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Everything posted by Nelly
Q3. Spirit and Prophecy
Nelly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jonathan's Friendship, Saul's Jealousy (1 Samuel 18-20)
Saul's actions show us he has little faith and does not bare to think that the Lord will protect David.. People prophesy when the spirit comes upon them, because at that point they are at very close contact with God and he is acting through their physical bodies.. -
Q2. Marrying Michal
Nelly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jonathan's Friendship, Saul's Jealousy (1 Samuel 18-20)
i think David married Michal because of "obedience to Saul's desires". Saul had to make his servants to converse with David and tell him that it would make Saul very happy if he would be his son-in-law. He wanted to fulfill the kings desires, but did not feel fit to do so as he was poor. When the king suggested that he take vengeance on his enemies, David did so without hesitation. Showing us how eager he is to please Saul. -
Q1. Military Success
Nelly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jonathan's Friendship, Saul's Jealousy (1 Samuel 18-20)
Saul sent David into battle with the hope that he will be killed. David however was fearless, for his God was with him all the way and defeated the Philistines. His success is attributed to God's presence. -
Q3. The Battle Is the Lord's
Nelly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. David and Goliath: Bold Faith (1 Samuel 17)
"We forget that the battle is the Lord's", this means that we forget that we are acting on behalf of God in all situations and not the other way around! We should keep focus on the word and draw closer to God and in that way we can constantly be alert that all situations,where there good or bad, they are the Lord's battles and we are his soldiers!! -
Q2. Experience and Faith
Nelly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. David and Goliath: Bold Faith (1 Samuel 17)
David's explanation to Saul about his previous experiences doesn't imply he has less faith because he could have just told Saul to let him go fight without having to tell him what he has done in the past. This simply shows us that David knows that human beings don't have much faith and need some form of proof as assurance! David is very lethal as a warrior because he is not just an experienced warrior, or one who has won many battles, but he is a warrior who has Faith in God and knows that all battles are the Lord's. So he is the most lethal of all warriors. Saul allows him to go out because he understands the magnitude of David's faith. If he could have faith to be able to kill a lion and a bear, he certainly could kill this giant Philistine. Saul does to an extent have faith, but the source of it is ambiguous. Whether he let David go fight because he was able to kill a lion and a bear, or maybe Saul just plainly had faith that the Lord will protect his chosen one, can be contested. -
Q1. Goliath's Taunt
Nelly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. David and Goliath: Bold Faith (1 Samuel 17)
This teaches us that David has faith in the Lord, he does not rely on his physical strength, but on what he knows God will be able to make him do. David's faith is the kind to move mountains and did not doubt his God for a second. This shows us what mighty things we can achieve if we just believe in him who saved us! -
Q3. Anointing and Spirit
Nelly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
Samuel anoints David indicating to us that he is the chosen one by God. It is as though God wants to physically show us who he has chosen and that he is not ashamed of him. This shows us that God will never deny us as his children if we act according to His desires. The significance of the holy spirit coming upon David from that day on is to ascertain that he will be lead by the Holy Spirit in all he will do. -
Q2. Listening to the Spirit
Nelly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
This story teaches us the importance of listening to Gods voice. As humans we generally act according to what we know and according to past experiences or knowledge that we might have gained at some point in our lives. But that is not always the correct way to do things. If Samuel had not listened to Gods voice when choosing a king among Jesse's sons, he probably would have chosen Eliab and not David because of his appearance. Our instinctive way of discerning is always according to what we know and have been exposed to, generally known as things that have become second nature to us. God is teaching us to discern not by looking at the outward appearance, but by looking at the heart (1Samuel 16:7). We learn to listen to the spirit by meditating on the word! -
Q2. Listening to the Spirit
Nelly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
This story teaches us the importance of listening to Gods voice. As humans we generally act according to what we know and according to past experiences or knowledge that we might have gained at some point in our lives. But that is not always the correct way to do things. If Samuel had not listened to Gods voice when choosing a king among Jesse's sons, he probably would have chosen Eliab and not David because of his appearance. Our instinctive way of discerning is always according to what we know and have been exposed to, generally known as things that have become second nature to us. God is teaching us to discern not by looking at the outward appearance, but by looking at the heart (1Samuel 16:7). We learn to listen to the spirit by meditating on the word! -
Q1. Rebellion
Nelly replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Samuel Anoints David as King (1 Samuel 15-16)
Rebellion is when we trust in our own understanding, knowledge and experiences and not in God. It is when we do as we please and not according to what God has requested us to do. Rebellion is as good as witchcraft in many ways. A witch or a magician believes he has the power to do the extraordinary or supernatural acts, to bring both happiness and misery in a persons life and many other things. Witchcraft is therefore all about a person believing he can do whatever he wants because he has the power to do so, just like Rebellion. When Saul rebelled against the Lord, by sparing Agag and the best of the livestock, he did so because he was in a position of power and thus could do what he wanted, even though a force greater than him had comanded him to do otherwise. Arrogance is defined as an offensive display of superiority or self-importance. When Saul rebelled against the Lord's comand, he was indirectly being arrogant as he shows that he put himself (the fact that he is the king of Israel) above everything and everyone else. I believe prayer and meditation on the word is the answer to all things. if we find rebellion in our hearts against God, we should do this at all times and find a way to listen to him when he speaks to us and to also do as he says and not what we want to do. If we do nothing we are going deeper in the life of sin that we already live in.