Hello all a warm and sincere greeting to each and everyone. I am new to the forum and would like to introduce myself. My username is Believer an appropriate name I thought because that is exactly who I am. I really don't know how I got over from where I used to be in the world. I say this because I am a back slider and now am reborn, I have come to realise that maturity can spiritually bring out the best in some people. Circumstanaces have brought me back to the Lord through my neighbour who has now passed, and I thank God for opening my spiritual eyes. I have visited the Holy Land twice on a pilgrimage and have been baptized in the river Jordan, swam in the Deadsea, travelled on the sea of Galilee. Whilst doing so I had flash backs of Peter walking on water when he took his eyes of Jesus and began to sank, another visual memory the disciples fishing all night and caught nothing, but when Jesus showed up and asked them to lower their net once more, although the net was reluctantly lowered, the result was awesome. I guess everyone knows the story. It also brings to my rememberance without faith it is impossible to please God. So it is faith that is keeping me. There is so much to say, but for now I will leave each and everyone who reads my few words with peace in every area of their spiritual live.