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Everything posted by emmaus

  1. Strength Submissive wife to portray herself as a sister instead of wife. Good character for God to make her the mother of nations. Protective mother to her son. Weakness Doesn't wait on God. Let her emotions take over. Showed faith Leaving her homeland to follow Abraham. When she was abducted. Sarah came to believe God's promise of a son, though at first she laughed. Lacked faith When she didn't believe God when first told she would have a son. When she took it upon herself to give Hagar to Abraham.
  2. It's the Lord's right to be King because he is the creator of earth and all who live here. The Lord requires us to be completely loyal to him. The glory of the Lord is the Lord Almighty who is strong and mighty in battle. There is nothing more powerful, majestic or wonderful than the Lord Almighty. He is, "able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine." If I am loyal and keep my eyes on him,he will bring me through any battle that I go through.
  3. God had been so good to them that they were like men who were dreaming. By remembering this it gave them hope that God would do it again and they were able to ask God for help in prayer. They were asking God to quickly help them just as a stream quickly could be filled the fast moving water, to refresh them quickly. If they remained steadfast they knew God would hear and answer their prayers. These metaphors help me remember that if I remain steadfast that God can turn things around for me. I remember someone who was going through a terrible tragedy one time say, "when you can't do anything else you can stand up for God." Today they are more devoted to God than ever before. I don't think I"ll ever forget that.
  4. We are acknowledging that God is the source of glory and strength when we praise him. When we testify of what he has done, we are saying this is what God has done, not man. If we don't give God the glory, there will be those that will. Jesus said in Luke 19:40 "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." It is fitting and worthy to praise God because he is the King. He is deserving of all our our praise and blessing.
  5. Praise is difficult in trying circumstances because we become overwhelmed by what is going on in our lives. Praise makes our faith stronger. It reminds us how great God is and what he is capable of doing. Praising God is like someone who is being tossed in a raging sea and then being anchored. It reminds us how good God is and gives us hope to go on.
  6. Abraham preparing to sacrifice Isaac gives a human perspective of God sacrificing Jesus. It makes you realize the tremendous pain God suffered by allowing Jesus to be crucified.
  7. I have learned to trust God by past experiences that has proven to me that he provides. Although I knew God had blessed me immensely, I didn't realize how much untill now. When my Dad died in 1992 I turned to God and he saved my soul and brought me through the sorrow of losing my Dad. Three years later he gave us a grandson. He was born premature but God brought him through that and today he is fine healthy boy. He saved my husband and me when we were in a terrible car accident that I was nearly paralyzed in. He saved my husband when he had to have a heart operation. He has put me in places to help my brother not only phyically but by witnessing to him and today he is a Christian. Right now my brother is in bad health and I need God to help me, God forbid, if he goes on to be with the Lord. I know that no one is promised tomorrow and I shouldn't worry, he might outlive me. But sometimes I'm weak and I let the fear over take me. Answering this question has helped me feel much better about things.
  8. We've got to trust God or what would be the point of serving him? The more I study the bible and understand, the more I trust him. The human side of me still worries at times, but I know it's Satan at work. I feel that I have surrendered my life to him because I am not the person I used to be. I am so thankful for his mercy.
  9. Satan wants trails to overwhelm and destroy us. God wants trails to strengthen our faith and cause us to be closer to him. I've seen trails that have strengthened both myself and others. It's an amazing thing to see yourself or someone else go through something and come out the other side praising God. It is only through God that there is victory.
  10. To rest in God means to trust him, to have faith that he is there in whatever comes our way. He will be there to carry us through if need be, as in "Footprints in the Sand". When things get out of control I have to take time to be alone and pray to God, remember his promises and read his word.
  11. The river would be a vision of the power of God: of peace, life and refreshment. That vision would reassure a troubled soul. When we stop and remember that nothing is more powerful than God we will have a sense of peace. If we do that we won't be out of control, we can be of help to others instead of needing help ourselves.
  12. "Into your hands I commit my spirit", means to let go and give your spirit or life to God. It would bring peace by releasing control to God. "My times are in your hands", is saying to God that I trust your plan for my life. That would unburden a troubled soul so that they could have peace. When fear overwhelms that's when we have to concentrate on our trust, confidence and faith in God.
  13. God quiets us and gives us confidence by providing for our physical and spiritual needs, giving us rest, guiding us by his holy spirit, protecting us and assuring us with his love as we go through this life and giving us the promise of eternal life with him. When we accept Jesus into our lives and stay focused on him we will have peace and confidence even through the storms. God provides for us in every way, for our physical, spiritual and eternal needs.
  14. By being humble and trusting in the Lord. The elements would be humility, trust, rest, and hope.
  15. In this life we will have our trials, burdens and death because God rains on the just and the unjust, but we don't face them alone. This world is full of sin and then sometimes our faith gets weak. If we don't turn away from God he's there helping. Yes, God protects us because we have faith that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. It's not just about this life and this body, it's about our souls. 1 Corinthians 15:19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. We have hope for an eternal life. Thank God.
  16. It encourages me that God is watching over me, with his help I have the confidence to go on. I'm so thankful that I have him to lean on and not just worldly things or people.
  17. If we love the Lord, trust in him and call upon his name he will protect us night and day from whatever comes our way. We have the power to resist the devil, to push him back. The promises are to rescue, protect, answer, be with us in times of trouble, deliver, honor, long life, show us his salvation. This Psalm makes my faith so much stronger. To see these promises written down so clearly gives me confidence.
  18. Towering rocks of a mountain, a tall building on a city wall, a close personal relationship with God and wings of protection. It makes me feel confident that no matter how weak I become God will hear my prayer.
  19. It's astonishing that this same God that we worship today is the same God that our great, great, great grand parents worshiped and the same one our great, great, great grandchildren will worship. God never ceases to amazes me. I try to live my life not for myself but for God. Before I start anything I try to always remember to ask God if this is his will and for his protection.
  20. God blesses Abraham by giving him a son with Sarah, by having Ishmael and Hagar leave the camp (peace) and by an alliance with Abimelech. By sending Ishmael away strife would be avoided between Ishmael and Isaac and their descendants. Isaac is blessed by having peace in his life and there were no further questions about his inheritance. If Ishmael hadn't been sent away there probably would have been violence between them. No I am blessed to say I've not felt rejected. God can bring good out of a bad situation.
  21. Her motherly instincts to protect her son is what motivates Sarah. No, Sarah wasn't righteous in demanding this. But there would never have been peace in the camp with them living there. Ishmael wasn't a child anymore, so in one sense I can understand Sarah wanting them to leave. Either way, God was going to protect Ishmael and Hagar because of Abraham's plea to God earlier. There has never been a time force has been used in my personal life, but I think sin is more subtle and we may tempt or be tempted to do something against our principles.
  22. Their laughter now was honest and joyful, where before it had been ironic or sarcastic. I think God enjoys our joyful, happy laughter and maybe he laughs with us.
  23. Last Thurday I went to see a loved one who has been very sick. The fear of him going on made me so upset. I read Psalms 1 to him and we talked about how the Lord is going to take care of us because we love and worship him. The next morning I read the daily bible verse in my email and what was it but Psalms 1:1. With that fear the devil had put in my heart,I felt like I was "crying out for rescue" and God understood and reminded me of Psalms 1. Maybe this isn't exactly the same theme of this lesson but I felt like I was sinking into the miry depths and God hear my cry and revived me and my loved one.
  24. Heavenly Father, I come before you with praise and thanks. Forgive me for the times I've failed you. Help me to grow and learn from those. Lord sometimes I grow weak and I must ask you to renew my spirit. I have to set aside the worries, riches and cares of this world to come before you, so I can be revived in spirit and faith. Lord, I ask you for more faith that I can be pleasing to you. I pray for the holy spirit to cover me and to work through me, dear Lord. Revive me, oh Lord, that I may bring glory to your name. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen. Humbleness, admitting your sin, asking for God's help in prayer. Things in common: Humble ourself, seek God, turn from our sin. We have to make God our king, admit we fail and ask for mercy. God hears ours prayers then and will be with us.
  25. We need a heart that's willing to accept help and have faith which is our assurance. He tells us that he lifts up the humble. Jesus is our anchor and faith is what connects us to him. We must have both to come before God.
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