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Everything posted by Craig

  1. Q3. (Matthew 2:11b) Why was it appropriate for the Magi bring gifts to the Christ-child? How does the extravagance of their gifts reflect their heart attitude? What kinds of gifts are appropriate for us to bring? It was appropriate to bring the Christ-child gifts because Jesus was royalty. Their gifts reflected gifts that you would give to royalty upon a royal visit. Appropriate gifts were of the kind that the Magi brought: Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.
  2. Q2. (Matthew 2:11a) What do we learn from seeing the Magi prostrating themselves before the child Jesus? What was the significance of this for them? How can we emulate this kind of worship? These wizened men humbled themselves and prostrated themselves on a dirt floor before a toddler they were convinced to be the Messiah. These high men made themselves low before this baby -- Prince of Peace, God Almighty, etc. We can emulate their example by doing as they did. Submit and surrender our lives to Jesus Christ. Make Him the King of our hearts.
  3. Q1. (Matthew 2:1-2; Numbers 24:17) What is the significance of the Star of Bethlehem that the Magi saw? Why do you think the Magi came to find the Christ-child when they saw the star? In what way was does prophecy prefigure this event? The significance of the Star of Bethlehem is that it was prophetized by Baalam centuries earlier and the Magi were aware of the significance of the Star that led them to Bethlehem and the Messiah. I believe too, that the Magi were moved and made sensitive to the various signs that proclaimed the birth of the Messiah and they became a part of the proclaimation of the arrival of the Messiah on this planet among humanity. Beginning with Genesis 3:15 and throughout Old Testamenst Scripture, God revealed to humanity that the Messiah, at some point in time, would come into this world and be the Saviour of humanity -- for those who would accept Him and call upon His name. God, speaking the prophets, gave us the signs to look for.
  4. Q1. (Ephesians 4:7) In what way does verse 7 teach that all Christians have received spiritual gifts? (See also Romans 12:6; 1 Corinthians 12:11; 1 Peter 4:10). If all have received spiritual gifts, what is the implication of this in light of the clause in Ephesians 4:16 that mentions "each/every part"? Paul writes in verse 7, that "... to each one us has been given grace as Christ apportioned it." The other verses referenced above teach us that God through the Holy Spirit has given every believer gifts and talents to be utlilized in building up the church and spreading the kingdom of God on this planet. Every believer as a member of the body of Christ has a purpose and a role to play in building up the church, ministering to others, and spreading the Kingdom of God in this world.
  5. Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How did (do) apostles and prophets build up the Body, in your opinion? Apostles, as direct representives of Jesus Christ, laid the foundations of the church by teaching Christian doctrine as given to them by Jesus Christ. Prophets passed on prophetic words given to them by God for the edification of the congregation. Both serve to build-up the Body respectively by teaching Christian doctrine and passing prophetic words to the body of Christ.
  6. Q6. What act of Christian unity could you practice over the next two weeks that would help you live out this truth in your life? In what area do you need to repent? Saturday the 22 December, my Church -- Grace Community Church of Live Oak, Florida -- joined with Christian Missions in Action to conduct a free community Christmas Service and dinner. Christian Missions in Action is made up of Christians from different dominations and races who desire to carry out the Great Commission united as one body in Jesus Christ. We work together throughout the year in ministering to the community for Jesus Christ in word and deed. Praise God!!
  7. Q5. (Ephesians 4:5) In what sense should "one baptism" unite us rather than divide us? How can we maintain the unity of the Spirit and still disagree with other Christian groups about the administration of baptism? Should striving for unity blur our faithfulness to Biblical understanding? How do we balance the two? Through baptism all Christians are united in Christ Jesus. Baptism is not about division. Putting Ephesians 4:2 in practice, we should be humble, gentle, and patient with one another in love over all how other Christians are convicted in administering baptism. We are all one in Christ Jesus. Striving for unity should not blur may faithfulness to my Biblical understanding, however I'm not going to blash or condemn those Christians who love Jesus Christ and are serving Him if they don't believe in administering baptism the way I understand it. I will let God deal with that.
  8. Q4. (Ephesians 4:4-6) What are the seven elements that unite all Christians mentioned in verses 4 through 6? Which one or two are most compelling to you? Why? The seven elements that unite all Christians mentioned in verses 4-6 are: one body; one spirit; one hope; one Lord; one faith; one baptism; and one God and Father of all. They are all compelling to me because God is about bringing all humity together in Him as one.
  9. Q2. (Ephesians 4:2) What characteristics or attitudes are necessary for maintaining unity with other Christians according to verse 2? Which of these do you think is most important? Which is most difficult? In order to maintian unity with other Christians we must have an attitude of humility and gentleness, patience, and love for one another. Love is the most important, because out of love everything other characteristic flows. Love is also the most difficult, because oftentimes we are more in love with ourselves than with others. Our selfishness and narrow-mindedness often oppresses our love for others. However, God said to love others as ourselves and Jesus reiterated it. For out of this law or command all the other commandants are based. Love is the basis for all things.
  10. Q1. (Ephesians 4:1) What does "living a life worthy of your calling" in 4:1 have to do with maintaining unity in the Church in verses 2-6? What is "worthy" about unity? What is "worthy" about separation from fellow Christians? What is our "calling"? Our life should reflect Jesus' values and commands. We should be humble, gentle, patient, and loving. All of these traits are key in maintaining unity in the body of Christ. Without unity, there is chaos and confusion. Without unity in the Church, the world cannot see the love of Christ. Our God is an organzied, orderly God; there is no confusion in him. Unity makes a place for all believers to participate in spreading the Kingdom of God on this planet, in this world. Unity provides an avenue for Christians to exercise the gifts and talents that God has given them. There is nothing worthy about separation from our fellow Christians. It causes confusion and it is satanic. Division works into the hands of satan. When the world sees a divided church along racial and dominational lines, it wonders whether the church really has any answers or not. Is there really any difference between the church and the world? Unity clears any clouds of confusion. Unity is of the utmost importance. The world sees the love and power of Jesus Christ in the unity of believers. Our calling as Christians is to be united in Christ. To be one as the Father and Son are one.
  11. Q5. (Luke 2:17-20) Great joy, praise, curiosity, amazement, telling others, thoughtful meditation. Which of these responses to the Good News are present in your life? In what manner do they show themselves? If some are missing, why? What can you do to recover these responses? All of the above are in visible in my life. They show themselves in the following ways: I have great joy and happiness in life in the knowledge that God is in control and honors His promises. I know who I am, who He is and where everything is going and where I fit it. I have certainty and joy in life because I am a child of God. I praise God frequently both personally and corporately. Out of curiosity and a desire to learn the scripture and experience God personally, I constantly study scripture and seek out ways to apply scripture, serve God, and experience Him in different ways. I stand in amazement that we even exist. I am a Pastor, jail inister, street preacher, and community activist for Jesus Christ. I spend a great deal of time telling others about Jesus Christ -- both in word and deed. I devote time each day to mediate upon God's Word, spitirual things, and praying to God. I love our God and I have given my life to Him. I am overwhelmed by what God is doing in my life and the fact that He considers me.
  12. Q4. (2:4) What danger is Nehemiah in? Why does he pray quickly and silently before he answers the king? How does this quick "arrow prayer" relate to the four months of prayer he has just finished? Nehemiah is in danger of being banished from his job and the presence of the King forever. He prays quickly and silently to God for His blessings and strength as he tells the king what is on his heart. God anwsers his prayers in providing the opportunity for him to ask the king for permission to go to Jerusalem and restore the city. This "arrow prayer" is a direct request for God to bless and strengthen him in approaching the king and for subsequent success.
  13. Q3. (1:11) In what way does Daniel's situation compared to Esther's? Why does God place his people in strategic positions today in the community, in business, in the military, in government? What responsibilities do we have to God that can cause danger to our positions and our lives? Has this ever happened to you? How do you pray in situations like this? Both Daniel and Esther were in court positions close to the Persian King of their day. Daniel - cupbearer for King Artaxerxes and Esther, Queen to King Xerxes. God places his people in strategic positions throughout society to influence their areas for His purposes. We have the responsibility to carry out what God has assigned us to do regardless of the impact it has on our jobs and lives. God has placed my ministry in a very racist area of the country. This includes the Christian community. My church and I have been convicted and called to create bridges inter-racially and interdominationly among Christians within our Community. The racial element has rubbed some "so-called Christian" within the anglo community the wrong way. I'll leave it at that. I pray and look to God for his support and protection, over my family and church, as we carry out the will of God. Our Christian community is slowly coming together.
  14. Q2. (1:7-11) What is the basis of Nehemiah's appeal? How does he argue his case before God? What do we learn from this about intercession? The basis of Nehemiah's appeal is God's Word found in Deuteronomy Chapter 30. A sample of that passage reads: "When all these blessings and curses I have set before you come upon you and you take them to heart wherever the Lord your God disperses you among the nations, and when you and your children return to the Lord your God and obey Him with all your heart and with all your soul according to everything I command you today, then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where he scattered you." (Deu. 30:1-3). We learn from Nehemiah's intercessionary prayer that there is a basis for intercession in God's Word. We can and should use God's promises found in His Word to base our own prayers of intercession. God honors His promises.
  15. Q1. (1:1-6) Why does Nehemiah pray day and night for four months? Why does he fast and weep? Isn't that excessive? Nehemiah is trying to get God's attention. He is praying with a sense of urgency and persistence. He fasts and weeps due to the sorrow and sadness over the condition of Jerusalem and the Jewish people before God. He knows it is their sin against the Lord God Almighty that has put them in this situation. This is not excessive, God wants to see true repentance and recognition of sin.
  16. Q4. (Luke 2:11) What are the three titles of Jesus given by the angels? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity? This baby was a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Here we have a theology in miniature. First, He is Savior, which is expressed in His name Jesus. Then He is Christ, the Anointed of God, the Messiah of Israel. Finally, He is the Lord, God manifest in the flesh.
  17. Q3. (Luke 2:7-8) Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Why is Jesus born in a stable with a manger for a bed? This has to be intentional. What point is God making? The announcement of the birth of the Messiah to the shepherds was an intentional statement by God that the Messiah was for all people regardless of socio-economic status. The stable and the manger serve as a symbol of servanthood. Jesus said that He came to serve and to be a randsom for many -- not to be served. The point God is making is that servanthood is the priority and all men and women have value and are somebody. Jesus Christ came to this world to minister and to serve men and women of all walks of life. He made himself a randsom for many. These same priorities applies to us as followers of Jesus Christ. As Jesus was a servant, we are to be servants. We are to show no favoritism to anyone, but love our neighbors as ourselves and be a blessing to those around us. We need to make ourselves a randsom for many.
  18. Q2. Why do you think the journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary? Is pleasure an indication that we are in God's will or not? Any examples from your life? Extra Credit: Argue for or against this proposition: "Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow." The journey to Bethlehem was difficult for Mary for some of the following reasons: - She is well into her pregnancy. - It's a four day journey covering over 100 miles on the back of a donkey. - The terrain over which they travel is rough and there are no creature comforts on the way, i.e. Comfort Inns; McDonalds' Resturants; etc. - It is just Joseph and Mary and what resources they had. They obtained food as it was available and they camped along the way. Pretty tough on a pregnant girl. In addition, Joseph most likely walked the entire route. Pleasure has nothing to do with being in the will of God. Look at John the Baptist or the thousands of saints throughout time who have lived in proverty and/or lost their physical bodies in serving the Lord. Rick Warren has noted that God is not interested in our comfort, but in building our character. Additionally, sometimes being in the center of God's will can be the most dangerous place in the universe. However, God is there with us as He was with Joseph and Mary. An example in my own life is occurring right now. I am the Pastor of a new church start -- Grace Community Church of Live Oak, Florida. We will be one year old on 21 Jan 08. It has been an exciting year. To get this church off the ground, the Lord has lead me not to take a salary from my church until a point in time when He indicates it's time. This causes some hardship on the finances, but God continually provides for my family. Again, like Rick Warren maintains, God isn't interested in my comfort, but developing my character and He is making provision for my family. Additionally, my church of 55 is bridging dominations and races and that has caused some racist backlash in the community, but the result has been nothing short of awesome as Christians across the board are coming together regardless of racism and sectarianism. Praise God all the way. Being a consistent Christian causes more hardships than just going with the flow, because being a consistent Christian means standing for the values of Jesus Christ at all times not just when it is convenient or makes me feel comfortable. Standing for Christ consistency causes discomfort among many "church going" Christians. An example of this is when I was called to Jail Ministry after ernestly praying for a cutting edge ministry to share the Gospel with people that I did not know. The church I was attending at the time could not understand why was ministering on Wednesday and Sunday nights in jail to the unsavored or Christians who found themselves in jail. They resented the fact that I was not with them, but in the jail ministering. They had their priorities wrong. I asked God for an opportunity to carry out the great commission in my life and He answered it. My church at the time hated it. No exaggeration. Serving the Lord can create uncomfortable situations, but the joy of service is awesome and overwhelming. Thank-you God Almighty.
  19. Q1. (Luke 2:1-2) Why does Luke name the rulers in 2:1-2? What point is he making? Luke is setting the historical context wherein Jesus is born. The point Luke is making is that Jesus is an historical person who extisted not just spiritually or as a spiritual concept.
  20. Q5. (Ephesians 2:22) In what ways should your congregation be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? According to verse 22, how do the members of the congregation help bring this about? What shape should this take in your own life? In the life of your own congregation? A gathering or fellowship of believers who gather together in the name of the Lord Jesus are a dwelling place for God in the Spirit. Wherever there are two or more gathered together in His name, Jesus said He would be in the midst of them. Each believer is a living block or brick of the Church -- the Living Temple of the Lord God Almighty. Members of the congregaton help bring this about by calling upon the name of the Lord and submitting their will to the will of God for service and spiritual growth as the body of Christ. As a disciple of Jesus Christ and a member of a congregation, I should open my heart and submit myself to the Living God for his instruction and perfection in my life. Additionally, I should be opening myself to others in the congregation to love, encourage, serve and worship with the congregation. As we grow together, we become a stronger, tighter congretation -- more spiritually mature.
  21. Q5. (1:24-25) What does Joseph accepting Mary as his wife say about his character? What is the significance for prophetic fulfillment of Jesus as a Son of David that Joseph "named" the child "Jesus"? Joseph is chose by God to father Jesus. A man who was devout, full of faith obedient to God, just, merciful, and one who loved and carefully guarded both Mary and the Child Jesus. By Joseph naming Jesus, he knowledges Him as his own son and thus becomes the legal father of the child according to Semitic Law. As a result of this legal adoption, Joseph's ancestry as a descendent of David transfers also to his legal son. Biologically, Jesus is begotten by the Holy Spirit and is thus the "Son of God," but legally he is the son of Joseph and heir to the promises of David, Joseph's ancestor. In Joseph naming the boy, and therefore adopting him, David becomes Jesus' earthly ancestor.
  22. Q4. (Psalm 34:18-22) What encouragement does David give to the brokenhearted? What does it mean that God "redeems" you? How can we avoid condemnation according to Psalm 34:22? "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." The Lord delivers the saints from their troubles. The Lord protects the saints. The Lord delivers his servants who take refuge in Him from both judgment and guilt. Thus, we can avoid condemnation by taking refuge in the Lord God Almighty.
  23. Q4. (9:15-19) What was Daniel's essential prayer? What are the various grounds of Daniel's appeal? How did God answer the prayer (see Daniel 9:20-23)? Daniel's essential prayer was one of confession for Israel's rebellion and disobediance and asking God for forgiveness and restoration. The various grounds for Daniel's appeal include: God's own righteousness; for God's own sake; God's great mercy; and because God's city and people bear His own name. Daniel found high esteem in God's sight and sent the Angel Gabriel to Daniel to give him a message and the understanding to go with it.
  24. Q3. (9:5) Since Daniel is such a righteous man in his generation, why does he identify himself with the sins of his people? He didn't commit them. How does this compare to how Jesus sought forgiveness for his people? Daniel identifies with the sins of his people because he is a part of the sinful nation that He is intercessing for, despite his own personal righteousness. Daniel identifies with the sins of his people, but he doesn't take on the sins of the people like Jesus Christ did. The sinless Jesus Christ took on, and became sin and paid the subsequent price for that sin. His sacrifice was for the forgiveness of the sin of humanity.
  25. Q2. (9:3-4a) What is Daniel's demeanor as he prays? How does he prepare? Why is this so important in this case? In what ways might you and I prepare for intercession? Daniel's demeanor as he prayed was compete submission. He "pleaded with him prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes." Daniel prayed in confession. Daniel prepares for this prayer by fasting, in sackcloth and ashes. Humble and complete submission unto God. Daniel is petitioning to the Lord for the restoration of Israel. I should prepare for intercession by confession of sin, fasting and complete submission of God.
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