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Everything posted by emmaus

  1. Jesus would have learned the tools are carpentry and how to use them. The experiences he would have been exposed to are to take pride in your work, deal fairly with people and how people dealt with his father.
  2. Mary actually was what these titles describe. I think we're hesitant to exault Mary because although she was the mother of Jesus she was just a woman, the same as Paul was just a man. She wasn't devine. It was by the grace of God that she was chosen to be the mother of God.
  3. Mary's response was that of a willing servant. She was humble and willing to do as the Lord ask. This is the way we should be. The angel explained to her how and what would happen and she willingly agreed. When we say yes to God we agree to do things his way, even if we don't understand.
  4. Jesus' nature was divine, perfect and holy yet human. The virgin conception of Jesus was a miracle. Christianity is founded on Jesus and we must believe in this first miracle to believe in him.
  5. Mary ask the question in belief wondering how it would be accomplished, where Zechariah ask in unbelief telling the angel why it couldn't be accomplished. They were rewarded according to their faith.
  6. The angel tells Mary that the baby would be a son, to name him Jesus, he would be great, called the Son of the Most High, God would give him the throne of his father David, he would reign over the house of Jacob forever and his kingdom would come.
  7. David tells us that the Lord hears us when we cry out and will deliver us from all our trouble, he is close to the broken hearted and saves those whose spirit is crushed. God redeemed us by the blood of Jesus when he died on the cross, Jesus was the price paid to have our sins forgiven. We can avoid condemnation by accepting the mercy of God, by having faith in Jesus and claiming him as our savior.
  8. We should praise God continually because he is worthy, it's God's will for us to praise him, more people will learn of God's goodness and our minds will be transformed. One barrier would be forgetfulness, I always remember that riches, cares and worries are what draws us away from God and from praising him also. As I become a more mature Christian it is just second nature to praise God. When circumstances work out well, when I see the love of God in people, when I see beauty in nature, there is lot's of things to praise God for, but I need to make an effort to continually praise him.
  9. The stone (the Messiah) the builders (the leaders of Israel) rejected is Jesus. This is prophecy of Jesus the Messiah's coming in the name of the Lord.
  10. The main emotion in this Psalm is joyful thanksgiving and praise. This Psalm makes me happy to serve a God who is so good, I feel the joy of praising and thanking him. We are to know that we are his people, that he is good, his love endures forever and he is faithful through all generations. This Psalm commands us to joyfully thank and praise him, serve him with gladness, come before him with singing.
  11. Our hearts are broken and contrite when we become aware of what we have done to God. The earmarks of this condition is fear of God turning away from us, sorrow and broken heartedness and our spirit crushed. If we are just sorry for a sin we will return to the sin. We have to humble ourselves before God to accept his forgiveness. Anything less is just being sorry that people have caught us in our sin and not being concerned about our relationship with God.
  12. We have to admit we have sinned and sincerely ask God to forgive or cleanse us of the sin. Nothing can be held back from God because he knows us to our intermost part. A pure heart is one with a steadfast and willing spirit. Pure and undivided hearts are both hearts that are joined with God. They are hearts that are obedient to God. God purifies the heart through the blood of Jesus. We have to repent of our sin and ask God to forgive us.
  13. No, David realizes he has sinned against Bathsheba and Uriah and that was wrong, but he has sinned against God who he claims to love and that is what is most important to make right. His sinfulness from before birth is admitting that there is sin in him and it's wrong, wicked.
  14. When our conscious tells us we have sinned and we brush it aside thinking it's not important, we're lying to ourselves. When I've done something I shouldn't have or not done something I should have, I can't get it out of my mind until I confess it and ask God for forgiveness. Once I confess it I am free of the burden of it. I think we deny the truth about ourselves because of pride. We just don't like admitting we've messed up. When we see someone else in the same circumstances then we might see what we ourselves look like. We need to examine ourselves to make sure we are right with the Lord. For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.
  15. The similarities between Psalms 22 and Jesus' crucifixion are: scorned and despised - despised and rejected mocked trusted,let the LORD rescue him - 'He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One.' bulls - Herod and Pontius Pilate Roaring lions - Gentiles and the people of Israel poured out - drops of blood tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth - I am thirsty pierced my hands and my feet - the one they have pierced divide my garments - took his clothes cast lots for my clothing - decide by lot Yes Jesus knew the words were referring to himself. I think the spirit inspired David to write this because he was prophesying of Jesus' crucifixion just as Isaiah told of Christ's being born.
  16. When Jesus prayed the 1st line of this Psalm out loud the people would be reminded of the whole Psalm and have hope, especially verse 24. I'm reminded of Jesus praying out loud before raising Lazarus from the dead. He was expressing grief and sorrow. He was feeling the pain of being separated from God and the pain of death in his human body. Though God had to turn away from the sin and guilt of man that was on Jesus, God heard his prayer and glorified his son and the son glorified the father.
  17. Jesus asks this question because he knows that by their reasoning they have no answer for why David would call him Lord. The point was that the Pharisees couldn't comprehend God's plan. God hadn't revealed it to them. Jesus is King and will return to destroy the enemy. He is also the mediator between mankind and God. When Jesus died on the cross and the veil of the temple was ripped, that allowed us access to God. That is our peace and he is the Prince of Peace. He will also conquer and judge the enemy. That is God's will for him and he will fulfill it.
  18. Psalm 2 teaches that Yahweh's "anointed" king would be conspired and plotted against. The kings and rulers would be against him. The apostles saw this passage as referring to Jesus the Messiah because of the Father-Son metaphor and the begotten son phrasing. This passage teaches that we are to submit to Jesus before it's too late because he and God are the same and we will be destroyed if we do not.
  19. As the one true living God of all the earth he had to be recognized as a God of love and trustworthiness. As in Psalm 145 this is God's character. In the New Testament God is: merciful For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. Hebrews 8:12 compassionate and comforting Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 2 Corinthians 1:3
  20. The aspect of God that stands out most to me is his character. As verse 3 of this Psalm says, "his greatness no one can fathom." It's important to praise God because he deserves and desires our praise. We give God the sacrifice of praise, we show our appreciation for all he does by praising him, we commune with God when we praise him. I've been blessed to teach Sunday School for the past 10 years and it is wonderful to see a child who doesn't know how to pray learn how to speak to God, to hear them thank God for their family and homes and to ask God to help other people.
  21. I guess nothing about God amazes me more than his love. Since the beginning of my Christian walk I have felt his love and knew that it was real. The reason why the Exodus is important is because God revealed himself to Israel during it. Speaking through Moses and Aaron, being in the cloud and the fire, providing manna, quail and water. God's limits of forgiveness is as high as the heavens and as far as east is to west.
  22. I see the example of Abraham when he didn't rely on God, as compared to when he did. It makes me see that in myself. I want to make God the complete center of my life and to trust and rely on him through the bad times and the good. Sometimes I let fear sneak in and I want the faith of Abraham to keep God in the center of my life. I enjoyed this study very much. Thank God and thank you.
  23. Abraham's faith is what stands out to me. He had tremendous faith and because of that all the other things were added.
  24. I see nothing wrong with the servant's prayer. He knew that God had promised Abraham that an angel would be sent before him, so when the time came he ask God to show him which girl was to be the wife. Yes, he found Rebekah. The servant was being faithful to his master, and both of their prayers were answered.
  25. Abraham knew God would keep his promises in his own time. It reminds us that, "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
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