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Everything posted by csreeves

  1. We believe that we can accomplish everything in our own power. We are all powerful and God is either so very insignificant we think until we reach our personal breaking point in life in our own world. We then have our own world crash down and we see the Kingdom and God (Jesus) as all powerful and thus we become HIs and receive God's blessings. When sharing with our friends we can share how powerless we were until we meet the Master.
  2. Follow Me was the greatest statment Jesus ever made. Poverty and self-sacrifice aren't a religion for no one can enter Heaven on these terms only. Jesus asks us all to follow him in his time when we are at our lowest, meekest point in life. I don't think some can hear him until they reach this point in life when you are at your all time lowest point to where we only can look up.
  3. I think Jesus knew the rich young rulers heart as he does ours and he knew exactly where our(his) weakness(inability to let go to serve God) lies and he asked Jesus the wrong question if he didn't really want to hear the answer. We all ask the same question and some take the answer and leave while some let go of their stronghold. I don't believe it is related to wealth only.
  4. The 2 parables are much the same-the Pearl of Great Price and the Hidden Treasure-both demonstrating Jesus is out in the open for all to see yet his wonders are hidden from non-believers, yet He took the Great Price for us.
  5. Jesus is teaching about his Assention and trying to tell them he is going away, but will leave them in good hands with the Comforter. Nicodemus had more of an idea, but no one could understand.
  6. I think we should be ready for the Saviour for no one knows the day or time nor should we quarrel. We should show our neighbors-enemies or friends-Christ's love but not preach to them but to show them by our love that we are His.
  7. To appear suddenly like lightening or in a flash means to have your lamps full of oil and be ready at less than a moments notice for the Son will be here quicker than you can draw your breath.
  8. The kindgom of God is present within us individually and within your midst. It is not a visable one, but present nonetheless.
  9. We don't gain anything with talking it out with Christ. We must follow him in every way with our senses mentally, physically, and spirituality continuously in every way.
  10. I can only speak for me but my thorns were from a background of abuse and even though much of my life I was in church learning more (wheat) I turned to any escape possible-drugs, alchol, and hatred. After the good soil had taken over recently there was a certain church who thought it was ok to scream at me and hurt me very deeply. I could have run for the hills but i chose to stay with God and find his rest and comfort. Many others have choices equal as painful and leave the church.
  11. Thorns like riches are dangerous for many believe that they are in charge of their lives not God.
  12. Without repentance God can't come in and work through us. Jesus can bring a repentant heart to faith for he did me.
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