Patricia A
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Everything posted by Patricia A
Q4. Exhortation
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
Q4. (1 Timothy 1:18-19) Why does Paul need to remind Timothy about the prophecies spoken over him? To advise him to be positive and to encourage him. In practical terms, what does "fight the good fight" really mean? It means to do one's best to serve and glorify God. Why does Paul tell Timothy to "hold on to faith and a good conscience"? Timothy could have easily been influenced by the false teachers and Paul is reminding him to stay firm in teaching the truth. What temptation is Paul trying to counter in his prot -
Q3. (1 Timothy 1:17) What do we learn about God from this doxology? God is eternal, invisible, immortal and the only God. What do we learn about praise? Praise involves reverence, it includes glory which is recogntion of status or performance and Amen refers to truth. Have you ever tried speaking out a doxology in your personal prayer or praise time? What effect does a doxology have on the speaker? It makes one more aware of God's glory and how are privileged to praise Him.
Q2. (1 Timothy 1:12-14) Why does Paul comment on his own life after a paragraph on the law (1:8-11)? I believe Paul is commenting on his own life to let them know that he also was a sinful man and only through God's grace and the help of the Holy Spirit was he able to change. Why does he share this with Timothy and the church that will read the letter? Letting them know about his life is a way of sharing that we are all sinful and we are saved not by what we do but because of the love and grace of God. How might sharing this help get the church back on center? This may help others to see their wrong and the chance they have to be forgiven and to turn their lives around.
Q2. (1 Timothy 1:12-14) Why does Paul comment on his own life after a paragraph on the law (1:8-11)? I believe Paul is commenting on his own life to let them know that he also was a sinful man and only through God's grace and the help of the Holy Spirit was he able to change. Why does he share this with Timothy and the church that will read the letter? Letting them know about his life is a way of sharing that we are all sinful and we are saved not by what we do but because of the love and grace of God. How might sharing this help get the church back on center? This may help others to see their wrong and the chance they have to be forgiven and to turn their lives around.
Q1. False Doctrine
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. God's Grace and Calling (1 Timothy 1)
Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus?The true Word of God was not taught. There were quarrels and confusion. How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth?Doctrinal controversy often bring about quarrels, confusion and stress within God's family causing spliting of congregations and people to leave the church. How does it keep the church from its mission?More time and energy is put on the differences rather than working together to do God's work. -
Q5. Naming the Child
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Joseph was a Godly man who was caring and honorable. His actions were righteous without regard for what people thought about him. He was concerned about serving God. Joseph was of the line of David and as Jesus was his adopted son, he was also of the line of David. This satisfies the prophecy that the Savior would be of the line of David. -
Q5. Naming the Child
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Joseph was a Godly man who was caring and honorable. His actions were righteous without regard for what people thought about him. He was concerned about serving God. Joseph was of the line of David and as Jesus was his adopted son, he was also of the line of David. This satisfies the prophecy that the Savior would be of the line of David. -
Q4. The Prophecy of Immanuel
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Isaiah had prophesied that the virgin would give birth to a son. He would be called Immanuel which mean God With Us. -
3. The Name Jesus
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
The significance of the name Jesus is "Yahweh Saves." What a joy that Jesus came to save us. I believe the message was given to both as confirmation to each that Jesus would be the Saviour. Both Mary and Joseph were Godly people and each was blessed with a big responsibility in the life of Our Savior. -
Q2. The Character of Joseph
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Joseph, the Stand-In Father (Matthew 1:18-25)
Mary's options were not positive ones. She would probably be shunned by her family and the baby would also receive the same treatment. It was unheard of at that time for a woman to go out to live on her own after having a baby. Being with child out of wedlock could possibly lead to death by stoning. Joseph showed character and his desire to be a man of righteous who desired to do what was right. He cared about Mary and did not want her and the baby to be in danger. -
Q5. Titles of St. Mary
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
This above references are appropriate because they are true. Mary is blessed to be chosen as Mother of God and also, she gave birth to Jesus even though she was a Virgin. She was not divine. Many people think because of reference as Blessed Virgin Mary, that is the same as saying she was divine. This is not true. -
Q4. Mary's Response to the Angel
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
Mary accepted the will of God and did not question this. She accepted this on basis of faith without understanding how this would happen. We can learn from this that God's will is best for our lives even though we may not understand the reasons. Mary acceptance was informed consent in that she accepted this even knowing there would be hardships. When we respond to God. we consent to bear any burdens associated with living according to His will know His will is best for us. -
Q3. The Virgin Conception
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
It teaches us that His mother, Mary, was human and yet He was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus was both human and divine. The doctrine of the virgin conception is very important to the Christian faith. We accept by faith that a Virgin gave birth to One is was without sin and One who died for our Salvation. -
Q1. The Angel's Announcement
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
Mary's child should be named Jesus was announced by the angel. The child would be know as the Son of the Most High God. He would inherit the throne of His father David and rule over the house of Jacob forever; thus fulfilling the promise that was spoken to king David in Samuel 7:16. -
Q5. Living to Please God
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Q5. (Hebrews 13:16, 20-21) What are the actual requests being made of God in this great benediction? He ask God go make complete the believers and to equip them. What "pleases" God according to verses 16 and 20? It pleases God when we do His will and when we let Him work in our hearts to produce the fruit of the Spirit. Why should we "make it our aim to please him" (2 Corinthians 5:9, NRSV)? God is our real joy and comfort in this world and forever. -
Q4. (Hebrews 13:15-16) Though the sacrifice for atonement have been completed in Christ, what kinds of sacrifices or offerings are Christians called upon to make? Christians are called upon to praise God with their lips and to do good deeds. We have so many opportunities to do good deeds as Jesus did when He lived on earth. What effect do these offerings have on God? These offerings delight God.
Q3. Yesterday, Today, Forever
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Q3. (Hebrews 13:8) What is the significance of this verse for the original readers? For you? Jesus is always with us. We never have to be concerned that he will leave us. For understanding just who Jesus is? THIS MAKES IT CLEAR THAT JESUS IS GOD. For believing in the power of God for today? WE KNOW THAT GOD IS WITH US TODAY JUST AS HE WAS IN THE PAST AND WILL BE WITH US IN THE FUTURE. -
Q2. Greed and Security
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Q2. (Hebrews 13:5-6) How can we recognize greed in ourselves? What will be the signs? When we recognize that we are never satisfied with what we have but rather are always wanting more of money and materials things. When we are always wanting more than we need, we are being greedy. What is the antidote for greed in our lives? We need to realize that God is the source of all we need and that money and material things are not a source of real security. Our own real security is trusting in God and know He will provide all we really need. What would be the earmarks of a greed-free life? A greed-free life would a life where one would not horde things and would not be extravagant in spending money on material things. Rather, one would only want what is needed and would share with those less privileged. There would be a joy in knowing the Lord and knowing the Lord will provide what is needed. Verses 5 and 6 assure us that God is our helper and will always watch over us. We never need to fear man or feel the need to compete with any man with material things, money or anything else. -
Q1. Brotherly Love
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Brotherly love means to know each person whom God has created as our brother. This includes those suffering in places we have never visited, those we may encounter in our daily lives whom we have never met before as well as those whom we encounter daily in our lives. We are to love and care for every child of God just as God loves us. Where are you strong in brotherly love? Where are you weak? Sometimes it seems easier to share in mission projects than to be tolerant of those we live with every day. I need to ask God's strength to show brotherly love to those who have annoying personality traits. -
Q4. Holiness and Salvation
Patricia A replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Let Us Endure: Perseverance of Faith (12:3-29)
[quote name=Pastor Ralph' date='Apr 18 2007, 10:38 PM' post='25838] Q4. (Hebrews 12:14-17) Is the writer of Hebrews teaching salvation by being holy? Why or why not? No, I do not think the writer of Hebrews is teaching salvation by being holy. Rather, he is saying that a person who has accepted Christ as Lord and Savior wants to glorify and serve God. Being holy is a result of being saved by the grace of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 and Galatians 5:19-21. Can habitual sin deprive us of heaven? If so, how? My thoughts are that one who sins habitually without the effort of trying to overcome the temptation which leads to this sin does not really know the Lord as Savior. We all continue to sin and with God's grace can be forgiven. However, to continue to habitually continue to sin in the same way would indicate to me that the person has not accepted the free gift of salvation. May we all pray for anyone who habitually sins and ask the Lord to help us lead this person to know Him. -
[quote name='Pastor Ralph' post='25837' date='Apr 18 2007, 10:38 PM]Q3. (Hebrews 12:5-7) I've sometimes heard, "God never punishes anyone." Is that true according to these verses? Is God Punishing Us? Nowhere does it say that the persecutions and hardships we face are punishment, only that we should view them as God's way of training us to be his sons. There is scripture that would indicate that God punishes us for sin. This punishment could come as a consequence of our actions or we could have difficult circumstances in our lives. I believe if we are being punished because of our actions, God will make it very clear to us. This punishment could be God's way of teaching us and if so, hopefully we will learn from it. However, there are often hardships in our lives and lives of other which we do understand. Maybe we are not meant to understand the reason. However, we know God loves us and all our suffering can be used to glorify our good and loving God who loves His children. Unless God reveals something to us specifically, we can't say with any certainty: This circumstance is God's punishment. It may well be caused by nothing you've done, but something God is using to train and purify you. So don't try to second-guess all the circumstances of your life. If God is punishing you, he'll let you know, so that you can learn by it. God doesn't punish his children vindictively, but so they will learn and grow up to maturity. He loves you. Never forget that. His discipline and training are out of love, not anger.
Q1. (Hebrews 12:3-4) Spiritual warfare can be lost by weariness. Why is spiritual warfare so wearying? Spiritual warfare is an emotional struggle. Temptations constantly bombard us from every side and it takes lots of spiritual disciplines and much energy to constantly combat these snares of Satan. Why must we continue to resist, on and on? We must continue to resist and live lives pleasing to Christ. The end rewards are great--living eternal life with God. Have you ever been overcome by Satan because of weariness? Yes, I have many times been overcome by Satan because of weariness. I know I must contantly be in touch with the Lord to be strong when Satan attacks.
Q5. (Hebrews 12:1-2) Who are the "great cloud of witnesses" mentioned in 12:1? These witnesses are the people many of who are mentioned in Chpt. 11 who had fiath and were willing to perservere in trials in order to spend eternity with God. What analogy to the life of faith is offered in 12:1? The life of faith is presented as a race we have to run as we endure the trials of this world and run off with faith in God's promise. We can endure because of our faith in God and His Word. In what way is Jesus the "author" or "pioneer" of our faith? Jesus focused on the finish as He underwent the trials and pains of suffering and dying on the cross for our salvation. How did he live by faith? In what way is he the "finisher" or "perfecter" of our faith? Jesus suffered much hardship, pain and many trials in this world. However he was able to finish the race because he focused on the end of the race (and all the joy of being with God).