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  1. Wisdom, but to receive we must believe and not doubt. The double-minded man is that man that at one minute believes and the next minute is not so sure. The sin comes as the result of not being so sure that God does rule in our lives. Faith is being sure of that which cannot be seen. It is a gift of God. The man who believes follows God. That is the man who will receive wisdom.
  2. The world is very demanding. We become so involved in things that seem important but take away from our focus in life. We all have circumstances as a result of poor decisions, natural phenomena, etc. Nothing can be done about past mistakes, yet they continue to haunt us due to the conclusions and consequences of those mistakes. As we begin to focus on our mistakes and circumstances, we become much less effective for the Kingdom. Trials force us to refocus on that which is good. We turn to God our Savior and He saves us from our trials. Trials help to force us out of our circumstances which defray us from our work for the Kingdom. When things are going really well, we tend to quit depending as heavily on our Savior. We actually begin to focus on that which is not important. Being less focused, we become more vulnerable to mistakes. Trials keep us focused
  3. Our only hope is to learn to depend on God for our victory and salvation. This begins when we receive Jesus as our Savior. Soon we learn that we never lose the need of Jesus for salvation and victory. As temptation comes and we find ourselves losing time and time again, we again cry out to God for help. Therefore, evil serves a good purpose. We learn to rest in our Savior. We strive to overcome, yet we will always need Jesus our Savior. Evil came as a result of Satan believing he was complete in himself. Evil still exists as a result of people believing they can overcome without God. God tempts no man, but man soon learns his severe need for God as a Savior. We never lose that need. The songwriter wrote,
  4. I have not been a good one to appreciate trials. It seems we must get older to appreciate the trials we have been through. And, we then tell those who are younger how important those trials were. Trials work whether we embrace them or not. They have made me more steadfast, more mature, more productive, more willing to listen to others and on and on I could go. We go through our entire lives trying to avoid trials and conflicts not realizing what God is doing. He is going to do it no matter what we want. We might as well embrace them. James nailed this one. The goal is to come out pure as gold. Pure joy?
  5. It seems to me that the water of life represents the Spirit Jesus spoke of in John 7. The Spirit, through the Bride, offers this Living Water to anyone who would drink. The fact that it is free indicates to me that it is available to all. Whoever wished to drink of this water can do so freely. There will be no excuses for not having drunk of this water. The bride, with power from the Spirit, represents Jesus to the world. They have their place. They tell the world that salvation is through Jesus and through Him alone. There is no other way into heaven. In spite of all the contradicting information being shoved down the throats of the lost, the Bride or the true church of Jesus, stays strong in her witness. They refuse to compromise that Jesus is
  6. The people who live with God
  7. I began going to an evangelical church at age seven where I first heard the Gospel message. I asked Jesus into my heart, water baptized and thought I was set. As time passed, I realized how desperately sinful I still was. The church I grew up placed a great deal of emphasis on works rather than grace. I worked the best I could but would never get to the place where I felt I would ever be acceptable to God. I went to a church where the secret rapture at the beginning of the tribulation was taught and that only those who were living right would go in that rapture, at least that
  8. Fear of the Judgment comes as a result of one
  9. Jesus has conquered every foe and overcome every obstacle. Nothing exists that could cause Him to fail in His quest to bring us safely into our heavenly home. Our eternity is guaranteed since it is dependent upon Him. No one else exists that is like Him. He is worthy of this royal name. All of us have a
  10. It is especially good to know that God doesn't believe in divorce. Getting to this moment is the vision of all of God's people. Being allowed to be involved in this is beyond imagination. He is putting us in a position that I can't even conceive of being allowed in. His concept of marriage is that they become one. What does this mean? Why is He doing this? We would all be happy to just get to be in heaven as some kind of servant, angel or something of the sort. Even a child-relationship would be more than enough. This, however, is beyond anything conceivable to the believer. We are humbled. We do not begin to feel worthy of such of an event. I want to just get in a corner and watch. He will not allow that. He brings us to the forefront. We get the special clothing. Why does He do this? How much does He love us? I am overwhelmed. My mind goes blank. What an event! It literally blows me away. Wow!
  11. God has given us opportunities to be
  12. Absolutely! and in the older hymns. Praise songs through the ages concerning Christ our Savior, God our Father and the Spirit sing the praise and adoration of the saints. So many focus on Christ since He is the One Who has come and gained our salvation. We owe everything to Him. We would not be able to enjoy this salvation one day without His blood. Our victory is through His blood and the word of our testimony. These praises cause the devil great disdain. But, try as he may, he will never drown out the praise and testimony of the redeemed for their Redeemer.
  13. This is one we have to trust our Lord with. It is certainly not something we are capable of. We can
  14. These are certainly a special group. They are fully dedicated to the Lamb of God. These may be a group to let the world know, the time is near. The number may be literal or symbolical. Whatever the case, they are here with the Lord. Their mission doesn't appear to be finished even at this stage before the throne. The scene now changes to complete despair upon the earth and complete happiness for those caught up into heaven. The arrogance of those on the earth is now over. What has happened to all their power? They have sought for power all their lives. That is now concluded. Christ prepare for His reign upon the earth. God' people are being prepared for their service to the King. Are we the 144,000? Maybe not, but there is still much for us to do.
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