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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Martie

  1. Thy Kingdom come; I believe Jesus brought the knowledge of the kingdom when He came to earth, the Kingdom was always here, God is the King, we are His people, He takes care of us when we repent and keep His commandments. When we pray 'Thy Kingdom come' we are acknowleging that He is indeed our King, and His Kingdom has come. Thy will be done; We are agreeing that His will will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven. All the promises and blessings He has for us in The Word of God can be ours when we follow Jesus example. We are not only asking, but agreeing with Him that this will be done, also we are proclaiming His Greatness as our King, and His Great Kingdom that will remain forever. God wants us to be confident that this is so, and that it is good, also that it is for All People. How we incorporate this into our prayers is that we must always praise Him as our Father and King, tell Him we are glad to be a part of His Kingdom, and that we thank Him for all the blessings He has in store for us(His will be done)Here on earth, we don't have to wait to die and go to Heaven to be blessed by Him. Martie
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