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Everything posted by lupie

  1. the scriptures tell us in luke 6:37 judge not and ye shall not be judged condemn not and ye shall not be condemned forgive and you shall be forgiven this is my reply to question five God Bless
  2. Jesus said the greatiest commandment is to love God with everthing in us and next to love our brother if we live by that i feel there would be no surface relationship when a member of my church hurts i hurt with them when they rejoyce i rejoyce with them we are our brothers keeper
  3. has not set their status

  4. hi my name is bob and its great to be back in another great study my home is in north florida im 73 years old my wife of 53 years and i have three children eight grand children and four great grands we love the lord with all our heart i pray that each of us receives everthing that God has in store for us in this lesson but most of all that we will be bold enough to take it and share it with others
  5. for many years of my life i let trials push me deeper into sin, it seemed that drinking was my only relief and then i met my lord. and a saint told me to take my lemons and make lemonade out of them. now with each trial i just wait to see what the lord is going to do praise God
  6. hi my name is bob im from north florida iv'e been married for 53 years to a good christian woman we have three children and many grand and great grand children this is my 2nd study and im looking foward to it have a blessed day
  7. as we read through the four gospels and follow the life of our lord Jesus his pains suffering and temptations the same as you or i face in this world. to know that he was with out sin, makes me feel so unworthy. and to see him in revelation midst the lamp stands as lord of lords and kings of kings the risen lord and he loves even me
  8. God was the first and will be the last the alpha and omega. God is eternal, and untill we see him face to face there is no way we can fathom his love for man kind. john 1:1 in the beginningwas the word, and the word was with God, and the word was fully god
  9. matt:24-9 says that in the last days all christians will be persecuted, we might not see it in our time but it will come.we can draw strength from the persecution our lord Jesus went through on the cross for each of us. he went like a lamb to the slaughter.he knows what we are going through and will walk ever step of the way with us, im weak and timid when it comes to witness. but try to live my life in a manner that will glorify God. that his light might shine through me.you would be amazed at the number of people that are watching you. and sooner or later they are going to give you a chance to witness to them. because they want to know what you have
  10. my name is bob im retired military, i live with my wife in north florida the state both of us was raised in.we are both christians and members of the church of God.im looking foward to the course in revelation.and studying with each of you
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