptable without aith even in our times. When we consent to God we consent to ALL He has in plan - we never know how big, little, longterm or difficult it will be, but with our faith we have the courage to do so.
  3. Jesus is not human - He is of the same substance as God Father - he is SOn of God; the other miracle is that such a Son is the offspring of Mary the human and God. This doctrine of being of the same substance as Father is so important that Credo of our faith was changed in its expression at Nicene to stres it more - it is the same nature, same substance, same essence, not just conceived by God nd born of Mary.
  4. Zechariah's "How?" arose from unbelief, and he was also sarcastic, so he did't speak till the baby was born and he had to name him. Mary's "How?" was different - she simply wanted to understand how can it be because he was never intimate with man. As she accepted God's will and was humble in her attitude she get the answer.
  5. Angel told that her son will be The Son of God, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. He will inherit the throne of David and His kingdom will last forever.
  6. Becuase it will be the proof that there is God father, Son and Holy Spirit and everything they say is thr truth. I don't think anyone (enemy or disciple) really expected him to rise - one hoped it and other fear it.
  7. I think it is the same as He is life - with His death He defeated death and through Him we also have life; and with His resurrection we get it also, without Jesus it will be impossible, all what God Father have for us we get through Jesus' life and death.
  8. The result of ressurection for the righteous will be life - for ever.
  9. Job's vision is new and different from visions after death before in Old Testament. He says he will see God with his own eyes in his own flesh. Jews before thought of Sheol as a place of despair and emptyness, as nothing is possible - not to see God or give Him praise. This is progressive revelation - from nothing to knowing that after death we will still exist, like from Jews to Job and later in Bible.
  10. I am not sure if I can explain tbut I think it is belief that God exists, that he sent Jesus for us and Jesus let Holy Spirit to come to help us. But it is just a credo - and if I just say so it is not faith, it become faith when I live it, it must be seen through my lifestyle, through my works and through my contacts with other people. In some way we can have some credit for our faith but first God shows us the truth and after we become believers we can take some credit if we trully try to live by God's law, as in Romans - we must resist ti sin till we bleed (sorry - I don't have english translation of Bible, I try to explain what i think the best I can). Faith means that you can always be sure that God watch over you and gives you the best thing for you.
  11. We are created to do good works - these are works of love which God prepare long before we were even born.These works were ment to be done not to merit God's blessings or salvation but as light, as witnessing of our faith in God aand as a proof that we are trully His children. Difference is that works on which Paul thinks are laws made by men and people thought if they follow these laws they earned God's salvation. I did good and you god must give me what I earned - and it is not faith or love it is something done without heart.
  12. Saved menas that you are kept from danger of being dead at first place, but can also means that you are rescued from earthy realms and dangers of everyday life. God save us because it was the only way for us to be with Him in eternity, in our real and eternal life.
  13. I think it is because we never get that kind of love, (grace is not something we can give) and have never gave it. It is something what we can never experience, our love is never unconditional, we always expect something in return, grace is unknown form of behaviour for our human nature. Grace is a kind of gift what is given to you and you don't have to do anything to get it, and only good God can give it to you. It is a kind of gift which helps you do be better.
  14. It means that we are above earthy and demonic realms - we people who doesn't deserve such a gift. It can be only God's nature becuase to our human mind it is impossible to know and accept, only with God's mercy we can understand such thiings. But very often we are not aware what this gift menas for our daily life - we don't know the autority which we get and often we don't use it (you can not use something which you don't know to have). In our prayers we must pray for wisdom and open eyes of our heart to understand what we have and what can we do.
  15. God gives us mercy and grace. His character is uniqe because only God gives grace - we people always give something to gain something, only He is the apsolute giver, grace is one-sided gift, moreover it is gift which we are not and will never will earned. In Christ we get LIOFE.
  16. People can follow satan if they are not familiar with God and His words and techings. They are not aware that satan is not some idea about evil which can be ignored. If we are not careful we can very easily be trapped into his deceptions and little by little we can change right direction of life with satan's way and doing. People think that satan chalenge you to do something so horrible that you can see it on first glance but it is not the truth - he is very clever and he starts with very little things which you do or even better things which are not "must do" and you just miss to do it,, it is not so bad you think, and little by little you do bigger and bigger mistakes (not knowing they are sins against God's will). We are rbellions by nature - we often think we are to good to be blamed for something - because we didn't think to do that, it is just mistake, how can we be guilty??? It is good that God blames us because it is the only way which can correct us in our way of living. We must be aware that our free will is a great gift but also a big responsability.
  17. They are dead in spiritual sense - they don't believe in sin and wrong doings in God's eyes, and for that reason they are dead to God - they don't need Godd because they are selfsufficient and "sinless" in their own eyes, the new age teachings which are so influential today proclaims there are no sin or guilt because we always do the best in given circumstances, and if we do something wrong it is not our fault - we are always clean of guilt. The difference is that we christians know we are sinful, but we also know we are redeemed by Jesus and we can repent and gain forgiveness of God. We certainly need God and our life is totally dependent of God. If it is possible and when the moment is good we can told others about God and living in His wisdom and by His wil and laws.
  18. To often we think we are to weak or even worse it is not our bussiness. That is the reason why Paul mentioned it to us, because when we know "who is the boss" we immediately know that it is our bussiness to take part in warfare for Christ's way of life.when we are not aware of the power which is in us we can feel powerlessPaul was assuring Ephesians and assures us today also that all things which seems dangerous and powerfull to us and scare us in our battles are nothing in comparison to Christ because God puts all under His feet. This is also very encouraging for us because it diminishe our fears and powerless feeling in front of temptations of life.
  19. I am powerless when I forget God's words (unfortunately it is to often). Main problem is my faith because it is not easy to believe that all that power lives in me, so if I pray less and read Bible less my faith fade and I feel I can not endure and certainly not do something to deal with some things in life. I think that congregations which are asleep and become more institutional don't feel God's power because some human laws and doctrinec get the first place. Congregations which growth in their faith - living with God and develops in their believes produce disciples with miracle-believeing faith. There is also the answer what has to be changed.
  20. I think 10 millions would not affect my life now, becuse it is somethng what is not sure - today there is money tomorrow not. But God's inheritance is something totally different. It is sure that this is something what is mine and not just that - it is something so rich and abundant, and I can share it with all other people and we will all have plenty. This kind of inheritance is something which make me happy and calm because I know that after few more <ears here I will be with my God and forever there will be so many blessings for me there. While waiting for this inheritynce I can here, in this life be more connected with others without feeling that it will be lack of something if I am in community. My feeling of togetherness will be stronger and my love for others will grow.
  21. We have to look forward to future with hope and expectation because with Jesus Christ our future will be better than our present and past. If we know that this will be the source of motivation for better life, we will use our time in better way than before. If we know what we have as a gift it can help us to become better people because our joy will be as light for others so that they can also know Christ better through our lifestyle. Our hope is totally different from the hope of non believers because our hope in it has also full expectation that it will be reached all what God have in store for us, and even if present doesn't look bright we can hope it is only temporarily and we can work and expect better times for us and others without bitterness and all negative aspects in our lives.
  22. The end of the term will occure when Isus come again. Holy Spirit let us feel (or see - it is difficult to express what I think on foreigh language) a piece of heavenly reality which expect us in eternity. But more important is that holy Spirit keep us from wandering around and go out of God's way, it keeps us "on track" and helps us to maintain dialog with God - throug Holy Spirit we speak to God and God speaks to us.
  23. God's purpose for our lives is to praise him. We must recognise that God created us and saved us in many situations becuse he wants that we reflect his face in front and among others like the light in darkness. Matthew says the same thing - we are predestined to be salt and light so that people can see the glory of our God.
  24. I think in God's eyes we already are under one head, but these verses are meant to explain to us the importance of being together in our faith and lives. We are often divided, as in Paul't time' into some groups which think they have the only truth, and despise all other thinking. We divide God's body into many pieces, and if we read these verses with open heart we can be changed. In Corinthians he again speaks about bringig all, even Christ, under one head. Before that all earthy rulers will be put under his feet
  25. I think that my (and everybody elses) slavery was slavery to sin and payment for that. So, I am redeemed from being a sinner in a sense tomake sin gladly, I don't think I become sinless by redeemption. As God pay the price for me and it makes me worthy in every sense, if God did it for me than He consider me as his value. My life without redeemption will be just vaste and without life - like a deset without water. Future also would be without hope, joy and meaningfull life.
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