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About luv4Jesusanu

  • Birthday 04/28/1952

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    wellsville new york usa
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    Love just about everything God has to offer me. Campg;sports;fishg;huntg;readg;drivg;Meetg new friends;Most of all studyg and reading Gods word. And sharing and discussg his words with others. Cancer survivor

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  1. for we do not do what we are asking God to do. We must also forgive others as we want Jesus to forgive us. Otherwise we are not being truthful with ourselves or Jesus. I dont think righteous by works is what Jesus implied. God granted us Grace. Which is freely given to all. He didnt say that we had to work to be forgiven. Jesus intended for us to desire to be more and more like him. Striving to perfection in Christs words. To please our Heavenly Father.

  3. To be a truley honest Christian one needs to repent fully to our Lord and Saviour. Without repentance we are not being honest with ourselves or God. For we want and need to be one with Christ. For myself one reason to avoid repentance is not being totally honest and open with God. Or for whatever reason I have forgotten about past sin or sins. Could of been in denial of that particular sin. Or didnt realize it was considered a sin in the first place. I have no idea what percentage of todays Christians are unrepentant. For to me that would be judging them. And I leave that totally up to God to do. For I have enough to consider for myself. Let alone consider what others are doing or not doing. We must daily examine ourselves and repent whenever necessary. Thank you Lord that we are able to do just that. And know you have forgiven us.
  4. Why is dwelling together in unity so difficult? We want everything our way. We tend to think worldly. Instead of Godly. We are free souls who think individually. With dwelling together in unity. We tend to think we won't be able to be as one. Fear of losing our individuality. But with unity we grow and mature together for God. What kind of commitments odes unity require of us? TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER;BE AGREEABLE;STRONG;FAITHFUL;PLEASANT;KEEP UNITY THROUGH BOND OF PEACE. How do the principles of unity and purity seem to conflict with each other? Unity is made up of impure people trying to become whole and sinless. Pure in the eyes of God. Purity is without fault,blemish;pure;whole; free from sin. Why are reconciliation & unity such high values in Jesus teaching,do you think? For Jesus wants us to be like Him ans his Father. Unity held high for Jesus and Holy Spirit and God are one. Jesus wants us to be as Christ was and is. We must reconize our faults,errors,our sinful ways. In order to seek oneness with Christ. To be unified with one another and with God.
  5. To instruct my children: That it is our goal to live in the house of our Lord for eternity. To walk beside Jesus not only here on earth but in the hereafter. Though we are not perfect. We need to strive to be as Christ like as humanly possible. That where ever we are. God is there. So we are always in Gods dwelling place. To aim to do good in all things. We should only speak kind,loving words. Never speak ill of others or therir situation. To Love one another. For we are all members of Gods Holy Family. To say only the truth. To keep your word no matter what. To say only what you truly mean in your heart. Not to let money or anything become more important than God. To share what you have. To be willing to give up all material items. To save your grace and love, respect for our Heavenly Father. In all situatuions try to respond as Jesus would of. What topics of righteous living does it cover? All areas of rightreous living. Forgiveness,grace,fairness,honesty,love one another,truthfulness,trust, greediness,charity,respect,honor,selfworth. The list could go on and on.
  6. So as to keep on the right path of life with ouyr Heavenly Father. Sometimes our trials seem to be forever or endless. Which gives satan an edge. No way do I want to give satan an edge. Being reminded that righteous Christians will prevail. Gives me hope and foresight that with God nothing is impossible. Reminds me that God knows the end. Whereas I can only see the now. Reminds me that God is always with me even when I dont feel his presence. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditaes day and night." : These lines standout to me. For I feel so much peace,joy, comfort, relief when I read and meditate on Gods words. Esp. in the morning and evening decvotionals. What a help to start and end my day. When I have obeyed our Heavenly Father and his laws, What a gratifying feeling to know I have pleased my Father. It is such a joy and great feeling inside.
  7. The basis of all faith is Gods love for me and you. For with Gods love I have the knowledge of confidence; kindness;trust;honestly;mercy;peace;joy;satisfaction;fulfillment; loyalty within my very sould and heart. Faith is believing within. God leaves the knowledge up to us what we do with it. The realization of Gods love for me in my life. It allows me the satisfaction of knowing. That our Heavenly Father loves me with his infinite love for eternity. Makes me feel fufilled;at peace;alive;complete with God. It brought about change for the better. PTL Turned my anger,bitterness,self doubt,insecurities to the opposite with Gods lead. Have released them from my soul into Gods loving arms. Surrendering them all to Jesus. Which in turn I received love;compassion;peace; for others. It is amazing the way certain situations would anger me. Now they don't bother me. Or maybe some just alittle. When that happens I just turn them over to God. PTL God does just as he says he will.
  8. THE PSALMIST WAS STRUGGLING WITH DEPRESSION. hE WAS DISCOURAGED. WHICH DESTROYS HOPE. AND THAT GIVES SATAN AN EDGE. GOD WANTS US TO BE ENCOURAGED NOT DISCOURAGED. ONCE HE STOPS THIRSTING FOR GOD HIS SPIRIT DIES. HE IS FEELING SEPARATED FROM GOD. MATT.5:6 "BLESSED ARE THEY WHICH DO HUNGER AND THIRST AFTER RIGHTOUSNESS: for they shall be filled." HE WAS DISCOURAGED BECAUSE HE WAS EXILED TO A PLACE FAR FROM JERUSALEM AND COULD NOT WORSHIP IN THE TEMPLE. oNE COMBATS SPIRITUAL DEPRESSION: bY TAKING YOUR MIND OFF THE PRESENT SITUATION AS YOU FOCUS YOUR THOUGHTS ON GODS ABILITY TO HELP YOU. RATHER THAN ON YOUR INABILITY TO HELP YOURSELF. PSALMS ANTIDEPRESSANT: READ THE BIBLES ACCOUNTS OF GODS GOODNESS AND MEDIATE ON THEM. BY ASKING GOD TO SEND HIS LIGHT ANS TRUTH TO GUIDE HIM TO THE HOLY MOUNTAIN. THE TEMPLE WHERE HE WOULD MEET GOD. GODS TRUTH (I jOHN 2:27) PROVIDES THE RIGHT PATH TO FOLLOW, AND GODS LIGHT ( I john 1:5) PROVIDES CLEAR VISION TO FOLLOW IT. IF WE FEEL SURROUNDED BY DARKNESS AND UNCEDRTAINITY FOLLOW GODS LIGHT AND TRUTH. HE WILL GUIDE US THROUGH. HE INSTRUCTED HIS SOUL;CONFRONTED AND ACTED BY PRAISING GOD. HE EXAMINED HIS THOUGHTS AND INNER SOUL. OBSERVING: SEEK GOD EVEN IN TIMES OF DISCOURAGEMENT. AND HE WILL PROVIDE HOPE. HOPE IS THE ANCHOR FOR OUR SOUL. IT IS THE CONFIDENT HOPE OF THE RETURN OF CHRIST. HAVE YOU EVER FELT THIS WAY? : yES, MANY TIIMES THROUGHOUT MY LIFE. BUT THERE HAS BEEN A MAJOR DECREASE SINCE RETURNING TO JESUS. AND TURNING TO GOD TO CONTROL MY SOUL AND LIFE. HOW DID YOU REACH OUT TO GOD AT THIS TIME? BEFORE RETURNING TO CHRIST. I didnt reach out to him. instead i was angry, bitter and as my depression grew. i withdrew and shut out my family and friends.Which only hurt them more. Just figured I could resolve the situatiion myself. Plus had a pity party for myself. Praise the Lord our Heavenly Father led me back. Where now I turn everything over to him. And wait for his answers. I do try to look realistically at what is bothering me. Remembering this is when satan is in his glory. When we turn away from Jesus,our Church and family and loved ones. Then I do what I can to resolve it. The rest is up to my Heavenly Father to show me the way. It is awesome to know that regardless of what we do. Jesus is right there beside us. Waiting with opens arms and eternal love. Realize cirsumstances or events in my life that were hindering me from hoping in God. Pray through each one asking God to give me renewed hope in each situatuion. Col.1:5;Rom.5:2Eph.1:18;Prov.14:32.
  9. Q.1) David wants to be in the presence of our Lord and Saviour always. To be near God and to always seek God love.To feel Gods presence with David at every moment. That is when David feel safe and content. Wanting to rejoice and let God know how he feels. David rests in knowing his Heavenly Father is always with him. There for him. To "Seek his face" is to become intimate with God. To gain a closer personal relationship with the almighty. To always have God in your heart, mind and soul. David provides hope by being confident of seeing Gods Blessing. While David is here on earth. For one to be patient,strong,confident. Expecting God to answer and deliver on his promises.
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