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Everything posted by Tabatha
Q4. Promises for the Future
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
When I am Brokrn in spirit and feel totally alone God takes the hurt , the aloneness, feeling of rejection and begins to do a work as I come to Him, and He begins to repair me, so that I may be even better than before to carry out His work even more effectively. When I feel I can't go on I know it is God who has called me unto Him self and He has no intention of abandoning me in the heat of the battle. In fact, during the battle, God " will Himself restore me and make me strong, firm and steadfast." God has every intention of taking me from my despair to bringing me to the hope and joy of my salvation, But I need to be willing to go through the fire if that is where He's leading so that when He brings me through He will get the Glory and I will exit the trial even stronger. To Him be the power for ever and ever Amen. ( John 14:27 ) ' Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid. Because my family are moving to Texas and I will be alone. I live in California and am a widow living alone not in the best of health. I do have Jesus as my closet friend, I will still miss my family. -
Q3. Instructions for Spiritual Warfare
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
That's why Peter said in ( 1st Peter 5:7 ) " Cast all your anxiety on Him cause He cares for you." Peter understands that life all by itself can bring anxious times where we have a problem trusting our God, but he points out that there are other forces in place to heighten that anxiety and to turn our eyes away from our Lord and Savior and so he continues in ( 1st peter 5:8 ) " Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." In ( Eph. 6:10-17 ) Pauls instructions are similar and different in places. We need only trust what He has stated. Paul records for us what God desires in this area of war with the enemy. " Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. ( verse 11 ) Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. ( verse 12 ) For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ( Verse 13 ) Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. ( Verse 14 ) Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, ( verse 15 ) and with your feet fitted with readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. ( Verse 16 ) In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. ( verse 17 ) Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." The Spirit of God together with His word are the weapons we have been given to go out into this world in the power of the Spirit to accomplish His will, which is to lift up Christ and bear witness to His greatness as He has overcome the enemy and sin and the grave. This is what Peter has in mind when he continues in ( 1st. Peter 5:9 ) " Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. Actively standing firm in our faith involves all that Paul spoke of in Ephesians six which involves prayer, the word of God, our salvation, praise, the help of fellow believers, living with thankfulness because of our salvation, and seeking the power of the Holy Spirit who enables us to walk in the Spirit in these ways. -
( !st Peter 5:8 ) "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.' There's a tendency in life to drop our guard and to think that the enemy will just leave us alone if we're serving as Christ's Ambassador and soldier. But it has to be understood that the very idea of representing Christ carries with it the reality that we are in a war, constantly. It was Satan along with a third of the host of heaven who were cast into this world. That was meant as a punishment from God for their rebellion. But that rebellion hasn't ceased. Our enemy, Satan, is still at war with God as he vents his anger on God's people, trying to scheme ways to discourage us, frustrate us, and to lull us into a complacency which keeps us from engaging in the battle. Peter says we need to " be self-controlled and alert. " The NKJV puts it. " be sober, be vigilant", while the NAS puts it " be sober, be on the alert." The enemy is engaged in this war whether we fight or not. He has only one objective and that is to destroy any ability of ours to engage him, as we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, so that we may go forth to further Christ's Kingdom with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Satan is very aware of what Paul understood when he said in ( Rom. 1:16 ) " I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.
Q1. Dealing with Your Fears
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #11. He Cares for You (5:8-14)
Q4. Humility in Leadership
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
All of this must be put in the context of how our Lord commands the leadership to submit to Him and follow Him and be humbled before Him so as to do the work totally dependant on His strength. As the leadership demonstrates this attitude those in charge will not only see the example, but will be motivated to do the same. It's one thing for leaders to give commands, it's entirely different to do the very thing they ask of others. By praying and seeking God for discernment regarding placement of leadership, God will reveal the fruit of the person you are seeking for leadership. When we fail to come together and pray for the right person the enemy will deceive. We must always ask God to show us the heart of the person. Also look for mature servants that are not involved with selfish desires of wanting to be exalted. That are more concerned for others than self. This is what Christ has called His leaders to do. But only as those leaders humbly follow Jesus and derive strength from Him will they be able to be the example. ( 1st Peter 5: 5 ) " Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, " God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." ( Proverbs 3: 34 ) Everyone in the Body of Christ is to be practicing humility toward one another. Peter uses a unique phrase, " clothe yourself with humility." The word clothe means to tie a piece of clothing to oneself. For example, slaves used to knot a white scarf or apron over their clothing to distinguish themselves from freeman. The suggestion is that Christians ought to tie humility to their conduct so that everyone is able to recognize them. Peter exhorts the readers to fasten humility to themselves once and for all. Paul put it quite clearly in ( Phil. 2: 3 ) " Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility, consider others better than yourselves.(4) Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also interests of others. Humility speaks of an attitude which puts others first, which thinks of the desires, needs, and ideas of others as more worthy of attention than one's own." When you see this in a person you will know they are leadership potentional. It is when we walk humbly with our God that we will be able to show humility toward one another. And so Peter continues in ( Verse 5 ) " God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. " ( Proverbs 3:34 ) Christ's humility gained for us our ultimate exaltation. If Christ can humble Himself before the Father for our good, then to follow His example would be to humble ourselves before our God for the good of others and to help them in their walk with Christ. Does God care for you? You better believe it. Is He concerned with everything that's going on in your life? Yes! He's a loving Father who wants us to care for Him and love Him as the loving Father He is, by trusting Him and following where He leads as we humble ourselves before Him. -
Q3. Preventing Power-Mongering
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
Christ wants these Elders, or Shepards or overseers being utilized in different ways to understand regarding the attitude as Servants in the Body of Christ. Peter tells these Elders to serve, " not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; " Lot of guys get pushed into these types of leadership roles and unfortunately it becomes, not a labor of love, but plain laborious. Peter tells us that this should be something that you are called to by God which will show itself in a willingness to serve, not under compulsion. Evidently in Peter's day there were guys who felt this was simply a good career move and so they entered into service with motives that were not pure. And so he adds that you shouldn't be greedy for money. The idea here in the Greek is that one should not use the office of Elder or Pastor to acuire dishonest gain. And it would be dishonest to use the office as anything other than serve Christ as you serve the Body with the idea of equipping the saints to grow in their salvation. If your motivation is simply to become a professional Pastor, ( Hireling ) with all of the perqs. you deem essential for furthering your career, Then God is not pleased and the Body is not served. Paul really hits the nail on the head when he defines this attitude in ( 1st Tim. 3:3 ) in describing the qualifications of an Elder or Overseer. He must be " free from the love of money. " Neither Peter or Paul deny money isn't important to enable the Elder, who is Pastoring a church, to continue to minister as he has needs, but the attitude is what both men are addressing when it comes to money. You can't serve two masters and as an Elder or Paster, you have only one Master who has placed you over His flock for one purpose; to Shepard, which involves leading, feeding and protecting and it should be done with an eagerness to please Jesus. If one is following the lead of the Chief Shepard, Jesus Christ, then he will do it in a way that emulates the Master. And so Peter continues in ( verse 3 ) " not lording it over those intrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. The isea of lording is to try and control, for your own purposes, and set up a little kingdom on earth to draw attention to yourself while using others in the process. Now, evidently Peter believed that there was a real danger of this type of thing happening. In fact, we know that Paul had run into it on various occasions; people who want to feel important and puff themselves up with the idea of lording over others with the authority they feel they have There's often lots of talk going on in leadership circles which tends to sound lofty and godly and biblical, but when you take away the veneer it's meaningless and self-serving and full of fluff; no substance That can be real danger. We've all heard the expression, " power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Peter understood this and he was warning that if someone is assuming leadership and only doing it for the sake of power and authority then it's in the flesh. The flesh will always move in that direction of abusing power and authority. Leaders should always be able to be seen in a way where others can say that's how I want to live out my life to Christ's glory. Leaders shouldn't limit their example to when they are seen. They should also practice godliness when no one but God can see them. This should'nt be limited to just leaders, The Chief Shepherd is coming back to take us to Himself and every leader who has served will be able to stand before his King and be honored by Christ Himself as a faithful servant in the capacity to which he was called. -
Q2. Careful Recruiting
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
The position that is open does not always fit the call. Just because there is a vacancy in a position in a church no matter what it is does not mean it is for you. I have seen people take a leadership roll out of pride with the attitude of being in charge of a position and they lord it over those under them, if they don't receive the respect they expect they become resentful or sometimes puffed up with the attitude of look at me. A person in leadership should always have an attitude of humility and a loving attitude of submitting to Christ and the people that you are overseers of. I was at one time asked to be an Associate Pastor, It was good at first, but I began to resent the Pastor's control over me and I no longer felt the freedom of serving the people and doing the work, as I was constantly being critized for everything I did. Also the jealously of the giftings that God had placed within me. So I resigned. After resigning I had the release in my Spirit to do what I was called to do. When we are strong armed into doing something with out praying to see if that is where God want us there is no joy. Jesus is the Chief Shepard and overseer, He will place you if you listen carefully and it will Glorify Him with a right attitude and flow in the spirit of peace in the church. I also have seen new Christians take a position because they are so anxious to be used in the church, later they become resentful and overwhelmed becuase they were not ready or had not matured enough for the position.. -
Q1. Responsibilities of an Elder
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
Peter was an Apostle of Jesus Christ, a very special office in the church and yet he refers to himself as a fellow Elder. The word Elder in the Greek is ( Presbuteros) and it is where we get our English word presbyter which is simply defined as one who holds office in the church and exercies teaching, priestly and administrative functions. Peter understood his role as an Apostle he also understood that he is on the same level with these other leaders who are Elders. He identifies with them as one who has the same function of serving Christ's Sheep. Paul was a fellow worker of all the workers in the church as is Peter. That's why it's important for Elders or deacons or any leader in the church not to take a haughty attitude as though they were above anyone. Their roles in the church may be different from others but that doesn't mean they are above anyone, as people called out to represent Christ in this world. Their call is to be servants to the flock. The office of Elder or Deacon commands a special respect but only to the degree that Christ gives that office, that responsibility to lead, a special importance for the benefit of the church. If that office of elder is not used in a servants role then it is being misused. Same for Pastor, Elder, and overseer. Their responsibility is to teach, guide, serve, care for, respect, with humility, also guard. Every Pastor is an Elder and a Shepherd, but not every Elder is necessarily a Pastor, and yet every Elder is involved in the process of shepherding the flock as they teach and exhort and rule under the direction who has been called to Pastor that particular flock. And so Shepherding necessarily involves teaching the truth of God's word. But Elders,which includes Pastors, should be overseeing the direction of the church as God gives them guidance. -
Q1. Responsibilities of an Elder
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
Peter was an Apostle of Jesus Christ, a very special office in the church and yet he refers to himself as a fellow Elder. The word Elder in the Greek is ( Presbuteros) and it is where we get our English word presbyter which is simply defined as one who holds office in the church and exercies teaching, priestly and administrative functions. Peter understood his role as an Apostle he also understood that he is on the same level with these other leaders who are Elders. He identifies with them as one who has the same function of serving Christ's Sheep. Paul was a fellow worker of all the workers in the church as is Peter. That's why it's important for Elders or deacons or any leader in the church not to take a haughty attitude as though they were above anyone. Their roles in the church may be different from others but that doesn't mean they are above anyone, as people called out to represent Christ in this world. Their call is to be servants to the flock. The office of Elder or Deacon commands a special respect but only to the degree that Christ gives that office, that responsibility to lead, a special importance for the benefit of the church. If that office of elder is not used in a servants role then it is being misused. Same for Pastor, Elder, and overseer. Their responsibility is to teach, guide, serve, care for, respect, with humility, also guard. Every Pastor is an Elder and a Shepherd, but not every Elder is necessarily a Pastor, and yet every Elder is involved in the process of shepherding the flock as they teach and exhort and rule under the direction who has been called to Pastor that particular flock. And so Shepherding necessarily involves teaching the truth of God's word. But Elders,which includes Pastors, should be overseeing the direction of the church as God gives them guidance. -
Q1. Responsibilities of an Elder
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #10. Leading with Humility (5:1-7)
Peter was an Apostle of Jesus Christ, a very special office in the church and yet he refers to himself as a fellow Elder. The word Elder in the Greek is ( Presbuteros) and it is where we get our English word presbyter which is simply defined as one who holds office in the church and exercies teaching, priestly and administrative functions. Peter understood his role as an Apostle he also understood that he is on the same level with these other leaders who are Elders. He identifies with them as one who has the same function of serving Christ's Sheep. Paul was a fellow worker of all the workers in the church as is Peter. That's why it's important for Elders or deacons or any leader in the church not to take a haughty attitude as though they were above anyone. Their roles in the church may be different from others but that doesn't mean they are above anyone, as people called out to represent Christ in this world. Their call is to be servants to the flock. The office of Elder or Deacon commands a special respect but only to the degree that Christ gives that office, that responsibility to lead, a special importance for the benefit of the church. If that office of elder is not used in a servants role then it is being misused. Same for Pastor, Elder, and overseer. Their responsibility is to teach, guide, serve, care for, respect, with humility, also guard. Every Pastor is an Elder and a Shepherd, but not every Elder is necessarily a Pastor, and yet every Elder is involved in the process of shepherding the flock as they teach and exhort and rule under the direction who has been called to Pastor that particular flock. And so Shepherding necessarily involves teaching the truth of God's word. But Elders,which includes Pastors, should be overseeing the direction of the church as God gives them guidance. -
Q4. A Healthy Willingness to Die
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
( Luke 9 : 23-25 ) The Bible gives a very important passage where Jesus speaks to us and the Bible says, " And He said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. For what is a mans advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or cast away?" Jesus tells us some very important things about salvation. He tells us who can be saved. He tells us the attitude that a person must have to be saved. He tells us something of the consequence in this life to being saved, and He reminds us of the eternal consequence in the next life. A person must choose. A person must say, " I will follow the Savior. One of the strongest forces in the world is the free will of a human being. God does not force us to do anything. He invites us, and He gently calls us. But we must make a choice. ( Phil.3:21 ) We go after Jesus. We pursue this great and high and noble standard. We never achieve it the way that He did, but we always reach out for it and we always hold forth as the one great goals of life to be like Christ. Paul Says" Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus." Jesus said, " If any man will come after me, let him deny himself. " The only thing that can keep you from following Christ is yourself. The selfish will of man is the obstacle, and it can take many forms. The sinfully selfish person is not just the one who manifests the gross outward sins of the world. The worst thing you can do is to go your own way instead of God's way. Be careful of desiring anything to strongly except for the will of God. In order to follow Christ, you must deny yourself. " I am not going to go my way or do my own will. Instead I am going God's way. Each of us also have a cross to bear. What is a cross. It is something that you suffer that you only suffer because you went God's way instead of your own way. A cross speaks of suffering and difficulty, and trial, and burdens to bear. We must never forget there is aways a good result from the cross. Jesus is talking about the value of a human soul. There is nothing in the world more valuable than one soul. There is no advantage to gaining the whole world if you lose your soul because your soul is worth more than the whole world. Also, the world is passing away. It is temporary. What Jesus said is true not only concerning being saved or lost, but also concerning the fulfillment of you life. We were put on this earth is to know and serve God and to do His will. There is no such thing as finding the will of God for your life some day and then doing that thing for the rest of your life. God's will is unfolded to you day by day. You find out God's will one day at a time. It is a great challenge and privilege to be called to follow the Lord Jesus Christ in this world. I hope you have taken up the challenge while there is still time. Praise God, the time is short. Amen. -
Q4. A Healthy Willingness to Die
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
( Luke 9 : 23-25 ) The Bible gives a very important passage where Jesus speaks to us and the Bible says, " And He said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. For what is a mans advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or cast away?" Jesus tells us some very important things about salvation. He tells us who can be saved. He tells us the attitude that a person must have to be saved. He tells us something of the consequence in this life to being saved, and He reminds us of the eternal consequence in the next life. A person must choose. A person must say, " I will follow the Savior. One of the strongest forces in the world is the free will of a human being. God does not force us to do anything. He invites us, and He gently calls us. But we must make a choice. ( Phil.3:21 ) We go after Jesus. We pursue this great and high and noble standard. We never achieve it the way that He did, but we always reach out for it and we always hold forth as the one great goals of life to be like Christ. Paul Says" Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus." Jesus said, " If any man will come after me, let him deny himself. " The only thing that can keep you from following Christ is yourself. The selfish will of man is the obstacle, and it can take many forms. The sinfully selfish person is not just the one who manifests the gross outward sins of the world. The worst thing you can do is to go your own way instead of God's way. Be careful of desiring anything to strongly except for the will of God. In order to follow Christ, you must deny yourself. " I am not going to go my way or do my own will. Instead I am going God's way. Each of us also have a cross to bear. What is a cross. It is something that you suffer that you only suffer because you went God's way instead of your own way. A cross speaks of suffering and difficulty, and trial, and burdens to bear. We must never forget there is aways a good result from the cross. Jesus is talking about the value of a human soul. There is nothing in the world more valuable than one soul. There is no advantage to gaining the whole world if you lose your soul because your soul is worth more than the whole world. Also, the world is passing away. It is temporary. What Jesus said is true not only concerning being saved or lost, but also concerning the fulfillment of you life. We were put on this earth is to know and serve God and to do His will. There is no such thing as finding the will of God for your life some day and then doing that thing for the rest of your life. God's will is unfolded to you day by day. You find out God's will one day at a time. It is a great challenge and privilege to be called to follow the Lord Jesus Christ in this world. I hope you have taken up the challenge while there is still time. Praise God, the time is short. Amen. -
If we are never persecuted then we are being a hidden christian and not showing our Christ life and living for Him. People will not see the who and what we really are. We must be bold and speak the gospel where ever we are led by the Spirit no matter how we are treated. " A man's devotion to a principle can be measured by his willingness to suffer for it; therefore, any kind of persecution is a test of a man's faith. But it is equally true that it is only the real Christian who will be persecuted. the Christian who compromises with the world will not be persecuted. In a double sense persecution is the test of the reality of a man's faith." That's why Peter was rejoicing when he and John were flogged. They realized that their faith was true and that the grace of God was really with them and that the truth that Jesus gave them, that He would never leave not forsake them, was true. They new they belong to Him and that He was their God and protector. Peter goes as far as to say in our text: ( 1st Peter 4: 14 ) " If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and God rests on you." Here Peter explains that most persecution comes in the form of verbal abuse rather than physical abuse. To be insulted carries with it the idea that someone wants to put you down because of your faith in Christ. But in these times, as well as the times in which Peter wrote, as we are willing to love and serve God, there will always be people who will try and discredit what God is doing in this world through the lives of His people. Many Christians who live their faith in the real world, instead of trying to hide it in the closet, will eventually run into someone who wants to put them down or make fun of them or try and create doubts concerning their faith and the God who gave them life through Christ.
We are His people and our desire should be to do His work so that others might come to know the living God through Jesus Christ. These are exciting times we live in. God desires to use each one of us for a very special purpose and He simply wants us willing to follow where He leads as we seek Him continually. But in these times, as well as the times in which Peter wrote, as we are willing to love and serve God, there will always be people who will try and discredit what God is doing in this world through the lives of His people. Most Christians who live their faith in the real world, instead of trying to hide it in the closet, will eventually run into someone who wants to put them down or make fun of them or try and create doubts concerning their faith and the God who gives life throught Christ. And that shouldn't surprise anyone because the spirit of the world is at odds with God. The very nature of man wants to rebel against his Creator. In fact Paul speaks of this attitude in ( 1st Co. 2:14 ), " The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they may not be Disney World but it is a place we can still enjoy as we glory in the life we have in Christ and as we take that joy into our world and live it to God's glory desiring to see others come into a personal relationship with the Living God. That's what Peter says in ( 1st Peter 4: 13) " But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His Glory is revealed."
Q1. Danger of Avoiding Persecution
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #9. Suffering According to God's Will (4:12-19)
(1Peter 4:12 ) ""Dear Friends, do no be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you." The NAS I believe has a closer literal translation from the Greek when it says., " Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you: What Peter is saying is that some of these trials you're experiencing, for representing Christ, are meant to test you and prove your faith and in the process glorify God who gives you the strength to go through such a test. That's why Peter says don't be surprised at such fiery ordeals because it's part of the normal process of sanctifcation to help you mature in Christ. It's designed by God Himself to make you the kind of servant who is able to stand firm when the heat's turned up. In fact Peter starts this letter in just this way when he says in ( 1st Peter 1:3 ) " Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The kind of gospel that's often preached today is given in such a way that it excludes all normal activity in life that is designed by God to help you grow. That kind of gospel which excludes the reality of life, being used by God to mold us in the image of Christ, is more akin to the surreal world of Alice in Wonderland. But Trials are always meant by God to be used to strengthen our faith, not tear it down unless we allow such trials to tear us down as we look away from God to the trial instead. Our Joy doesn't rest primarily in this present life. Rather our joy is found in the hope we have in Christ and the reality that we will spend eternity with Him and also knowing that He is with us today to enable us to live the rest of this life for the will of God. -
Q4. Pride and Spiritual Gifts
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
People who promote them selves and pointing to how God is using them, are usually lifing them selves up and taking the Glory from God. To me that says they are prideful, insecure, an want to be noticed for themselves. "THe word says to humble yourselves before Him and He will exault you in due season." They have very little self worth and on the flip side of the coin their self-worth is about themself. They are very imature. Very little humility. For these kind of people the hard part is understanding that our lives are to be used by God for His will, not ours. Peter is saying that the pruning process will make us better christian servants to bear the kind of fruit God wants from us. Many Christians brag about the gifts they have, the gifts are not theirs, they are for the body of Christ you are just the vessel the holy Spirit flows through to minister to the body, also out side of the walls of the church. Above all no matter how you think or feel you are to be a servant of the Lord to Glorify Him not your self. Personally I believe we should pray for the fruit of the Spirit before trying to move in the Spiritual gifts. With out the Love of Jesus they can be very prideful. God has given much but much He requires from me. Sometimes it scares me when He uses me becasue I don't want to make a mistake and mislead any one in the prophetic counseling or pray counseling becasue I am accountable for that soul if I send that person in the wrong direction. I always pray accuracy and that God will be seen and Glorified through what ever I do. I want God to trust me in the giftings He has put in me. I want Jesus to be seen not me. My heart is to serve Him and the people He puts in my path. That is my joy, to please Him. -
Q3. Giving an Account
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
You and I don't know for certain if we've been born in a time time which we will see the second coming of Jesus, But that shouldn't make any difference. We keep thinking " Oh we have plenty of time to get our act together. Most non-christians are actually deceived into thinking they are doing nothing wrong,so they laugh and just party on. not realizing time is growing short.( 2 Peter 3:3 ) " First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. A thief doesn't announce himself for all to see. When Christ comes for His church no one will know the hour or day, but we don't want to be caught unaware or found in a condition where we are not prepared , as we are longing for Him and looking for Him as we love and serve Him today. More than ever we must make a conscious effort to draw close to God. This is what Peter implies in verse 7 .. ( 1st Peter 4:7 ) " The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray." I believe Most Christians don't like to admitt they are doing something wrong due to pride. And also many think they can do no wrong due to the influence of a religious spirit. No one is perfect. I think David is our best example of asking God to search his heart. ( Humblenesss and humility ) Then repentence before God. -
Q2. Resisting Temptations to Sin
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
The reason Peter makes mention of these areas of sinful behavior is because this is what they used to participate in and now they've chosen to leaven behind the old in the light will in itself expose the darkness and the darkness doesn't like that. ( verse 4 ) " They think it strange that you do not plunge with them in to the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you>" Misery loves company and when you choose not yo follow after their sin, what happens> Well, first of all they are amazed that you no longer look to that fellowship you once enjoyed with them. But second, there's an indignant attitude, becuase in you choosing God's way you in essence condemn them with your Godly behavior. Now that's the way they perceive it. It's not as though we spend all our waking moments condemning people. That's not our job, but living in the ligh will in itself expose the darkness and the darkness doesn't like that. And so they malign and heap abuse on you. Why? Because that fellowship with the world has been broken and their lives are seen for what they are; empty and hopeless. And so the react. Peter reminds them that even though their family or friends malign them and contimue to evil in sin. God will ultimately have the last word. ( 1 Peter 4:5) " But they will have to give accout to Him who is ready to jude the living and the dead -
Q1. Done with Sinning
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. Serving God in Everything (4:1-11)
Everything that jesus did was to love and please the Father, bur His love for you and me cannot be ignored. We hear this verse all the time.( John 3:16 ) " For God so loved the world that He gave His only Brgotten Son that whoever believes in Hidm shall not perish but have etertnal life>" Christ's death was personal for Him, because you and I were the ones He came to die for. And so what Peter wants us to see is that God' s will may involve suffering even in our lives. And when we should have the same attitude, the same mind, the same purpose, as Jesus. Our attitude should be first and formost to want to love our God and Savior, and to please our Lord with our entire lives by doing His will according to His word. Ezekial spoke of this relationship of th heart when God spoke these words through Him in ( EZE .11:19 ) " I will give them an undivided heart and a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. ( 20 ) Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my lawa. They will be my peopel, and I will be their God This is the attitude we need to have. It's an understanding that we belong to God, we don't belong to oursleves anymore. Jesus purchased us with His Blood and we have been redeemed for a purpose and the purpose is to do God's will so as to glorify Him and bring others into the kingdom. -
Q4. Baptism as a Pledge
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
When I gave up all the things I had done in the past and repented asking God to forgive me of all the sins I had committed, Got back in Church. I asked my Pastor if he would Baptize me through immersion. He prayed with me and said the following week would be good. We did not have any place in the church so I was baptized in the Klamath River. It was Glorious. Coming up out of the water I began spealing in tongues praising Jesus with tears running down my face. I knew in my heart I was a new creation in Christ. The old me had died and I was newly cleansed. -
Q4. Baptism as a Pledge
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
When I gave up all the things I had done in the past and repented asking God to forgive me of all the sins I had committed, Got back in Church. I asked my Pastor if he would Baptize me through immersion. He prayed with me and said the following week would be good. We did not have any place in the church so I was baptized in the Klamath River. It was Glorious. Coming up out of the water I began spealing in tongues praising Jesus with tears running down my face. I knew in my heart I was a new creation in Christ. The old me had died and I was newly cleansed. -
Q3. Christ Died for Your Sins
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
I thought on these questions for quite sometime and I would have to choose all three, as my life for so long was in deep sin. The alchol, drugs, sex, living a life of total rebellion towards God. Marrying and being abused as well as abusive to my children. I finally came to a place in my life of wanting to committ sucide after my second husband died. The Pastor from the church who did the funeral had given me his card if I needed anything. As was I sitting in the chair I had given my husband for his birthday I begin to remember the relationship I had with Jesus as a child and how happy I felt in the church I grew up in. I knew I wanted that back, So I cried out to God and told Him if there was something better then the life I had been living I wanted it, if there wasn't then I was going to end it all at them time. I went to the phone and called the Pastor of the church, he came to my house and we talked, He then invited me to church with my two children. We went and I found a peace there I had not had in many years. Going home I begin to think of the things the Pastor had preached. and how I felt such a warmth in my heart. It was summer time and we had a patio in the back yard. I took a sleeping bag out there and looked up at the beatufil stars, all of a sudden I felt a strange unusual calmness come over me that I had only felt when I was under the influence of drugs and yet it was different. I begin repeating the Lords prayer with the understanding of what it meant. A weeping came over me I could not control. It was like I was being emptyed when the weeping was over I remembered what I had been taught about Jesus and his death how he had suffered on the cross for all the sins I had committed in my life from the time I was 15. The weeping started again, only this time it was different. I heard my self saying over and over " I am sorry, please forgive me. Again I felt cleansed and at peace. This time a joy rose up in me and with my eyes closed I felt I was being lifed up and I began to feel light as a feather. Shortly after, I was filled with the Holy Spirit and had God put a call on my life. I was 36 at that time. At the age of 48 I went to bible college, After that God spoke to me to give all and follow Him. I did, went into Peru for 3 years. After that I then traveled all over the Northwest preaching and ministering to the hurting and wounded. Oh, there has been so much to be grateful for in my life, Not turning back. That is my story of what Christ suffered for me, I love Him so much sometimes it hurts my heart for the life I had lived before. It is a good hurt of gratitude. -
Q2. Gentle but Fearless Witness
Tabatha replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Suffering with a Clear Conscience (3:8-22)
It is not easy living in the world when we're tempted to act one way according to the flesh, and yet God has called us to live according to the Spirit. I believe many of us fear rejection or non Christions treat us with contempt. The good news is that God never asks us to do anything that He doesn't enable us to do. But we must be willing to humble ourselves before Him and obey His will instead of seeking our own way. I know that the easier path is to operate in the familar, which is to say that we've often spent so much time dealing with life in a sinful, selfish way, apart from God, that when we do come to faith in Christ it's hard to get out of the mode of how we used to live. But we must remember that we are new creatures in Christ and we have a high calling to represent our God faithfully in this world. Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good. Number 2-----------No one likes to be abused, especially when I am doing nothing wrong I want to cry foul! But simply because a part of me doesn't seem fair does not mean that God is unfair. In fact as we saw in ( 1 Peter 3: 12 ) " For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer"......... That doesn't simply mean that He always sees us and knows what we're doing. It means that nothing in our lives escapes His notice or concern. He's aware of even injustices in our lives and He's there to comfort and strengthen us in the midst of those times and to enable us always to look to Him as the God who will never leave us or forsake us.