Q) Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul's ministry in Thessalonica?
A) There was such a strong opposition to Paul and his Ministry in Thessalonica because there was a transformation in the lives of the people there. High officals were coming to the belief system of Christ. There were countless people of all walks, especially those who were on the fence, being effected to the growth of Pauls Ministry; resulting in the loss of support both finacially and numerically to the religous leaders of the Jews. This caused jealousy amoung the Jewish Leaders.
Q) Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him?
A) Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there was often a violent reaction against him because he was determined to preach the Gosple by any means nessessary. He saw and knew that the Power of God was working amoung the people. The Holy Spirit was literally breaking down the walls of religion in that city, saving men and women alike directly from the paganistic ideology that had influenced their minds.
Q) Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop?
A) In some cases, I believe that a violent reaction is a physical representation of the actual battle in the spiritual relm. Unfortunently physical bodies are hurt in that process. Sometimes we may have to retool the process of the ministry(God inspired), but as long as we dont retool the Gosple, I believe souls will still be saved and God will still recieve all glory...