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Everything posted by charlenereeves
David desires to be very close to God so much he earnestly seeks Him. He waits for the Lord for eager expectation. Yahweh will return so keep your lamps full of oil and shinning brightly for it shall be soon.
Q4. Antichrist and False Prophet
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The Antichrist and the False Prophet are all parts of the same categories satan 0 God 1 and only takes 1 to win. -
Q3. Overcoming
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
Laying down your life for Christ for Christ has overcome the Accuser. While down your life for Christ you die once instead of twice thus eternal life. Jesus shed his life blood to overcome and cleanse us of our sins-Christ is the Lamb. They will know us by our love. -
Q2. Woman and Dragon
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The woman represents one of 3 things but I will pick the one I agree with the most and that is Mary and she is surrounded by Satan who is ready to eat the boy asap when he is born (Jesus). The egale swooped down and grabbed the baby before Satan could react to the birth. This gives me hope and strength-encouragement and endurance for the Lord has won already. And if I just endure a little more suffering for a little while longer I can praise him for the blessings and for all he did to win the battle. -
Q1. Two Witnesses
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The positive characteristics are being faithful and true, trusting in the Lord for they shall receive their reward which is eternal life with oiur God and Lord and Holy Spirit. -
Rev. talks about John eating the little scroll which tasted sweet like the incense being sweet from the prayers to God who loves them; the bitter or the upsetting of the stomach was from the nonrepented sins of the others.
Q4. The Great Multitude
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. The 144,000 (Rev 6-10)
I believed the martyered praises the Lord but also asks the Lord "How much longer"? The symboliism of washing their robes is being made clean by the blood of the Son by Grace thus their song of Amazing Grace was their praising God. Rev. 7:14 is the deliverence of the saints through the Great Tribulation and received into Heaven thus the songs were praises to the Son. -
Jesus asks us if we want to get well so it must be the up to each individual's choice to study the Word. After you accept the true Living God then there is a deep desire to serve him by helping others. This is caused by the love of God and we the willing to submit and call ourselves as his slave, but the church also needing humbleness and submission. This only worked when we are meek but many churches have leaders that are not meek.
Q1. Work Out Your Salvation
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
Work out your own salvation refers to the church and leaders working out the pride and to become humble and meek. -
To me it seems as if the struggle is about an old term is troublemakers. Timothy's description show humbleness and meekness-a teachable servant He is an example of Jesus for us. And Epaphroditus was honered by Paul for coming to the prision to be at Paul's servant as he did in many ways. People like these address a problem of selfishness in allot of people including churches.
I was a selfish person for many years of my life. Timothy's selfless allows a humbleness and meekness. I became selfless when I had a awakening of how much God loved me-enough to die for me- and my life was transformed. He has refined me in painful ways until I understood that it was only to make me strong in my faith like the refiner's fire Daniel went through. Church leaders must be selfless to hear and communicate with God and to his congreation. Now I will do anything for I do not work for anyone but for my God. I praise God through all circumstances and my humility comes from and the glory goes to the Lord.
Q4. Do Struggles Honor God?
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
Jesus kept me alive during my struggles and sufferings because he was carrying me. How can I not give him the glory for bringing me through them with the opportunity to serve him by giving back to him all the glory. -
Q3. Seal of the Living God
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. The 144,000 (Rev 6-10)
Jesus will come again for his church. He can be a lamb or a lion when the situations call for it. I know only Jesus can break the plagues. The seal is debatable but it will cover the people of God during the plagues and tribulation. -
Q2. Shining as Stars
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
Complaining always breeds discontent in a church and stops the stars from shining. Stopping the discontent enables the stars to shine again, The stars represent God's love and light. -
Q2. White-Robed Martyrs
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. The 144,000 (Rev 6-10)
There was a time between the 5th and the 6th seal. The "souls" were martyered people " the faithful witnesses" whom had been martyered for their Christian belief. The were under the altar signifying they were persecuted and a sacrifice to God. They were praying for vengence and justice. The white robes signified repeatence and Prescence of God. The instructions were given to wait a little while and the Son of Man will return -
Jesus initated the storm after the people refused to repent. It is directed at the unrepented sinners and is completely just.
Q4. Exalting the Humble
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
Jesus came to show us an example of how to serve others by being humble and patient with everyone we meet. we must follow his example and continue to love another even if these are our enemies. It is harder o love our enemies if not it will lead to a struggle with pride. -
Q3. Jesus the Human Being
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
Jesus is indeed human by walking and experiencing the same temptations as we do yet without sin. -
Q2. Equality with God
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
Jesus was subservant to God by saying at his ressurection, "Thy will be done" Jesus came to eath to show his diviness to us. -
Q5. Equal Worship
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
The Trinity is composed of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit so when we worship all we worship each one. The Spirit is inside us and God and Jesus are on their throngs -
Q4. Reigning with Christ
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
We as believers are children and friends of our God thus by our humility and repentance we became priests for Jesus make us worthy. Each one of us has the Kingdom inside us for this is where Jesus is -
Q3. Worthy Is the Lamb
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
Jesus is the living son of God. He has defeated death, and was resurrected a feat only God could accomplish -
Q5. Equal Worship
charlenereeves replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Lion That Is the Lamb (Rev 4-5)
We should praise God and Jesus who are 1 in the same. Our relationships should be as loving as the Trinity. Their relationship to us should be 1 in the same.